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Connect to an existing XMPP server with ConverseJS

If you have an XMPP server, and don't want to provide a web chat application by yourself, you can use the builtin ConverseJS implementation.

ConverseJS is an Free and Open Source Javascript library to connect to Jabber/XMPP servers.

Important Note: If you don't have a running XMPP server, here is a tutorial to install Prosody XMPP Server on your Peertube instance.

Plugin Settings

Chat mode

Just select «Connect to an existing XMPP server with ConverseJS» as chat mode.

XMPP service server (mandatory)

The XMPP server. For example: peertube.im.your_domain.

NB: If you have an existing Prosody server, you can use its address if it has anonymous authentication on. Otherwise, you can create a subdomain (see the example file). The peertube.im is part of the example, you have to replace the entire value.

XMPP room template (mandatory)

The room to join on your XMPP server. You can have a single room for all webchats, or you can use any of there placeholders:

  • {{VIDEO_UUID}} to insert the video UUID and have a custom room for each video.
  • {{CHANNEL_ID}} to insert the channel numerical ID and have a custom room for each channel.
  • {{CHANNEL_NAME}} to insert the channel name (see the Peertube's documentation for possible characters) and have a custom room for each channel.

You can mix several placeholders.

Example: room_{{VIDEO_UUID}}@room.peertube.im.your_domain

NB: when using CHANNEL_ID or CHANNEL_NAME with remote videos, you can have unexpected results. You should consider disabling webchat for remote videos.

BOSH uri OR Websocket uri

You have to provide at least one of these two settings.

Example for BOSH: https://peertube.im.yiny.org/http-bind

Example for Websocket: wss://peertube.im.yiny.org/xmpp-websocket

NB: ConverseJS can also use the /.well-known/host-meta file to discover services. See ConverseJS documentation and XMPP documentation.

Chat behaviour

These settings are common with other chat modes. Here is the documentation: common settings.