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+++ title="Translate" description="Translate the plugin" weight=20 chapter=false +++

You can help us to translate this PeerTube plugin by creating or modifying translation files in the languages folder.

Please work on the develop branch, and do your commits and pull request on this branch.

If the language you are interesting in does not exist yet, create a file code.json in the languages folder, where code is the language code. The language code must be the same as the Peertube's langage code (see Peertube documentation). Then add the language file in the package.json file, under the key translations.

Translation strings are set in the language file as follow:

  • files are in JSON format
  • the JSON key is the english string (see existing keys in the french translation file).
  • the JSON value is the translating string
  • NB: there is no english translation file (this is how translation works for peertube's plugins)