This commit concerns the first subtask of this issue: It provide a brand new documentation website, that replace the previous markdown files. The website is auto-generated using CI/CD, and can be found here:
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
name: github pages
- main # Set a branch to deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true # Fetch Hugo themes (true OR recursive)
fetch-depth: 0 # Fetch all history for .GitInfo and .Lastmod
- name: Setup Hugo
uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
hugo-version: 'latest'
# extended: true
- name: Build
run: hugo --minify --baseURL='' -s support/documentation
- name: Deploy
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./support/documentation/public
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ node_modules
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
[submodule "vendor/converse.js"]
path = vendor/converse.js
url =
[submodule "documentation/themes/hugo-theme-learn"]
path = support/documentation/themes/hugo-theme-learn
url =
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
@ -1,133 +1,6 @@
# Code Of Conduct
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Please refer to one of these:
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement by mail at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.1, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by
[Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC].
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
[][FAQ]. Translations are available
at [][translations].
[Mozilla CoC]:
* [Plugin Livechat Documentation on Github](
* [The documentation source code](./support/documentation/content/contributing/codeofconduct/
@ -1,91 +1,6 @@
# Welcome to the contributing guide for the plugin peertube-plugin-livechat
# Contributing
Interested in contributing? Awesome!
Please refer to one of these:
## Code of conduct
Please read the [CODE_OF_CONDUCT](
## Translate
You can help us to translate this PeerTube plugin by creating or modifying translation files in the `languages` folder.
Please work on the `develop` branch, and do your commits and pull request on this branch.
If the language you are interesting in does not exist yet, create a file `code.json` in the `languages` folder, where `code` is the language code.
The language code must be the same as the Peertube's langage code (see [Peertube documentation](
Then add the language file in the [package.json](package.json) file, under the key `translations`.
Translation strings are set in the language file as follow:
- files are in [JSON format](
- the JSON key is the english string (see existing keys in the [french translation file](languages/fr.json)).
- the JSON value is the translating string
- NB: there is no english translation file (this is how translation works for peertube's plugins)
## Give your feedback
You don't need to know how to code to start contributing to this plugin! Other
contributions are very valuable too, among which: you can test the software and
report bugs, you can give feedback, features that you are
interested in, user interface, design, ...
## Develop
Always talk about features you want to develop by creating/finding and commenting the issue tackling your problem
before you start working on it, and inform the community that you begin coding by claiming the issue.
Please use the `develop` branch. The `main` branch is reserved to released versions of the plugin, so that the documentation is always synchronized with the released version of the plugin.
Prerequisite for building this plugin:
- you must have `npm` installed
- you must have python venv installed (`python3-venv` package on Debian for example)
To clone the repository:
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Checkout the develop branch
git checkout develop
# Initialize the submodules. This command must be run again if any submodules' version changes.
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Install NPM dependencies and build the module for the first time:
npm install
# Build the plugin after a modification:
npm run build
# If you have a fork from the repository, add it as remote (example):
git remote add me
# Create a local branch for you developments, and checkout it (example):
git checkout my_development # Note: if an issue is associated, use fix_1234 as your branch name (where 1234 is the issue's number)
# To propose your modifications, push your branch to your repository (example):
git push --set-upstream me my_development
# Then go to your github repository with your web browser to propose the Pull Request (see additional instructions below)
Once you are ready to show your code to ask for feedback, submit a *draft* Pull Request.
Once you are ready for a code review before merge, submit a Pull Request. In any case, please
link your PR to the issues it solves by using the GitHub syntax: "fixes #issue_number".
The front-end code is in the `client` folder, the back-end code in `server`. There are some shared code in `shared` folder.
For general instructions (developping plugins, building, installation, ...), please refer to the [Peertube documentation](
You can build the plugin with extra debug features simply by using:
NODE_ENV=dev npm run build
### ESBuild vs Typescript
This plugin uses ESBuild for frontend code generation, as the official `peertube-plugin-quickstart` plugin.
ESBuild can handle Typescript, but does not check types
(see [ESBuild documentation](
That's why we first comple typescript with the `-noEmit` option, just to check types (`check:client:ts` in package.json file).
Then, if everything is okay, we run ESBuild to generate the compiled javascript.
* [Plugin Livechat Documentation on Github](
* [The documentation source code](./support/documentation/content/contributing/)
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# PeerTube plugin livechat 🇩🇪
🇬🇧 English version / version anglaise [here](./
🇫🇷 French version / Version française [ici](./
🇯🇵 Japanese Version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./
Dieses [Peertube]( Plugin ist dafür gedacht, ein Chatsystem für Peertube-Videos bereitzustellen.


Siehe eine [demo](
**Bevor Sie auf eine Hauptversion aktualisieren, lesen Sie bitte die Versionshinweise und die Liste der wichtigsten Änderungen : [CHANGELOG](**.
## Dokumentation
* [Installationsanleitung](documentation/
* [Benutzeranleitung](documentation/
* [Administratoranleitung](documentation/
## Neue Funktionen / Fehler (Bugs)
Wenn Sie neue Funktionswünsche, Fehler (Bugs) oder Schwierigkeiten bei der Einrichtung des Plugins haben, können Sie den [Github issue tracker]( verwenden.
Hier ist eine Roadmap für kommende Funktionen: [ROADMAP](
Wenn Sie ein Webdesigner oder ein ConverseJS/Prosody/XMPP-Experte sind und helfen wollen, dieses Plugin zu verbessern, sind Sie gerne willkommen.
## Kontakt
Wenn Sie eine Frage haben oder über dieses Plugin sprechen möchten, können Sie diesem XMPP-Raum mit einem beliebigen Jabber-Client beitreten: [](
Wenn Sie das Projekt finanziell unterstützen möchten, können Sie mich per E-Mail unter git.[at] kontaktieren oder mein [Liberapay-Profil]( ansehen.
`Bitte schreiben Sie mich in den Sprachen Englisch oder Französisch an.`
## Beitragen
Bitte beachten Sie die Seite [](
## Impressum
[package.json](package.json), [COPYRIGHT]( and [LICENSE](LICENSE) files contain the license information for this software and its dependencies.
Thanks to David Revoy for his work on Peertube's mascot, [Sepia](
The character design is under CC-By licence, and the SVG files used to create some logo and avatars in this plugin are GPLv3.0.
Thanks to [Framasoft]( for making [Peertube]( possible, and for the financial support.
Thanks to [ritimo]( for the financial support.
Thanks to [Code Lutin]( and [Rétribution Copie Publique]( for the financial support.
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# PeerTube plugin livechat 🇫🇷
🇬🇧 English version / version anglaise [here](./
🇩🇪 German version / deutsche Version [hier](./
🇯🇵 Japanese Version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./
Ce plugin pour [Peertube]( permet d'intégrer un système de «chat» (clavardage) à coté des vidéos.

Voir une [démo](
**Avant de mettre à jour vers une nouvelle version majeure, merci de lire les notes de version, et la liste des éventuelless modifications non rétro-compatibles : [CHANGELOG](**
## Documentation
* [Documentation d'installation](documentation/
* [Documentation utilisateur⋅rice](documentation/
* [Documentation d'administration](documentation/
## Évolutions / suivi des bugs
Si vous avez des demandes de nouvelles fonctionnalités, des bugs, ou des difficultés à installer et utiliser le plugin, vous pouvez utiliser l'outils [Github issue tracker]( Si possible, merci d'y écrire en anglais ; mais le français sera accepté.
