Cleaning an aborted PoC

This commit is contained in:
John Livingston 2023-05-23 17:54:01 +02:00
parent 627b45ffc7
commit b38d9a6426
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B17B5640CE66CDBC
3 changed files with 0 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ import { getBoshUri, getWSUri } from '../uri/webchat'
import { getVideoLiveChatInfos } from '../federation/storage'
import { LiveChatJSONLDAttribute } from '../federation/types'
import { anonymousConnectionInfos, remoteAuthenticatedConnectionEnabled } from '../federation/connection-infos'
// import { XMPPWsProxyServer } from '../xmpp-ws-proxy/server'
// import { checkRemote } from '../xmpp-ws-proxy/check-remote'
import * as path from 'path'
const got = require('got')
@ -282,16 +280,6 @@ async function initWebchatRouter (options: RegisterServerOptionsV5): Promise<Rou, socket, head)
// registerWebSocketRoute({
// route: '/xmpp-websocket-proxy',
// handler: async (request, socket, head) => {
// const remoteInstanceUrl = request.headers['peertube-livechat-ws-proxy-instance-url']
// if (!await checkRemote(options, remoteInstanceUrl)) {
// return
// }
// XMPPWsProxyServer.singleton(options).handleUpgrade(request, socket, head)
// }
// })
router.get('/prosody-list-rooms', asyncMiddleware(

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types'
// import { getBaseRouterRoute } from '../helpers'
// import { canonicalizePluginUri } from '../uri/canonicalize'
// import { URL } from 'url'
// const got = require('got')
* FIXME: this method should not be necessary anymore, it was a proof of concept.
* This function checks that there is a valid Peertube instance behind
* the remote url, to avoid spoofing.
* It also ensure that we have needed serverInfos for the federation
* (so we can also open outgoing proxyfied connection to that instance)
* @param options server options
* @param remoteInstanceUrl remote instance url to check (as readed in the request header)
* @returns true if the remote instance is ok
async function checkRemote (
_options: RegisterServerOptions,
_remoteInstanceUrl: any
): Promise<boolean> {
throw new Error('Not Implemented Yet')
// const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger
// if (typeof remoteInstanceUrl !== 'string') {
//'WS-Proxy-Check: Received invalid request on xmpp-websocket-proxy: invalid remoteInstanceUrl header')
// return false
// }
// logger.debug(
// `WS-Proxy-Check: Receiving request on xmpp-websocket-proxy for host ${remoteInstanceUrl}, ` +
// 'checking the host is a valid Peertube server'
// )
// let url: string
// try {
// const u = new URL(remoteInstanceUrl)
// // Assuming that the path on the remote instance is the same as on this one
// // (but canonicalized to remove the plugin version)
// u.pathname = getBaseRouterRoute(options) + 'api/federation_server_infos'
// url = canonicalizePluginUri(options, u.toString(), {
// protocol: 'http',
// removePluginVersion: true
// })
// } catch (_err) {
//'WS-Proxy-Check: Invalid remote instance url provided: ' + remoteInstanceUrl)
// return false
// }
// try {
// logger.debug('WS-Proxy-Check: We must check remote server infos using url: ' + url)
// const response = await got(url, {
// method: 'GET',
// headers: {},
// responseType: 'json'
// }).json()
// if (!response) {
//'WS-Proxy-Check: Invalid remote server options')
// return false
// }
// return true
// } catch (_err) {
//'WS-Proxy-Check: Can\'t get remote instance informations using url ' + url)
// return false
// }
export {

View File

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
// import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types'
// import type { IncomingMessage } from 'http'
// import type { Duplex } from 'stream'
// import { WebSocketServer, WebSocket } from 'ws'
// import { Socket } from 'net'
// FIXME: this method should not be necessary anymore, it was a proof of concept.
// interface ProxyLogger {
// debug: (s: string) => void
// info: (s: string) => void
// error: (s: string) => void
// }
// let xmppWsProxyServer: XMPPWsProxyServer | undefined
// class XMPPWsProxyServer {
// private readonly logger: ProxyLogger
// private readonly options: RegisterServerOptions
// private readonly wsProxyServer: WebSocketServer
// private prosodyPort: number | undefined
// private readonly connections: Map<WebSocket, Socket> = new Map<WebSocket, Socket>()
// constructor (options: RegisterServerOptions) {
// const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger
// this.logger = {
// debug: s => logger.debug('XMPP-WS-PROXY: ' + s),
// info: s =>'XMPP-WS-PROXY: ' + s),
// error: s => logger.error('XMPP-WS-PROXY: ' + s)
// }
// this.options = options
// this.wsProxyServer = new WebSocketServer({ noServer: true, perMessageDeflate: false })
// }
// public handleUpgrade (request: IncomingMessage, incomingSocket: Duplex, head: Buffer): void {
// this.wsProxyServer.handleUpgrade(request, incomingSocket, head, ws => {
// this.handleUpgradeCallback(ws).then(() => {}, () => {})
// })
// }
// public async handleUpgradeCallback (ws: WebSocket): Promise<void> {
// this.logger.debug('Opening a Websocket Proxy connection')
// const port = await this.getProsodyPort()
// if (!port) {
// this.logger.error('No port configured for Prosody, closing the websocket stream')
// ws.close() // FIXME: add a code and error message
// return
// }
// // Opening a tcp connection to local Prosody:
// const prosodySocket = new Socket()
// this.connections.set(ws, prosodySocket)
// prosodySocket.connect(port, 'localhost', () => {
// // TODO: write the remote IP in the header line.
// prosodySocket.write('LIVECHAT-WS-PROXY\n')
// })
// prosodySocket.on('close', () => {
// ws.close()
// })
// prosodySocket.on('data', (data) => {
// ws.send(data)
// })
// ws.on('message', (data) => {
// // TODO: remove this log
// this.logger.debug('Receiving raw data')
// if (Array.isArray(data)) {
// data.forEach(chunck => {
// prosodySocket.write(chunck)
// })
// } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
// prosodySocket.write(Buffer.from(data))
// } else {
// prosodySocket.write(data)
// }
// })
// ws.on('close', () => {
// this.logger.debug('Websocket connection is closed, closing socket')
// prosodySocket.end()
// })
// }
// private async getProsodyPort (): Promise<number> {
// if (this.prosodyPort) {
// return this.prosodyPort
// }
// const port = await this.options.settingsManager.getSetting('prosody-port') as string
// this.prosodyPort = parseInt(port)
// return this.prosodyPort
// }
// private async closeConnections (): Promise<void> {
// this.logger.debug('Closing XMPPWsProxyServer connections...')
// this.connections.forEach((socket, _ws) => {
// socket.end()
// // ws.terminate() // not necessary, socket close event should be called
// })
// // FIXME: wait for all connections to be closed...
// }
// static singleton (options: RegisterServerOptions): XMPPWsProxyServer {
// if (!xmppWsProxyServer) {
// xmppWsProxyServer = new XMPPWsProxyServer(options)
// }
// return xmppWsProxyServer
// }
// static async destroySingleton (): Promise<void> {
// if (!xmppWsProxyServer) { return }
// const server = xmppWsProxyServer
// xmppWsProxyServer = undefined
// await server.closeConnections()
// }
// }
// export {
// XMPPWsProxyServer
// }