John Livingston 56df985745
Documentation translation ()
Documentation translation using weblate.

* Use po4a to generate .po files from the english markdowns, then to generate translated files
* Some pages can be marked as «english only» (for technical documentation for example)
* New Hugo shortcode to use application strings in documentation (for example for settings names)
* The code of conduct is no more translated, but there is a link to official Contributor Covenant translations
* Adding all plugin's supported languages

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2023-07-14 19:15:30 +02:00

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title description weight chapter livechatnotranslation
Third party Displaying the livechat with 3rd party software. 20 false true

{{% notice warning %}} This page describes experimental features. These features are available with the plugin version >= 7.2.0. {{% /notice %}}


Peertube is part of the Fediverse. So Peertube video can be watched from other Peertube instances, and from various other softwares:

  • from a Mastodon (or other fediverse application) instance,
  • from a mobile app (Fedilab, Tusky, ...),
  • from desktop fediverse app,
  • ...

This livechat plugin is using well known standards, so it is possible to join chat rooms even when not viewing the video on Peertube.

There are basically 2 ways to join the chat room associated to a video:

  • opening a web page (with an url like https://yourinstance.tld/plugins/livechat/router/webchat/room/8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535),
  • using a XMPP client (and joining a room like xmpp://8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535@room.yourinstance.tld?join)

{{% notice warning %}} Joining the chat using a XMPP client is not always possible. It requires some DNS and server configuration. It will only be possible if instance's admins have correctly setup the external XMPP clients connection feature. {{% /notice %}}

{{% notice warning %}} Don't try to gues these url and connection methods yourself. Please report to next chapters. {{% /notice %}}

Chat discovery

Using ActivityPub

The livechat plugin adds some data in Video ActivityPub objects, so that the chat can be discovered.

{{% notice info %}} This requires Peertube >= 5.1 {{% /notice %}}

This follows the FEP-1970 recommendations.

{{% notice warning %}} At the time of the writing, this FEP is in draft status, and the livechat plugin is a Proof-of-concept. Until the FEP is adopted, the specification can change, and the livechat plugin will be adapted accordingly. {{% /notice %}}

Basically, the chat will be declared as attachments on the Video object, using the discussion relation.

By default, here is an example of what you will get:

  "@context": [
      "RsaSignature2017": ""
      // ...
  "to": [
  "cc": [
  "type": "Video",
  "id": "https://yourinstance.tld/videos/watch/8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535",
  "name": "The video title",
  // ...
  "url": [ /* ... */ ],
  "attachment": [
      "type": "Link",
      "name": "Chat for live stream: The video title",
      "rel": "discussion",
      "href": "https://yourinstance.tld/plugins/livechat/router/webchat/room/8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535"

In case the instance has activated the external XMPP clients connection feature:

  "@context": [
      "RsaSignature2017": ""
      // ...
  "to": [
  "cc": [
  "type": "Video",
  "id": "https://yourinstance.tld/videos/watch/8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535",
  "name": "The video title",
  // ...
  "url": [ /* ... */ ],
  "attachment": [
      "type": "Link",
      "name": "Chat for live stream: The video title",
      "rel": "discussion",
      "href": "https://yourinstance.tld/plugins/livechat/router/webchat/room/8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535"
      "type": "Link",
      "name": "Chat for live stream: The video title",
      "rel": "discussion",
      "href": "xmpp://8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535@room.yourinstance.tld?join"


If you want to display the chat in a web page or in an iframe, here is what you should do:

  • get the Video ActivityPub object,
  • if there is no attachment key, stop.
  • loop through the attachment values (if attachment is not an array, just iterate on this single value)
  • search for an entry with rel === discussion, and with href using the https scheme (that begins with https://)
  • if found, open this href

If you want to open the chat room using the XMPP protocol:

  • get the Video ActivityPub object,
  • if there is no attachment key, stop.
  • loop through the attachment values (if attachment is not an array, just iterate on this single value)
  • search for an entry with rel === discussion, and with href using the xmpp scheme (that begins with xmpp://)
  • if found, open this xmpp uri with your client, or connect to the XMPP room at that address

Additional notes

In the ActivityPub object, there is also a peertubeLiveChat entry. Don't use the content of this entry. This is specific to the livechat plugin, and can be changed or removed in a near future. It is currently required for some endpoint discovery.