Pour la liste des fonctionnalités à venir, vous pouvez vous référer à la feuille de route (en anglais): [ROADMAP](
Si vous êtes webdesigner ou avez une expertise en ConverseJS/Prosody/XMPP et souhaitez participer à l'évolution de ce plugin, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.
## Me contacter
Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez parler de ce plugin, vous pouvez rejoindre ce salon XMPP avec n'importe quel client Jabber : [](
Si vous souhaitez supporter le projet financièrement, vous pouvez me contacter par mail à l'adresse git.[arobase], ou passer par mon [profil Liberapay](
## Contribuer
Merci de vous référer à la page [](
## Crédits
Les fichiers [package.json](package.json), [COPYRIGHT]( et [LICENSE](LICENSE) contiennent les informations sur la licence du présent logiciel (en anglais).
Merci à David Revoy pour son travail sur la mascotte de Peertube, [Sepia](
Le character design est en licence CC-By, et les fichiers SVG utilisés pour créer certains logos et avatars en GPLv3.0.
Merci à [Framasoft]( pour avoir rendu [Peertube]( possible, et pour le support financier.
Merci à [ritimo]( pour le support financier.
Merci à [Code Lutin]( et à la [Rétribution Copie Publique]( pour le support financier.
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# PeerTube ライブチャットプラグイン 🇯🇵
🇫🇷 French version / Version française [ici](
🇩🇪 German version / deutsche Version [hier](./
🇯🇵 Japanese Version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./


**メジャーリリースのアップデート実施前に、リリースノートをお読み頂き、変更をご確認ください : [変更履歴](**.
## ドキュメンテーション
* [インストールガイド](documentation/
* [ユーザー向けガイド](documentation/
* [管理者向けガイド](documentation/
## 新規機能のリクエスト / バグトラッキング
新しい機能のリクエスト、バグ、プラグインのセットアップ時に問題が発生した場合は、[Github issue tracker](から報告してください。
将来的に対応予定の機能に関するロードマップはこちら: [ロードマップ](
## お問い合わせ
もし、ご質問、このプラグインに関して話したいことがある場合、お好きなJabberクライアントを使って、こちらのXMPPルームに参加してください: [](
もし、プロジェクトを金銭面でご支援頂ける場合は、メールにて git.[at], までご連絡頂くか、私の[Liberapay profile](をご確認頂けますと幸いです。
## コントリビュート
こちらのページを参考にしてください [](
## クレジット
[package.json](package.json)、[COPYRIGHT]( と [LICENSE](LICENSE) ファイルには、このソフトウェアと使用しているライブラリなどのライセンス情報が含まれています。
Peertubeのマスコット[Sepia](を制作してくださったDavid Revoy氏に感謝致します。
経済的な支援を行って頂いている[Code Lutin]([Rétribution Copie Publique](に感謝致します。
@ -1,53 +1,13 @@
# PeerTube plugin livechat 🇬🇧
🇫🇷 French version / Version française [ici](
🇩🇪 German version / deutsche Version [hier](./
🇯🇵 Japanese version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./
# PeerTube plugin livechat
This [Peertube]( plugin is meant to provide chat system for Peertube videos.

To read the documentation, please refer to any of these:

See a [demo](
* 🇬🇧 [Plugin Livechat Documentation on Github](
* 🇫🇷 [French version / Version française](
* 🇩🇪 [German version / deutsche Version](
* 🇯🇵 [Japanese version / 日本語バージョン](
* [The documentation source code](./support/documentation/content/)
**Before updating to a major release, please read the release notes and breaking changes list : [CHANGELOG](**.
## Documentation
* [Installation guide](documentation/
* [User guide](documentation/
* [Administrator guide](documentation/
## New features requests / Bug tracking
If you have new feature requests, bugs, or difficulties to setup the plugin, you can use the [Github issue tracker](
Here is a roadmap for upcoming features: [ROADMAP](
If you are a webdesigner or a ConverseJS/Prosody/XMPP expert, and want to help improve this plugin, you are welcome.
## Contact me
If you have any question, or if you want to talk about this plugin, you can join this XMPP room with any Jabber client: [](
If you want to support the project financially, you can contact me by mail at git.[at], or check my [Liberapay profile](
## Contribute
Please refer to the page [](
## Credits
[package.json](package.json), [COPYRIGHT]( and [LICENSE](LICENSE) files contain the license information for this software and its dependencies.
Thanks to David Revoy for his work on Peertube's mascot, [Sepia](
The character design is under CC-By licence, and the SVG files used to create some logo and avatars in this plugin are GPLv3.0.
Thanks to [Framasoft]( for making [Peertube]( possible, and for the financial support.
Thanks to [ritimo]( for the financial support.
Thanks to [Code Lutin]( and [Rétribution Copie Publique]( for the financial support.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
set -euo pipefail
function getLangs() {
grep -P '\[Languages.\w+\]' support/documentation/config.toml | sed -E 's/^.*\.(\w+)\].*$/\1/' | grep -v en
function createMissingFile() {
echo " creating $wanted_file from $source_file"
# getting everything between +++ and +++:
sed -n '/\+\+\+/,/\+\+\+/p' "$source_file" > "$wanted_file"
# Adding the warning notice:
echo "
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}" >> "$wanted_file"
find support/documentation/content -name '*' | while read source_file; do
echo "File $source_file:"
getLangs | while read lang; do
wanted_file=$(echo "$source_file" | sed -E "s/\$/.$")
if test -f $wanted_file; then
echo " File $wanted_file OK"
createMissingFile "$source_file" "$wanted_file"
@ -1,161 +1,2 @@
# Plugin Peertube Livechat administration
## Settings
This section describes the plugin settings page.
### List existing rooms
When pressing the «List rooms» button, all existing chatrooms will be listed.
You can then find them and moderated them.
### Chat behaviour
#### Room type
You can choose here to have separate rooms for each video, or to group them by channel.
#### Automatically open the chat
If checked, the chat will be loaded as soon as you are on the video page.
#### Show the «open in new window» button
If your web chat tool can be opened in a full window, you can add a button to do so.
If you are using an external web chat tool (see the chat mode «Use an external web chat tool»), maybe it will not work in fullscreen (for example if it needs to access the parent window to get video informations). You can disable this button by unchecking this settings.
#### Show the «share chat link» button
This feature enables a «share chat link» modal. With this modal, you can generate URLs to join the chat.
The chat can be customized (readonly mode, use the current theme, ...).
You can for example generate a readonly URL and use it in OBS to integrate the chat in your live stream!
This settings allows you to choose who can access this modal.
#### Chats are only available for local videos
Peertube is a federated service. Plugins are only available on the server you are browsing.
So, if you are watching a remote video, only you will have the webchat, not users from remote instances.
Therefore, this options is checked by default and prevent displaying a webchat for remote videos.
#### Users can activate the chat for their lives
If checked, all live videos will have a checkbox in their properties for enabling the web chat.
The video owner will be able to activate web chats.
#### Activate chat for all lives
The chat will be available for all Peertube live videos on your instance.
#### Activate chat for all non-lives
The chat will be available for all Peertube video that are not live.
#### Activate chat for these videos
You can choose some UUIDs for which the chat will be available.
If you don't want te enable the feature for all videos, you can use this field to list videos UUIDs.
You can add comments: everything rights to the # character will be stripped off, as for empty lines.
#### Hide the chat for anonymous users
If checked, anonymous Peertube users won't see the chat.
Note: for now this feature simply hide the chat.
In a future release, the chat will be replaced by a message saying «please log in to [...]».
See [v5.7.0 Release Notes]( for more information.
### Theming
#### ConverseJS theme
You can choose which theme to use for ConverseJS:
- Peertube theme: this is a special theme, made especially for peertube's integration.
