function register ({ registerHook, registerVideoField }) { console.log('loading video edit stuff') { const commonOptions = { name: 'hello-world-field', label: 'Super field', type: 'input', default: 'hello' } for (const type of [ 'upload', 'import-url', 'update' ]) { registerVideoField(commonOptions, { type }) } } { const hooks = [ 'action:video-upload.init', 'action:video-url-import.init', 'action:video-torrent-import.init', 'action:go-live.init' ] for (const h of hooks) { registerHook({ target: h, handler: () => { const event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }); const selects = document.querySelectorAll('label[for=first-step-privacy] + my-select-options') console.log(selects) selects.forEach(s => { s.value = 2 // Unlisted s.dispatchEvent(event) }) } }) } } } export { register }