Demo Bot: WIP.

This commit is contained in:
John Livingston 2021-12-07 18:57:08 +01:00
parent 978ee83eee
commit 0e45f9a197
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B17B5640CE66CDBC
8 changed files with 410 additions and 66 deletions

@ -1,78 +1,65 @@
import * as path from 'path'
import { BotsConfig } from './lib/config'
import { logger } from './lib/logger'
import { ComponentBot } from './lib/bot/component'
import { DemoBot } from './lib/bot/demobot'
let demoBotConfigFile = process.argv[2]
if (!demoBotConfigFile) {
if (!process.argv[2]) {
throw new Error('Missing parameter: the demobot configuration file path')
demoBotConfigFile = path.resolve(demoBotConfigFile)
const botsConfig = new BotsConfig(process.argv[2])
// Not necessary, but just in case: perform some path checking...
function checkBotConfigFilePath (configPath: string): void {
const parts = configPath.split(path.sep)
if (!parts.includes('peertube-plugin-livechat')) {
// Indeed, the path should contain the plugin name
// (/var/www/peertube/storage/plugins/data/peertube-plugin-livechat/...)
throw new Error('demobot configuration file path seems invalid (not in peertube-plugin-livechat folder).')
const runningBots: ComponentBot[] = []
async function start (botsConfig: BotsConfig): Promise<void> {
await botsConfig.load()
let atLeastOne: boolean = false
if (botsConfig.useDemoBot()) {
atLeastOne = true'Starting DemoBot...')
const config = botsConfig.getDemoBotConfig()
const instance = new DemoBot(
service: config.service,
domain: config.domain,
password: config.password
'DemoBot' // FIXME: handle the case where the nick is already taken.
instance.connect().catch(err => { throw err })
if (parts[parts.length - 1] !== 'demobot.js') {
throw new Error('demobot configuration file path seems invalid (filename is not demobot.js).')
if (!atLeastOne) {'No bot to launch, exiting.')
const demoBotConf = require(demoBotConfigFile).getConf()
if (!demoBotConf || !demoBotConf.UUIDs || !demoBotConf.UUIDs.length) {
async function shutdown (): Promise<void> {'Shutdown...')
for (const bot of runningBots) {'Stopping the bot ' + bot.botName + '...')
await bot.stop()
const { component, xml } = require('@xmpp/component')
const xmpp = component({
service: demoBotConf.service,
domain: demoBotConf.domain,
password: demoBotConf.password
const roomId = `${demoBotConf.UUIDs[0] as string}@${demoBotConf.mucDomain as string}`
xmpp.on('error', (err: any) => {
xmpp.on('offline', () => {
xmpp.on('stanza', async (stanza: any) => {
console.log('stanza received' + (stanza?.toString ? ': ' + (stanza.toString() as string) : ''))
// if ('message')) {
// console.log('stanza was a message: ' + (stanza.toString() as string))
// }
xmpp.on('online', async (address: any) => {
console.log('Online with address: ' + JSON.stringify(address))
const presence = xml(
from: address.toString(),
to: roomId + '/DemoBot'
xml('x', {
xmlns: ''
// catching signals and do something before exit
].forEach((sig) => {
process.on(sig, () => {
logger.debug('Receiving signal: ' + sig)
shutdown().catch((err) => {
logger.error(`Error on shutting down: ${err as string}`)
console.log('Sending presence...: ' + (presence.toString() as string))
await xmpp.send(presence)
setTimeout(() => {
const message = xml(
{ type: 'groupchat', to: roomId, from: address.toString() },
xml('body', {}, 'Hello world')
console.log('Sending message...: ' + (message.toString() as string))
}, 1000)
start(botsConfig).catch((err) => {
logger.error(`Function start failed: ${err as string}`)