- Default ConverseJS theme: this is the default ConverseJS theme.
- ConverseJS concord theme: this is a theme provided by ConverseJS.
#### Automatic color detection
Try to auto detect colors from user's current theme.
When this settings is enabled, the plugin tries to auto-detect colors to apply to the chat theme.
If this is not correctly working for some of your Peertube theme, you can disable this option.
#### Webchat iframe style attribute
You can add some custom styles that will be added to the iframe.
For example a custom width:
### Chat server advanced settings
#### Use system Prosody
The plugin comes with an AppImage that is used to run the [Prosody XMPP server](
If this AppImage is not working, you can fallback to the Prosody that is packaged for your server. Just install the `prosody` package.
This settings should only be used if the plugin is broken, and waiting for a patch.
#### Disable Websocket
With Peertube >= 5.0.0, this plugin try to use Websocket connection for chatting.
If the user's browser or connection is not compatible, the browser will automatically fallback on the BOSH protocol.
But in rare case, this can fail. For example if you have a reverse proxy in front of Peertube that does not
allow Websocket connection for plugins.
In this case, you can check this settings to disable Websocket connections.
#### Prosody port
This is the port that the Prosody server will use. By default it is set to 52800. If you want to use another port, just change the value here.
#### Peertube URL for API calls
In some rare cases, Prosody can't call Peertube's API from its public URI.
If you have such issues (see the diagnostic tool result), you can try to set the value
of this settings to `http://localhost:9000` or ``
(supposing your Peertube is listening on port `9000`. Check that in your Peertube `config/production.yaml` file).
#### Log rooms content by default
If checked, room content will be archived on the server by default.
This means that users who join the chan will see messages sent before they have joined.
Please note that it is always possible to enable/disable the content logging for a specific room,
by editing its properties.
#### Room logs expiration
You can set here the expiration delay for room logs.
See the online help for accepted values.
#### Enable client to server connections
This setting enable XMPP clients to connect to the builtin Prosody server.
For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost clients**.
As example, this option can allow an instance of Matterbridge (once it could use anonymous login) *on the same machine* to bridge your chat with another services like a Matrix room.
##### Prosody client to server port
The port that will be used by the c2s module of the builtin Prosody server.
XMPP clients shall use this port to connect.
Change it if this port is already in use on your server.
#### Enable external XMPP components
This settings enable XMPP external components to connect to the server.
For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost components**.
This feature could be used to connect bridges or bots.
More informations on Prosody external components [here](
## Advanced usages
### Using Matterbridge
Here is a tutorial to use Matterbridge with the plugin: <>
**This page as moved here:
[Plugin Livechat Documentation](**
@ -1,81 +1,2 @@
# Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat Installationsanleitung 🇩🇪
🇫🇷 French version / Version française [ici](./
🇬🇧 English version / version anglaise [here](./
🇯🇵 Japanese version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./
**Bevor Sie auf eine Hauptversion aktualisieren, lesen Sie bitte die Versionshinweise und die Liste der wichtigsten Änderungen : [CHANGELOG](**.
To install or update the plugin, just use the Peertube web admin interface.
Since version v6.0.0, this plugin does not need any Prosody installation.
If you were using this plugin before this version, and if you had installed Prosody manually, you can safely uninstall Prosody.
If you were using the custom Peertube docker image that is embedding Prosody, you can switch back to the official Peertube image.
## Known issues: CPU compatibility
The Prosody AppImage included in the plugin will only work on x86_64 CPU.
It is not compatible with arm64 and other CPU architectures.
For now, I did not manage to make it work for other CPU architectures.
If you want te be notified when it will be possible, you can subscribe and comment this
To use the plugin, you will have to manually install Prosody on your server
(see below).
Once it is done, you have to check `Use system Prosody` in the plugin settings.
### On non-docker Peertube installation
For standard installation, you just have to install the official `prosody` package
for your linux distribution.
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install prosody
You can then disable the service that starts automatically when you install
Prosody (the plugin will launch a Prosody process, there is no need for the
service to run).
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu (and other Systemd based linux distributions):
sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody
Warning: do not disable Prosody if it is used for another service on your server,
like for example Jitsi.
### Docker
You will have to generate a Peertube image that includes Prosody in the same
container that Peertube.
I know this is not the standard way to do this with Docker, but keep in mind it
is a temporary workaround.
To generate and use such an image, please refer to the Docker documentation.
The Docker file to generate the image should be:
FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye
RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
### Yunohost
You have to disable `metronome` (the XMPP server provided by Yunohost), and
install `prosody`.
This is already done by the Yunohost Peertube application, as it was required for the
plugin before the v6.0.0.
But it may be removed in a near feature (to avoid drawbacks of this method).
I have to discuss with Yunohost team, to decide how we can do to minimize drawbacks,
and maximize compatibility.
**This page as moved here:
[Plugin Livechat Documentation](**
@ -1,83 +1,2 @@
# Installation du plugin peertube-plugin-livechat 🇫🇷
🇬🇧 English version / version anglaise [here](./
🇩🇪 German version / deutsche Version [hier](./
🇯🇵 Japanese version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./
**Avant de mettre à jour vers une nouvelle version majeure, merci de lire les notes de version, et la liste des éventuelles modifications non rétro-compatibles : [CHANGELOG](../**
Pour installer ou mettre à jour ce plugin, utilisez simplement l'interface web d'administration de votre Peertube.
Depuis la version v6.0.0, ce plugin ne nécessite plus l'installation de Prosody.
Si vous utilisiez ce plugin avant, et que vous aviez installé Prosody manuellement, vous pouvez le désinstaller en tout sécurité.
Si vous utilisiez l'image docker spéciale de Peertube (qui incluais Prosody), vous pouvez basculer sur l'image officielle de Peertube.
## Problème connu: compatibilité CPU
L'AppImage Prosody inclue dans le plugin ne fonctionne que sur des CPU x86_64.
Elle n'est pas compatible avec d'autres architectures CPU telles que arm64.
Pour l'instant, je n'ai pas réussi à le faire fonctionner sur d'autres architectures.
Pour être notifié des évolutions sur le sujet, vous pouvez vous abonner et commenter
[ce ticket](
Pour utiliser le plugin, vous allez devoir installer manuellement Prosody sur
votre serveur (voir plus bas).
Une fois cela fait, vous aurez à cocher le paramètre `Use system Prosody` du plugin.
### Installation autres que Docker
Pour les installations standard, vous avez juste à installer le paquet `prosody` officiellement
disponible pour votre distribution linux.
Par exemple, sur Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install prosody
Vous pouvez alors désactiver le service qui démarre automatiquement quand vous
installé le paquet (le plugin va lancer son propre processus Prosody, et n'a pas
besoin que le service tourne sur le serveur).
Par exemple, sur Debian/Ubuntu (et les autres distributions se basant sur Systemd):
sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody
Attention: ne désactivez pas Prosody s'il est utilisé par un autre service sur
votre serveur, par exemple pour Jitsi.
### Docker
Vous allez devoir générer une image de Peertube qui inclu Prosody dans le même
conteneur que Peertube.
Je sais que ce n'est pas la façon de faire standard avec Docker, mais gardez
en tête que ceci est une solution de contournement temporaire.
Pour générer cette image, merci de vous référer à la documentation de Docker.
Le fichier Docker pour générer l'image devrait être:
FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye
RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
### Yunohost
Vous avez à désactiver `metronome` (le serveur XMPP utilisé par Yunohost),
et installer`prosody`.
