2023-02-07 11:03:01 +01:00

107 lines
2.4 KiB

import * as DOMPurify from 'dompurify'
export function buildPlayer (video, player, videojs) {
window.videojs = videojs
const fieldName = 'player-annotations'
if (!video.pluginData || !video.pluginData[fieldName]) return
const annotationsText = video.pluginData[fieldName]
const annotations = parseAnnotations(video, annotationsText)
if (!annotations) return
console.log('Will inject annotations in player.', annotations)
overlays: annotations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function parseAnnotations (video, annotationsText) {
const splitted = annotationsText.split(/\n\r?\n\r?/)
.filter(line => !!line)
return splitted.map(s => buildAnnotation(video, s))
.filter(a => !!a)
function buildAnnotation (video, text) {
const splitted = text.split('\n')
if (splitted.length < 2) {
console.error('Cannot build annotation "%s".', text)
return undefined
const timestampsText = splitted.shift()
const timestamps = buildTimestamps(timestampsText)
if (!timestamps) {
console.error('Cannot build timestamp "%s" of "%s".', timestampsText, text)
return undefined
let options
if (splitted[0] && (splitted[0] || '').startsWith('options:')) {
const optionsText = splitted[0]
options = buildOptions(optionsText)
if (!options) {
console.error('Cannot build options "%s" of "%s".', optionsText, text)
} else {
const content = splitted.join('\n')
const align = options && options.align ? options.align : 'top-right'
const result = {
content: DOMPurify.sanitize(content)
result.start = timestamps.start || 0
result.end = timestamps.end || video.duration
return result
function buildTimestamps (text) {
const result = text.split('-->')
if (result.length !== 2) return undefined
const startText = result[0].trim()
const endText = result[1].trim()
if (!startText && !endText) return undefined
let start = parseInt(startText)
let end = parseInt(endText)
if (isNaN(start)) start = undefined
if (isNaN(end)) end = undefined
if (!start && !end) return undefined
return { start, end }
function buildOptions (text) {
const matchedAlign = text.match(/align=([^ ]+)/)
if (matchedAlign) {
return {
align: matchedAlign[1]
return undefined