bots/lib/bot/component.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
/* eslint-disable no-void */
import { logger } from '../logger'
import { XMPP, XMPPXmlFunction, XMPPStanza, XMPPAddress } from './types'
const { component, xml } = require('@xmpp/component')
interface ComponentConnectionConfig {
service: string
domain: string
password: string
abstract class ComponentBot {
protected xmpp?: XMPP
protected address?: XMPPAddress
constructor (
public readonly botName: string,
protected readonly connectionConfig: ComponentConnectionConfig
) {}
protected xml: XMPPXmlFunction = (...args) => xml(...args)
public async connect (): Promise<void> {
this.xmpp = component({
service: this.connectionConfig.service,
domain: this.connectionConfig.domain,
password: this.connectionConfig.password
}) as XMPP
this.xmpp.on('error', (err: any) => {
this.xmpp.on('offline', () => {`${this.botName} is now offline.`)
this.xmpp.on('stanza', (stanza: XMPPStanza) => {
logger.debug('stanza received' + (stanza?.toString ? ': ' + stanza.toString() : ''))
if ('message')) {
void this.onMessage(stanza)
if ('presence')) {
void this.onPresence(stanza)
if ('iq')) {
void this.onIq(stanza)
this.xmpp.on('online', (address: XMPPAddress) => {
logger.debug('Online with address' + address.toString())
this.address = address
void this.onOnline()
public async stop (): Promise<any> {
const p = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.xmpp?.on('offline', () => {`Stoppping process: ${this.botName} is now offline.`)
await this.xmpp?.stop()
await p
protected async onMessage (_stanza: XMPPStanza): Promise<void> {}
protected async onIq (_stanza: XMPPStanza): Promise<void> {}
protected async onPresence (_stanza: XMPPStanza): Promise<void> {}
protected async onOnline (): Promise<void> {}
export {

bots/lib/bot/demobot.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import { RoomComponentBot } from './room'
class DemoBot extends RoomComponentBot {
protected async onRoomJoin (roomId: string, nick: string): Promise<void> {
await this.sendGroupchat(roomId, `Hello ${nick}! I'm the DemoBot, I'm here to demonstrate the chatroom.`)
export {

bots/lib/bot/room.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
import { ComponentBot, ComponentConnectionConfig } from './component'
import { XMPPStanza } from './types'
import { logger } from '../logger'
interface RoomComponentBotRoomDescription {
jid: string
nick: string
users: Map<string, {
// TODO: add the current user status somewhere.
nick: string
abstract class RoomComponentBot extends ComponentBot {
protected readonly rooms: {[jid: string]: RoomComponentBotRoomDescription} = {}
constructor (
botName: string,
connectionConfig: ComponentConnectionConfig,
roomIds: string[],
protected readonly nick: string
) {
super(botName, connectionConfig)
for (const roomId of roomIds) {
this.rooms[roomId] = {
jid: roomId,
nick: nick,
users: new Map()
async onOnline (): Promise<void> {
for (const roomId in this.rooms) {
const room = this.rooms[roomId]
logger.debug(`Connecting to room ${room.jid}...`)
const presence = this.xml(
from: this.address?.toString(),
to: room.jid + '/' + room.nick
this.xml('x', {
xmlns: ''
await this.xmpp?.send(presence)
await super.onOnline()
protected async onPresence (stanza: XMPPStanza): Promise<void> {
const [stanzaRoomId, stanzaNick] = stanza.attrs?.from.split('/')
if (this.rooms[stanzaRoomId]) {
await this.onRoomPresence(stanzaRoomId, stanza, stanzaNick)
public async sendGroupchat (roomId: string, msg: string): Promise<void> {
const room = this.rooms[roomId]
if (!room) {
logger.error('Trying to send a groupchat on an unknown room: ' + roomId)
const message = this.xml(
type: 'groupchat',
to: room.jid,
from: this.address?.toString()
this.xml('body', {}, msg)
logger.debug('Sending message...: ' + (message.toString() as string))
await this.xmpp?.send(message)
public async stop (): Promise<any> {
for (const roomId in this.rooms) {
const room = this.rooms[roomId]
logger.debug(`Leaving room ${room.jid}...`)
const presence = this.xml(
from: this.address?.toString(),
to: room.jid + '/' + room.nick,
type: 'unavailable'
// FIXME: should wait for a presence stanza from the server.
await this.xmpp?.send(presence)
await super.stop()
protected async onRoomPresence (
roomId: string,
stanza: XMPPStanza,
nick?: string
): Promise<any> {
const room = this.rooms[roomId]
if (!room) {
if (!nick) {
const isPresent = stanza.attrs?.type !== 'unavailable'
// FIXME: selfPresence should better be tested by searching status=110
const selfPresence = room.nick === nick
if (!isPresent) {
if (!selfPresence) {
await this.onRoomPart(roomId, nick)
room.users.set(nick, {
if (!selfPresence) {
await this.onRoomJoin(roomId, nick)
protected async onRoomJoin (_roomId: string, _nick: string): Promise<void> {}
protected async onRoomPart (_roomId: string, _nick: string): Promise<void> {}
export {