Ceci est déjà fait par l'application Yunohost Peertube, étant donné que c'était
un pré-requis pour les version du plugin antérieures à la v6.0.0.
Mais il se pourrait que ce soit retiré de l'application Yunohost Peertube dans un
futur proche (pour éviter les inconvénients de cette méthode).
Je dois discuter avec l'équipe Yunohost, pour décider de la bonne façon de faire
pour minimiser les inconvénients et maximiser la compatibilité.
**Cette page a été déplacée ici :
[Plugin Livechat Documentation](**
@ -1,82 +1,2 @@
# Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat installation guide 🇬🇧
🇬🇧 English version / version anglaise [here](./
🇫🇷 French version / Version française [ici](./
🇩🇪 German version / deutsche Version [hier](./
🇯🇵 Japanese version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./
**メジャーリリースのアップデート実施前に、リリースノートをお読み頂き、変更をご確認ください : [変更履歴](../**.
## 重要事項
Prosodyが内蔵されたカスタムDockerイメージをご利用の場合は、公式のPeerTube Dockerイメージに切り替えることができるようになりました。
## Known issues: CPU compatibility
The Prosody AppImage included in the plugin will only work on x86_64 CPU.
It is not compatible with arm64 and other CPU architectures.
For now, I did not manage to make it work for other CPU architectures.
If you want te be notified when it will be possible, you can subscribe and comment this
To use the plugin, you will have to manually install Prosody on your server
(see below).
Once it is done, you have to check `Use system Prosody` in the plugin settings.
### On non-docker Peertube installation
For standard installation, you just have to install the official `prosody` package
for your linux distribution.
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install prosody
You can then disable the service that starts automatically when you install
Prosody (the plugin will launch a Prosody process, there is no need for the
service to run).
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu (and other Systemd based linux distributions):
sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody
Warning: do not disable Prosody if it is used for another service on your server,
like for example Jitsi.
### Docker
You will have to generate a Peertube image that includes Prosody in the same
container that Peertube.
I know this is not the standard way to do this with Docker, but keep in mind it
is a temporary workaround.
To generate and use such an image, please refer to the Docker documentation.
The Docker file to generate the image should be:
FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye
RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
### Yunohost
You have to disable `metronome` (the XMPP server provided by Yunohost), and
install `prosody`.
This is already done by the Yunohost Peertube application, as it was required for the
plugin before the v6.0.0.
But it may be removed in a near feature (to avoid drawbacks of this method).
I have to discuss with Yunohost team, to decide how we can do to minimize drawbacks,
and maximize compatibility.
**This page as moved here:
[Plugin Livechat Documentation](**
@ -1,81 +1,2 @@
# Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat installation guide 🇬🇧
🇫🇷 French version / Version française [ici](./
🇩🇪 German version / deutsche Version [hier](./
🇯🇵 Japanese version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./
**Before updating to a major release, please read the release notes and breaking changes list : [CHANGELOG](../**.
To install or update the plugin, just use the Peertube web admin interface.
Since version v6.0.0, this plugin does not need any Prosody installation.
If you were using this plugin before this version, and if you had installed Prosody manually, you can safely uninstall Prosody.
If you were using the custom Peertube docker image that is embedding Prosody, you can switch back to the official Peertube image.
## Known issues: CPU compatibility
The Prosody AppImage included in the plugin will only work on x86_64 CPU.
It is not compatible with arm64 and other CPU architectures.
For now, I did not manage to make it work for other CPU architectures.
If you want te be notified when it will be possible, you can subscribe and comment this
To use the plugin, you will have to manually install Prosody on your server
(see below).
Once it is done, you have to check `Use system Prosody` in the plugin settings.
### On non-docker Peertube installation
For standard installation, you just have to install the official `prosody` package
for your linux distribution.
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install prosody
You can then disable the service that starts automatically when you install
Prosody (the plugin will launch a Prosody process, there is no need for the
service to run).
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu (and other Systemd based linux distributions):
sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody
Warning: do not disable Prosody if it is used for another service on your server,
like for example Jitsi.
### Docker
You will have to generate a Peertube image that includes Prosody in the same
container that Peertube.
I know this is not the standard way to do this with Docker, but keep in mind it
is a temporary workaround.
To generate and use such an image, please refer to the Docker documentation.
The Docker file to generate the image should be:
FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye
RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
### Yunohost
You have to disable `metronome` (the XMPP server provided by Yunohost), and
install `prosody`.
This is already done by the Yunohost Peertube application, as it was required for the
plugin before the v6.0.0.
But it may be removed in a near feature (to avoid drawbacks of this method).
I have to discuss with Yunohost team, to decide how we can do to minimize drawbacks,
and maximize compatibility.
**This page as moved here:
[Plugin Livechat Documentation](**
@ -1,46 +1,2 @@
# User documentation
## Moderation
You can access room settings and moderation tools by opening the chat in a new window,
and using the dropdown menu at the top right.
You can list all existing chatrooms: in the plugin settings screen, there is a button «List rooms».
You can delete old rooms: join the room, and use the menu on the top to destroy the room.
### Notes
All instance moderators and admins will be owner of created chat rooms.
If the video is local (not from a remote Peertube), the video owner will be admin in the chat room.
You can use [ConverseJS moderation commands]( to moderate the room.
When you open the chat room in full screen, there will also be a menu with dedicated commands on the top right.
## OBS Overlay
If you are using OBS for streaming, you can easily include the chat in your stream.
You can use the «share chat link» feature to generate an URL to your chat.
The button should be near the chat if you are the video owner (unless it was desactivated by your server admins).
Check the «readonly» checkbox in the modal.
Then use this link as a «web browser source» in OBS.
You can use the «Transparent background» to have a transparent background in OBS.
If you want to customize the background transparency, you can add this CSS in your OBS browser source's settings:
:root {
--livechat-transparent: rgba(255 255 255 / 90%) !important;
Note: you can customize colors. This is undocumented yet, but you can try this:
in the modal, check «use curent theme colors», then you can try to manually change color values in the URL.
You must use valid CSS color values, and they must be properly URL encoded.
### Mixing multiple chats in your live stream
You can use the [social_stream browser extension]( to mix multiple chat source (from Peertube, Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, ...) and include their contents in your live stream.
The compatibility with this plugin was added in recent versions.
**This page as moved here:
[Plugin Livechat Documentation](**
@ -98,7 +98,8 @@
"lint": "npm-run-all -s lint:script lint:styles",
"lint:script": "npx eslint --ext .js --ext .ts .",
"lint:styles": "stylelint 'conversejs/**/*.scss' 'assets/**/*.css'",
"show:npmfiles": "npx npm-packlist"
"show:npmfiles": "npx npm-packlist",
"doc:generatemissingtranslations": "bash"
"staticDirs": {
"static": "dist/client/static",
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title = "Peertube Plugin Livechat Dokumentation"
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landingPageName = "<i class='fas fa-home'></i> Home"
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title = "PeerTube ライブチャットプラグイン"
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# PeerTube plugin livechat
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Bevor Sie auf eine Hauptversion aktualisieren, lesen Sie bitte die Versionshinweise und die Liste der wichtigsten Änderungen : [CHANGELOG](
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# PeerTube plugin livechat
{{% notice tip %}}
You can use the language selector in the left menu to view this documentation in different languages.