Using Podcast RSS feed

The livechat plugin adds some data in Podcast RSS feeds under the <podcast:liveItem>, so that the chat can be discovered for live streams.

{{% notice info %}} This requires Peertube >= 5.2 {{% /notice %}}

{{% notice info %}} The <podcast:chat> element is currently only supported for live streams. {{% /notice %}}

This follows the <podcast:chat> proposal.

{{% notice warning %}} At the time of the writing, this proposal is in draft status, and the livechat plugin is a Proof-of-concept. Until the proposal is adopted, the specification can change, and the livechat plugin will be adapted accordingly. {{% /notice %}}

Basically, the chat will be declared as tag under on the <podcast:liveItem> element.

By default, here is an example of what you will get:

<podcast:liveItem status="live" start="2023-07-06T18:00:00.000Z">
  <title>The video title</title>
  <guid isPermaLink="false">e32b4890-983b-4ce5-8b46-f2d6bc1d8819_2023-07-06T18:00:00.000Z</guid>
  <enclosure url="https://yourinstance.tld/path/to/video/master.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegURL" />
  <podcast:alternateEnclosure type="application/x-mpegURL" lang="en" title="HLS" default="true">
    <podcast:source uri="https://yourinstance.tld/path/to/video/master.m3u8" />
  <itunes:image href="https://yourinstance.tld/lazy-static/previews/8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535.jpg" />

In case the instance has activated the external XMPP clients connection feature:

<podcast:liveItem status="live" start="2023-07-06T18:00:00.000Z">
  <title>The video title</title>
  <guid isPermaLink="false">e32b4890-983b-4ce5-8b46-f2d6bc1d8819_2023-07-06T18:00:00.000Z</guid>
  <enclosure url="https://yourinstance.tld/path/to/video/master.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegURL" />
  <podcast:alternateEnclosure type="application/x-mpegURL" lang="en" title="HLS" default="true">
    <podcast:source uri="https://yourinstance.tld/path/to/video/master.m3u8" />
  <itunes:image href="https://yourinstance.tld/lazy-static/previews/8df24108-6e70-4fc8-b1cc-f2db7fcdd535.jpg" />


If you want to display the chat in a web page or in an iframe, here is what you should do:

  • get the Podcast RSS feed for the channel,
  • if there is no <podcast:liveItem> element under the <channel>, stop.
  • find the <podcast:liveItem> you are looking for
    • <podcast:socialInteract> can be used to cross-reference the items with ActivityPub
  • if there is no <podcast:chat> element under the <podcast:liveItem>, stop.
  • loop through the <podcast:chat> values (if <podcast:chat> is not an array, just iterate on this single value)
    • there should only be one, but you should expect to handle several just in case
  • search for the first entry protocol === xmpp and an embedUrl attribute
  • if found, open this embedUrl

If you want to open the chat room using the XMPP protocol:

  • get the Podcast RSS feed for the channel,
  • if there is no <podcast:liveItem> element under the <channel>, stop.
  • find the <podcast:liveItem> you are looking for
    • <podcast:socialInteract> can be used to cross-reference the items with ActivityPub
  • loop through the <podcast:chat> values (if <podcast:chat> is not an array, just iterate on this single value)
    • there should only be one, but you should expect to handle several just in case
  • search for the first entry protocol === xmpp and a space attribute
    • space should be an XMPP JID for a MUC
  • if found, open this XMPP JID with your client after converting it to a join URI, or connect to the XMPP room at that address