bots/lib/bot/types.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
export interface XMPP extends EventEmitter {
send: (xml: any) => any
start: () => any
stop: () => Promise<any>
export interface XMPPAddress {
toString: () => string
export type XMPPStanzaType = 'message' | 'iq' | 'presence'
export interface XMPPStanza {
attrs: any
is: (type: XMPPStanzaType) => boolean
toString: () => string
export type XMPPXmlFunction = (type: string, attrs: object, content?: any) => any

bots/lib/config.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import * as path from 'path'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import decache from 'decache'
import { logger } from '../lib/logger'
interface DemoBotConfig {
rooms: string[]
service: string
domain: string
mucDomain: string
password: string
class BotsConfig {
protected readonly configDir: string
protected configs: {
demobot?: DemoBotConfig
constructor (configDir: string) {
this.configDir = configDir = path.resolve(configDir)
// Not necessary, but just in case: perform some path checking... (to limit code injection risks)
const parts = configDir.split(path.sep)
if (!parts.includes('peertube-plugin-livechat')) {
// Indeed, the path should contain the plugin name
// (/var/www/peertube/storage/plugins/data/peertube-plugin-livechat/...)
throw new Error('Bots configuration dir seems invalid (not in peertube-plugin-livechat folder).')
this.configs = {}
public async load (): Promise<void> {
await this.loadDemoBot()
protected async loadDemoBot (): Promise<void> {
const configPath = path.resolve(this.configDir, 'demobot.js')
logger.debug(`Loading DemoBot config from file ${configPath}`)
if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) {
logger.debug('The config file for DemoBot does not exist.')
delete this.configs.demobot
logger.debug('require DemoBot config file...')
const conf = require(configPath).getConf() as DemoBotConfig | null
if (!conf) {
logger.debug('getConf() returned null for the DemoBot.')
delete this.configs.demobot
if (!conf.rooms || !conf.domain || !conf.mucDomain || !conf.password || !conf.service) {
logger.error('Invalid DemoBot configuration: ' + JSON.stringify(conf))
delete this.configs.demobot
// Conf seems legit. But if there is no rooms, no need to keep it.
if (!conf.rooms.length) {
logger.debug('No room in DemoBot config.')
delete this.configs.demobot
// TODO: detect changes? avoid reloading when not needed? or should it be by the caller?
logger.debug('Config loaded for demobot: ' + JSON.stringify(conf))
this.configs.demobot = conf
public useDemoBot (): boolean {
return (this.configs.demobot?.rooms?.length ?? 0) > 0
public getDemoBotConfig (): DemoBotConfig {
if (!this.configs.demobot) {
throw new Error('Should not call getDemoBotConfig when useDemoBot is false.')
return this.configs.demobot
export {

bots/lib/logger.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
class Logger {
public debug (s: string): void {
public info (s: string): void {
public warn (s: string): void {
public error (s: string): void {
const logger = new Logger()
export {

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ async function getProsodyConfig (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise<Prosod
const demoBotUUIDs = parseConfigDemoBotUUIDs((settings['chat-videos-list'] as string) || '')
let demoBotContentObj: string = JSON.stringify({})
let demoBotContentObj: string = 'null'
if (demoBotUUIDs?.length > 0) {
useExternalComponents = true
const componentSecret = await getExternalComponentKey(options, 'DEMOBOT')
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ async function getProsodyConfig (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise<Prosod
bots.demobot = demoBotUUIDs
demoBotContentObj = JSON.stringify({
UUIDs: demoBotUUIDs,
rooms: => `${uuid}@room.${prosodyDomain}`),
service: 'xmpp://' + externalComponentsPort,
domain: 'demobot.' + prosodyDomain,
mucDomain: 'room.' + prosodyDomain,