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{{% notice info %}}
Before updating to a major release, please read the release notes and breaking changes list : [CHANGELOG](
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# PeerTube plugin livechat
{{% notice info %}}
Avant de mettre à jour le plugin vers une nouvelle version majeure, merci de lire les notes de version, et la liste des éventuelless modifications non rétro-compatibles : [CHANGELOG](
{{% /notice %}}
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# PeerTube ライブチャットプラグイン
{{% notice info %}}
メジャーリリースのアップデート実施前に、リリースノートをお読み頂き、変更をご確認ください : [変更履歴](
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Wenn Sie eine Frage haben oder über dieses Plugin sprechen möchten, können Sie diesem XMPP-Raum mit einem beliebigen Jabber-Client beitreten: [](
Wenn Sie das Projekt finanziell unterstützen möchten, können Sie mich per E-Mail unter git.[at] kontaktieren oder mein [Liberapay-Profil]( ansehen.
`Bitte schreiben Sie mich in den Sprachen Englisch oder Französisch an.`
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Contact me"
description="Contact the author"
If you have any question, or if you want to talk about this plugin, you can join this XMPP room with any Jabber client: [](
If you want to support the project financially, you can contact me by mail at git.[at], or check my [Liberapay profile](
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Me contacter"
description="Contacter l'auteur"
Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez parler de ce plugin, vous pouvez rejoindre ce salon XMPP avec n'importe quel client Jabber : [](
Si vous souhaitez supporter le projet financièrement, vous pouvez me contacter par mail à l'adresse git.[arobase], ou passer par mon [profil Liberapay](
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
もし、ご質問、このプラグインに関して話したいことがある場合、お好きなJabberクライアントを使って、こちらのXMPPルームに参加してください: [](
もし、プロジェクトを金銭面でご支援頂ける場合は、メールにて git.[at], までご連絡頂くか、私の[Liberapay profile](をご確認頂けますと幸いです。
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Interested in contributing? Awesome!
{{% children style="li" depth="3" description="true" %}}
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Interested in contributing? Awesome!
{{% children style="li" depth="3" description="true" %}}
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Intéressé⋅e pour contribuer ? Super !
{{% children style="li" depth="3" description="true" %}}
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Interested in contributing? Awesome!
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title="Code of Conduct"
description="Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
title="Code of Conduct"
description="Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct"
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement by mail at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.1, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by
[Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC].
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
[][FAQ]. Translations are available
at [][translations].
[Mozilla CoC]:
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# Code de conduite _Contributor Covenant_
title="Code de conduite"
description="Convention de Code de conduite Contributeur⋅rices"
## Notre engagement
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Code of Conduct"
description="Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct"
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This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
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This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
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Always talk about features you want to develop by creating/finding and commenting the issue tackling your problem
before you start working on it, and inform the community that you begin coding by claiming the issue.
Please use the `develop` branch. The `main` branch is reserved to released versions of the plugin, so that the documentation is always synchronized with the released version of the plugin.
Prerequisite for building this plugin:
- you must have `npm` installed
- you must have python venv installed (`python3-venv` package on Debian for example)
To clone the repository:
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Checkout the develop branch
git checkout develop
# Initialize the submodules. This command must be run again if any submodules' version changes.
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Install NPM dependencies and build the module for the first time:
npm install
# Build the plugin after a modification:
npm run build
# If you have a fork from the repository, add it as remote (example):
git remote add me
# Create a local branch for you developments, and checkout it (example):
git checkout my_development # Note: if an issue is associated, use fix_1234 as your branch name (where 1234 is the issue's number)
# To propose your modifications, push your branch to your repository (example):
git push --set-upstream me my_development
# Then go to your github repository with your web browser to propose the Pull Request (see additional instructions below)
Once you are ready to show your code to ask for feedback, submit a *draft* Pull Request.
Once you are ready for a code review before merge, submit a Pull Request. In any case, please
link your PR to the issues it solves by using the GitHub syntax: "fixes #issue_number".
The front-end code is in the `client` folder, the back-end code in `server`. There are some shared code in `shared` folder.
For general instructions (developping plugins, building, installation, ...), please refer to the [Peertube documentation](
You can build the plugin with extra debug features simply by using:
NODE_ENV=dev npm run build
## ESBuild vs Typescript
This plugin uses ESBuild for frontend code generation, as the official `peertube-plugin-quickstart` plugin.
ESBuild can handle Typescript, but does not check types
(see [ESBuild documentation](
That's why we first compile Typescript with the `-noEmit` option, just to check types (`check:client:ts` in package.json file).
Then, if everything is okay, we run ESBuild to generate the compiled javascript.
@ -1,34 +1,9 @@
# Bienvenu sur le guide de contribution pour le plugin peertube-plugin-livechat
Intéressé⋅e pour contribuer ? Super !
## Code de conduite
Merci de lire le [code de conduite]( (ou la version [anglaise](
## Traduction
Vous pouvez nous aider à traduire ce plugin Peertube en créant ou modifiant des fichiers de traduction dans le dossier `languages`.
Merci de travailler sur la branche `develop`, et de faire vos _pull request_ sur cette branche.
Si la langue dans laquelle vous souhaitez traduire n'existe pas encore, créez un fichier `code.json` dans le dossier `languages`, où `code` est le code langue.
Le code langue doit être dans le même format que les codes langues de Peertube (voir la [documentation Peertube](
Ensuite, ajoutez le fichier de langue dans le fichier [package.json](package.json), sous la clé `translations`.
Les traductions sont sous la forme suivante dans le fichier de langue :
- les fichiers sont au [format JSON](
- les clés JSON sont le texte en anglais (voir les clés existantes dans [le fichier de traduction français](languages/fr.json), qui fait référence)
- la valeur JSON est la traduction
- NB: il n'y a pas de fichier de traduction pour l'anglais (c'est la façon de fonctionner de Peertube)
## Donnez vos retours
Vous n'avez pas besoin de coder pour commencer à contribuer à ce plugin !
Les autres formes de contributions sont également précieuses, parmis lesquelles : vous pouvez tester le plugin et remonter les bugs que vous rencontrez, partager vos retours d'expérience, proposer des fonctionnalités qui vous intéressent, remonter vos remarques sur l'interface, le design, etc.
## Développer et proposer des modifications de code
description="Développer et proposer des modifications de code"
Toujours annoncer les fonctionnalités sur lesquelles vous voulez travailler en créant un ticket ou en commentant un ticket existant, avant de commencer à travailler dessus. Et annoncez clairement à la communauté que vous commencez à travailler dessus. Ceci afin d'éviter que plusieurs personnes travaillent sur la même chose et entrent en conflit.
@ -77,3 +52,11 @@ Vous pouvez *builder* le plugin avec des infos de debug supplémentaires en util
NODE_ENV=dev npm run build
## ESBuild vs Typescript
Ce plugin utilise ESBuild pour compiler le code front-end, comme le plugin `peertube-plugin-quickstart` officiel.
ESBuild peut gérer Typescript, mais ne vérifie pas les types
(voir [la documentation ESBuild](
C'est pourquoi on compile d'abord Typescript avec l'option `-noEmit`, juste pour vérifier les types (`check:client:ts` dans le fichier package.json).
Ensuite, si tout est ok, on lance ESBuild pour générer le javascript compilé.
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This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Documenter the plugin, or translate the documentation."
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
description="Documenter the plugin, or translate the documentation."
## General informatiosn
Always inform the community before working (by creating a new issue, or commenting an existing one). This is to avoid that two persons are
working on the same thing, and prevent conflicts.
Please use the `develop` branch. The `main` branch is reserved to released versions of the plugin, so that the documentation is always synchronized with the released version of the plugin.
The documentation source code is in the `support/documentation/content` folder.
The documentation is generated using [Hugo](
You have to install it on your computer if you want to preview your work.
The used theme is [hugo-theme-learn](
You should read its documentation before starting editing the documentation.
## Translations
The principal language is english (`en` code).
The different translations of the same file are side by side in the
tree, and are identified by a language code in the file name extension.
Example: `` is the French translation of ``.
Please note that a missing translation file will not appear in the menus of the generated site.
**Always make sure to create files for all languages**, even if the translation is not yet available.
For this, there is a script `` in the root of the repository. When you add a new file, you just have to create the english version, then run this script. It will create all missing translations, putting a sample message inviting the user to read the english version.
## Preview
To preview your modifications, just run:
hugo serve -s support/documentation/
Then open your browser on the address
This page will automatically refresh on each modification.
## Publication
Publishing the documentation is automatic, as soon as the changes are merged into the `main' branch.
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
description="Documenter le plugin, ou traduire la documentation."
## Généralités
Toujours vous annoncer avant de commencer à travailler (en créant un ticket ou
en commentant un ticket existant). Ceci afin d'éviter que plusieurs personnes
travaillent sur la même chose et entrent en conflit.
Merci d'utiliser la branche `develop`.
La branche `main` est réservée aux versions publiées, pour que la documentation
affichée reste synchronisée avec la version publiée du plugin.
Le code source de la documentation se trouve dans le dossier
`support/documentation/content` du dépot de code.
La documentation est générée via l'outils [Hugo](
Celui-ci doit être installé sur votre machine pour pouvoir prévisualiser la
Le thème utilisé est [hugo-theme-learn](
Il est recommandé d'en lire la documentation avant de commencer.
## Traductions
La langue principale est l'anglais (code `en`).
Les différentes traductions d'un même fichier sont côte-à-côte dans
l'arborescence, et sont identifiées par un code langue dans l'extension du
nom de fichier. Exemple: `` est la tranduction française de
Attention, un fichier de traduction manquant n'apparaitra pas dans les menus
du site générés.
**On veillera donc toujours à créer les fichiers pour toutes les langues**, même
si la traduction n'est pas encore disponible.
Pour cela, il y a un script `` à la racine
du dépot. Quand on ajoute un nouveau fichier, il suffit de créer la version
anglaise, puis de lancer ce script. Il va créer toutes les traductions
manquantes, on y mettant un message type invitant l'utilisateur⋅rice à lire la
version anglaise.
## Prévisualiser
Pour prévisualiser vos modification, il suffit de lancer:
hugo serve -s support/documentation/
Puis d'ouvrir votre navigateur à l'adresse
Cette page se raffraichira automatiquement à chaque modification.
## Publication
La publication de la documentation est automatique, dès que les modifications
sont fusionnées dans la branche `main`.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Documenter the plugin, or translate the documentation."
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Give your feedback"
description="Give your feedback"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title="Give your feedback"
description="Give your feedback"
You don't need to know how to code to start contributing to this plugin! Other
contributions are very valuable too, among which: you can test the software and
report bugs, you can give feedback, features that you are
interested in, user interface, design, ...
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title="Donnez vos retours"
description="Donnez vos retours"
Vous n'avez pas besoin de coder pour commencer à contribuer à ce plugin !
Les autres formes de contributions sont également précieuses, parmis lesquelles : vous pouvez tester le plugin et remonter les bugs que vous rencontrez, partager vos retours d'expérience, proposer des fonctionnalités qui vous intéressent, remonter vos remarques sur l'interface, le design, etc.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Give your feedback"
description="Give your feedback"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Translate the plugin"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
description="Translate the plugin"
You can help us to translate this PeerTube plugin by creating or modifying translation files in the `languages` folder.
Please work on the `develop` branch, and do your commits and pull request on this branch.
If the language you are interesting in does not exist yet, create a file `code.json` in the `languages` folder, where `code` is the language code.
The language code must be the same as the Peertube's langage code (see [Peertube documentation](
Then add the language file in the `package.json` file, under the key `translations`.
Translation strings are set in the language file as follow:
- files are in [JSON format](
- the JSON key is the english string (see existing keys in the [french translation file](languages/fr.json)).
- the JSON value is the translating string
- NB: there is no english translation file (this is how translation works for peertube's plugins)
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
description="Traduire le plugin"
Vous pouvez nous aider à traduire ce plugin Peertube en créant ou modifiant des fichiers de traduction dans le dossier `languages`.
Merci de travailler sur la branche `develop`, et de faire vos _pull request_ sur cette branche.
Si la langue dans laquelle vous souhaitez traduire n'existe pas encore, créez un fichier `code.json` dans le dossier `languages`, où `code` est le code langue.
Le code langue doit être dans le même format que les codes langues de Peertube (voir la [documentation Peertube](
Ensuite, ajoutez le fichier de langue dans le fichier `package.json`, sous la clé `translations`.
Les traductions sont sous la forme suivante dans le fichier de langue :
- les fichiers sont au [format JSON](
- les clés JSON sont le texte en anglais (voir les clés existantes dans [le fichier de traduction français](languages/fr.json), qui fait référence)
- la valeur JSON est la traduction
- NB: il n'y a pas de fichier de traduction pour l'anglais (c'est la façon de fonctionner de Peertube)
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Translate the plugin"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Plugin Credits"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
description="Plugin Credits"
and [LICENSE](
files contain the license information for this software and its dependencies.
Thanks to David Revoy for his work on Peertube's mascot, [Sepia](
The character design is under CC-By licence, and the SVG files used to create some logo and avatars in this plugin are GPLv3.0.
Thanks to [Framasoft]( for making [Peertube]( possible, and for the financial support.
Thanks to [ritimo]( for the financial support.
Thanks to [Code Lutin]( and [Rétribution Copie Publique]( for the financial support.
Thanks to [NlNet]( and the [NGI0 Entrust fund]( for the financial support.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
description="Crédits pour le plugin"
Les fichiers
contiennent les informations sur la licence du présent logiciel (en anglais).
Merci à David Revoy pour son travail sur la mascotte de Peertube, [Sepia](
Le character design est en licence CC-By, et les fichiers SVG utilisés pour créer certains logos et avatars en GPLv3.0.
Merci à [Framasoft]( pour avoir rendu [Peertube]( possible, et pour le support financier.
Merci à [ritimo]( pour le support financier.
Merci à [Code Lutin]( et à la [Rétribution Copie Publique]( pour le support financier.
Merci à [NlNet]( et au [fond NGI0 Entrust]( pour le support financier.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Peertubeのマスコット[Sepia](を制作してくださったDavid Revoy氏に感謝致します。
経済的な支援を行って頂いている[Code Lutin]([Rétribution Copie Publique](に感謝致します。
経済的な支援を行って頂いている[NlNet]([NGI0 Entrust fund](に感謝致します。
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
description="Plugin Dokumentation"
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
description="Plugin documentation"
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
description="Documentation du plugin"
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title="Admin documentation"
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat administration"
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title="Admin documentation"
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat administration"
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title="Admin documentation"
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat administration"
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title="Admin documentation"
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat administration"
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Advanced usage"
description="Some advanced features"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title="Advanced usage"
description="Some advanced features"
{{% children depth="3" style="li" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Advanced usage"
description="Some advanced features"
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This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Advanced usage"
description="Some advanced features"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Using Matterbridge"
description="Using Matterbridge to bridge with other chats"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title="Using Matterbridge"
description="Using Matterbridge to bridge with other chats"
Here is a tutorial to use Matterbridge with the plugin: <>
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Using Matterbridge"
description="Using Matterbridge to bridge with other chats"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Using Matterbridge"
description="Using Matterbridge to bridge with other chats"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat settings"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat settings"
This section describes the plugin settings page.
## List existing rooms
When pressing the «List rooms» button, all existing chatrooms will be listed.
You can then find them and moderated them.
## Chat behaviour
### Room type
You can choose here to have separate rooms for each video, or to group them by channel.
### Automatically open the chat
If checked, the chat will be loaded as soon as you are on the video page.
### Show the «open in new window» button
If your web chat tool can be opened in a full window, you can add a button to do so.
If you are using an external web chat tool (see the chat mode «Use an external web chat tool»), maybe it will not work in fullscreen (for example if it needs to access the parent window to get video informations). You can disable this button by unchecking this settings.
### Show the «share chat link» button
This feature enables a «share chat link» modal. With this modal, you can generate URLs to join the chat.
The chat can be customized (readonly mode, use the current theme, ...).
You can for example generate a readonly URL and use it in OBS to integrate the chat in your live stream!
This settings allows you to choose who can access this modal.
### Chats are only available for local videos
Peertube is a federated service. Plugins are only available on the server you are browsing.
So, if you are watching a remote video, only you will have the webchat, not users from remote instances.
Therefore, this options is checked by default and prevent displaying a webchat for remote videos.
### Users can activate the chat for their lives
If checked, all live videos will have a checkbox in their properties for enabling the web chat.
The video owner will be able to activate web chats.
### Activate chat for all lives
The chat will be available for all Peertube live videos on your instance.
### Activate chat for all non-lives
The chat will be available for all Peertube video that are not live.
### Activate chat for these videos
You can choose some UUIDs for which the chat will be available.
If you don't want te enable the feature for all videos, you can use this field to list videos UUIDs.
You can add comments: everything rights to the # character will be stripped off, as for empty lines.
### Hide the chat for anonymous users
If checked, anonymous Peertube users won't see the chat.
Note: for now this feature simply hide the chat.
In a future release, the chat will be replaced by a message saying «please log in to [...]».
See [v5.7.0 Release Notes]( for more information.
## Theming
### ConverseJS theme
You can choose which theme to use for ConverseJS:
- Peertube theme: this is a special theme, made especially for peertube's integration.
- Default ConverseJS theme: this is the default ConverseJS theme.
- ConverseJS concord theme: this is a theme provided by ConverseJS.
### Automatic color detection
Try to auto detect colors from user's current theme.
When this settings is enabled, the plugin tries to auto-detect colors to apply to the chat theme.
If this is not correctly working for some of your Peertube theme, you can disable this option.
### Webchat iframe style attribute
You can add some custom styles that will be added to the iframe.
For example a custom width:
## Chat server advanced settings
### Use system Prosody
The plugin comes with an AppImage that is used to run the [Prosody XMPP server](
If this AppImage is not working, you can fallback to the Prosody that is packaged for your server. Just install the `prosody` package.
This settings should only be used if the plugin is broken, and waiting for a patch.
### Disable Websocket
With Peertube >= 5.0.0, this plugin try to use Websocket connection for chatting.
If the user's browser or connection is not compatible, the browser will automatically fallback on the BOSH protocol.
But in rare case, this can fail. For example if you have a reverse proxy in front of Peertube that does not
allow Websocket connection for plugins.
In this case, you can check this settings to disable Websocket connections.
### Prosody port
This is the port that the Prosody server will use. By default it is set to 52800. If you want to use another port, just change the value here.
### Peertube URL for API calls
In some rare cases, Prosody can't call Peertube's API from its public URI.
If you have such issues (see the diagnostic tool result), you can try to set the value
of this settings to `http://localhost:9000` or ``
(supposing your Peertube is listening on port `9000`. Check that in your Peertube `config/production.yaml` file).
### Log rooms content by default
If checked, room content will be archived on the server by default.
This means that users who join the chan will see messages sent before they have joined.
Please note that it is always possible to enable/disable the content logging for a specific room,
by editing its properties.
### Room logs expiration
You can set here the expiration delay for room logs.
See the online help for accepted values.
### Enable client to server connections
This setting enable XMPP clients to connect to the builtin Prosody server.
For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost clients**.
As example, this option can allow an instance of Matterbridge (once it could use anonymous login) *on the same machine* to bridge your chat with another services like a Matrix room.
#### Prosody client to server port
The port that will be used by the c2s module of the builtin Prosody server.
XMPP clients shall use this port to connect.
Change it if this port is already in use on your server.
### Enable external XMPP components
This settings enable XMPP external components to connect to the server.
For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost components**.
This feature could be used to connect bridges or bots.
More informations on Prosody external components [here](
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat settings"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description="Plugin Peertube Livechat settings"
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat Installationsanleitung"
{{% notice info %}}
Bevor Sie auf eine Hauptversion aktualisieren, lesen Sie bitte die Versionshinweise und die Liste der wichtigsten Änderungen : [CHANGELOG](
{{% /notice %}}
{{% notice tip %}}
To install or update the plugin, **just use the Peertube web admin interface**.
{{% /notice %}}
Here are some other more specific instructions:
{{% children style="li" depth="3" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
title="Installation guide"
description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat installation guide"
{{% notice info %}}
Before updating to a major release, please read the release notes and breaking changes list : [CHANGELOG](
{{% /notice %}}
{{% notice tip %}}
To install or update the plugin, **just use the Peertube web admin interface**.
{{% /notice %}}
Here are some other more specific instructions:
{{% children style="li" depth="3" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
title="Documentation d'installation"
description="Installation du plugin peertube-plugin-livechat"
{{% notice info %}}
Avant de mettre à jour le plugin vers une nouvelle version majeure, merci de lire les notes de version, et la liste des éventuelless modifications non rétro-compatibles : [CHANGELOG](
{{% /notice %}}
{{% notice tip %}}
Pour installer ou mettre à jour ce plugin, **utilisez simplement l'interface web d'administration de votre Peertube**.
{{% /notice %}}
Vous trouverez ci-dessous d'autres instructions :
{{% children style="li" depth="3" description="true" %}}
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
title="Installation guide"
description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat installation guide"
{{% notice info %}}
メジャーリリースのアップデート実施前に、リリースノートをお読み頂き、変更をご確認ください : [変更履歴](
{{% /notice %}}
## 重要事項
Prosodyが内蔵されたカスタムDockerイメージをご利用の場合は、公式のPeerTube Dockerイメージに切り替えることができるようになりました。
## Known issues: CPU compatibility
The Prosody AppImage included in the plugin will only work on x86_64 CPU.
It is not compatible with arm64 and other CPU architectures.
For now, I did not manage to make it work for other CPU architectures.
If you want te be notified when it will be possible, you can subscribe and comment this
To use the plugin, you will have to manually install Prosody on your server
(see below).
Once it is done, you have to check `Use system Prosody` in the plugin settings.
### On non-docker Peertube installation
For standard installation, you just have to install the official `prosody` package
for your linux distribution.
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install prosody
You can then disable the service that starts automatically when you install
Prosody (the plugin will launch a Prosody process, there is no need for the
service to run).
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu (and other Systemd based linux distributions):
sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody
Warning: do not disable Prosody if it is used for another service on your server,
like for example Jitsi.
### Docker
You will have to generate a Peertube image that includes Prosody in the same
container that Peertube.
I know this is not the standard way to do this with Docker, but keep in mind it
is a temporary workaround.
To generate and use such an image, please refer to the Docker documentation.
The Docker file to generate the image should be:
FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye
RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
### Yunohost
You have to disable `metronome` (the XMPP server provided by Yunohost), and
install `prosody`.
This is already done by the Yunohost Peertube application, as it was required for the
plugin before the v6.0.0.
But it may be removed in a near feature (to avoid drawbacks of this method).
I have to discuss with Yunohost team, to decide how we can do to minimize drawbacks,
and maximize compatibility.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Known issues: CPU Compatibility"
description="For now, the plugin only works out of the box for x86_64 CPU architecture. Here are some instructions for other CPU architectures."
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
title="Known issues: CPU Compatibility"
description="For now, the plugin only works out of the box for x86_64 CPU architecture. Here are some instructions for other CPU architectures."
The Prosody AppImage included in the plugin will only work on x86_64 CPU.
It is not compatible with arm64 and other CPU architectures.
For now, I did not manage to make it work for other CPU architectures.
If you want te be notified when it will be possible, you can subscribe and comment this
To use the plugin, you will have to manually install Prosody on your server
(see below).
Once it is done, you have to check `Use system Prosody` in the plugin settings.
## On non-docker Peertube installation
For standard installation, you just have to install the official `prosody` package
for your linux distribution.
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install prosody
You can then disable the service that starts automatically when you install
Prosody (the plugin will launch a Prosody process, there is no need for the
service to run).
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu (and other Systemd based linux distributions):
sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody
Warning: do not disable Prosody if it is used for another service on your server,
like for example Jitsi.
## Docker
You will have to generate a Peertube image that includes Prosody in the same
container that Peertube.
I know this is not the standard way to do this with Docker, but keep in mind it
is a temporary workaround.
To generate and use such an image, please refer to the Docker documentation.
The Docker file to generate the image should be:
FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye
RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
## Yunohost
You have to disable `metronome` (the XMPP server provided by Yunohost), and
install `prosody`.
This is already done by the Yunohost Peertube application, as it was required for the
plugin before the v6.0.0.
But it may be removed in a near feature (to avoid drawbacks of this method).
I have to discuss with Yunohost team, to decide how we can do to minimize drawbacks,
and maximize compatibility.
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
title="Problème connu: compatibilité CPU"
description="Pour l'instant le plugin ne supporte de base que les architectures CPU x86_64. Veuillez trouver ici des instructions pour le faire fonctionner sur d'autres architectures CPU."
L'AppImage Prosody inclue dans le plugin ne fonctionne que sur des CPU x86_64.
Elle n'est pas compatible avec d'autres architectures CPU telles que arm64.
Pour l'instant, je n'ai pas réussi à le faire fonctionner sur d'autres architectures.
Pour être notifié des évolutions sur le sujet, vous pouvez vous abonner et commenter
[ce ticket](
Pour utiliser le plugin, vous allez devoir installer manuellement Prosody sur
votre serveur (voir plus bas).
Une fois cela fait, vous aurez à cocher le paramètre `Use system Prosody` du plugin.
## Installation autres que Docker
Pour les installations standard, vous avez juste à installer le paquet `prosody` officiellement
disponible pour votre distribution linux.
Par exemple, sur Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install prosody
Vous pouvez alors désactiver le service qui démarre automatiquement quand vous
installé le paquet (le plugin va lancer son propre processus Prosody, et n'a pas
besoin que le service tourne sur le serveur).
Par exemple, sur Debian/Ubuntu (et les autres distributions se basant sur Systemd):
sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody
Attention: ne désactivez pas Prosody s'il est utilisé par un autre service sur
votre serveur, par exemple pour Jitsi.
## Docker
Vous allez devoir générer une image de Peertube qui inclu Prosody dans le même
conteneur que Peertube.
Je sais que ce n'est pas la façon de faire standard avec Docker, mais gardez
en tête que ceci est une solution de contournement temporaire.
Pour générer cette image, merci de vous référer à la documentation de Docker.
Le fichier Docker pour générer l'image devrait être:
FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye
RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
## Yunohost
Vous avez à désactiver `metronome` (le serveur XMPP utilisé par Yunohost),
et installer`prosody`.
Ceci est déjà fait par l'application Yunohost Peertube, étant donné que c'était
un pré-requis pour les version du plugin antérieures à la v6.0.0.
Mais il se pourrait que ce soit retiré de l'application Yunohost Peertube dans un
futur proche (pour éviter les inconvénients de cette méthode).
Je dois discuter avec l'équipe Yunohost, pour décider de la bonne façon de faire
pour minimiser les inconvénients et maximiser la compatibilité.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Known issues: CPU Compatibility"
description="For now, the plugin only works out of the box for x86_64 CPU architecture. Here are some instructions for other CPU architectures."
{{% notice warning %}}
This page is not yet translated in your language, please refer to the english version. You can switch to it by using the language selector in the left menu.
{{% /notice %}}
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Upgrade from version older than 6.0.0"
description="Important notes when upgrading for an older version."
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title="Upgrade from version older than 6.0.0"
description="Important notes when upgrading for an older version."
Since version v6.0.0, this plugin does not need any Prosody installation.
If you were using this plugin before this version, and if you had installed Prosody manually, you can safely uninstall Prosody.
If you were using the custom Peertube docker image that is embedding Prosody, you can switch back to the official Peertube image.
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title="Mise à jour depuis une version antérieure à 6.0.0"
description="Notes importantes pour la mise à jour depuis une ancienne version du plugin."
Depuis la version v6.0.0, ce plugin ne nécessite plus l'installation de Prosody.
Si vous utilisiez ce plugin avant, et que vous aviez installé Prosody manuellement, vous pouvez le désinstaller en tout sécurité.
Si vous utilisiez l'image docker spéciale de Peertube (qui incluais Prosody), vous pouvez basculer sur l'image officielle de Peertube.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title="Upgrade from version older than 6.0.0"
description="Important notes when upgrading for an older version."
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title="User documentation"
description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat user documentation"
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title="User documentation"
description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat user documentation"
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title="Documentation utilisateur⋅rice"
description="Documentation utilisateur⋅rice du plugin peertube-plugin-livechat"
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title="User documentation"
description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat user documentation"
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description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat moderation"
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description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat moderation"
You can access room settings and moderation tools by opening the chat in a new window,
and using the dropdown menu at the top right.
You can list all existing chatrooms: in the plugin settings screen, there is a button «List rooms».
You can delete old rooms: join the room, and use the menu on the top to destroy the room.
## Notes
All instance moderators and admins will be owner of created chat rooms.
If the video is local (not from a remote Peertube), the video owner will be admin in the chat room.
You can use [ConverseJS moderation commands]( to moderate the room.
When you open the chat room in full screen, there will also be a menu with dedicated commands on the top right.
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description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat moderation"
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description="Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat moderation"
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description="Documentation to stream the chat content using OBS."
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description="Documentation to stream the chat content using OBS."
## OBS Overlay
If you are using OBS for streaming, you can easily include the chat in your stream.
You can use the «share chat link» feature to generate an URL to your chat.
The button should be near the chat if you are the video owner (unless it was desactivated by your server admins).
Check the «readonly» checkbox in the modal.
Then use this link as a «web browser source» in OBS.
You can use the «Transparent background» to have a transparent background in OBS.
If you want to customize the background transparency, you can add this CSS in your OBS browser source's settings:
:root {
--livechat-transparent: rgba(255 255 255 / 90%) !important;
Note: you can customize colors. This is undocumented yet, but you can try this:
in the modal, check «use curent theme colors», then you can try to manually change color values in the URL.
You must use valid CSS color values, and they must be properly URL encoded.
## Mixing multiple chats in your live stream
You can use the [social_stream browser extension]( to mix multiple chat source (from Peertube, Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, ...) and include their contents in your live stream.
The compatibility with this plugin was added in recent versions.
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description="Documentation to stream the chat content using OBS."
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description="Documentation to stream the chat content using OBS."
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