John Livingston 5614987901
Fix self-signed certificates on ubuntu + v8.0.2:
* On some Ubuntu server, the self-signed certificates generation fails:
  * See [issue ](
  * This prevents the bot to connect to the server
  * As a fallback, we directly call openssl to generate the certificates
2023-09-27 14:29:17 +02:00

236 lines
8.0 KiB

import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types'
import type { ProsodyConfig } from './config'
import { debugNumericParameter, isDebugMode } from '../debug'
import { prosodyCtl, reloadProsody } from './ctl'
import * as path from 'path'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as child_process from 'child_process'
interface Renew {
timer: NodeJS.Timer
lastFromDirMtime?: number
let renew: Renew | undefined
function startProsodyCertificatesRenewCheck (options: RegisterServerOptions, config: ProsodyConfig): void {
const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger
if (!config.certificates) {
// check every day (or every minutes in debug mode)
const checkInterval = debugNumericParameter(options, 'renewCertCheckInterval', 60000, 3600000 * 24)
if (renew) {
}'Starting Prosody Certificates Renew Check')
renewCheck(options, config).then(() => {}, () => {})
const timer = setInterval(() => {
logger.debug('Checking if Prosody certificates need to be renewed')
renewCheck(options, config).then(() => {}, () => {})
}, checkInterval)
renew = {
timer: timer
function stopProsodyCertificatesRenewCheck (options: RegisterServerOptions): void {
const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger
if (renew === undefined) {
}'Stoping Prosody Certificates Renew Check')
async function ensureProsodyCertificates (options: RegisterServerOptions, config: ProsodyConfig): Promise<void> {
if (config.certificates !== 'generate-self-signed') { return }
const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger'Prosody needs certificates, checking if certificates are okay...')
const prosodyDomain =
const filepath = _filePathToTest(options, config)
if (!filepath) { return }
if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) {`The certificate ${filepath} exists, no need to generate it`)
// Using: prososyctl --config /.../prosody.cfg.lua cert generate prosodyDomain.tld
if (!isDebugMode(options, 'useOpenSSL')) {
await prosodyCtl(options, 'cert', {
additionalArgs: ['generate', prosodyDomain],
yesMode: true,
stdErrFilter: (data) => {
// For an unknow reason, `prosodyctl cert generate` outputs openssl data on stderr...
// So we filter these logs.
if (data.match(/Generating \w+ private key/)) { return false }
if (data.match(/^[.+o*\n]*$/m)) { return false }
if (data.match(/e is \d+/)) { return false }
return true
// Note: it seems that on Ubuntu, "prosocyctl cert generate" won't work.
// See
// So, if the file still does not exist, we will fallback to openssl:
if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) {
logger.warn(`The certificate ${filepath} creation (using prosodyctl) failed, trying to use openssl`)
await _generateSelfSignedUsingOpenSSL(options, path.dirname(filepath), prosodyDomain)
async function renewCheck (options: RegisterServerOptions, config: ProsodyConfig): Promise<void> {
if (config.certificates === 'generate-self-signed') {
return renewCheckSelfSigned(options, config)
if (config.certificates === 'use-from-dir') {
return renewCheckFromDir(options, config)
throw new Error('Unknown value for config.certificates')
async function renewCheckSelfSigned (options: RegisterServerOptions, config: ProsodyConfig): Promise<void> {
const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger
// We have to check if the self signed certificate is still valid.
// Prosodyctl generated certificates are valid 365 days.
// We will renew it every 10 months (and every X minutes in debug mode)
const renewEvery = debugNumericParameter(options, 'renewSelfSignedCertInterval', 5 * 60000, 3600000 * 24 * 30 * 10)
// getting the file date...
const filepath = _filePathToTest(options, config)
if (!filepath) { return }
if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) {
logger.error('Missing certificate file: ' + filepath)
const stat = fs.statSync(filepath)
const age = (new Date()).getTime() - stat.mtimeMs
if (age <= renewEvery) {
logger.debug(`The age of the certificate ${filepath} is ${age}ms, which is less than the period ${renewEvery}ms`)
}`The age of the certificate ${filepath} is ${age}ms, which is more than the period ${renewEvery}ms`)
await ensureProsodyCertificates(options, config)
await reloadProsody(options)
async function missingSelfSignedCertificates (options: RegisterServerOptions, config: ProsodyConfig): Promise<boolean> {
if (config.certificates !== 'generate-self-signed') {
return false
const filepath = _filePathToTest(options, config)
if (!filepath) { return false }
if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) {
options.peertubeHelpers.logger.debug('Missing certificate file: ' + filepath)
return false
return true
async function renewCheckFromDir (options: RegisterServerOptions, config: ProsodyConfig): Promise<void> {
// We will browse all dir files, get the more recent file update time, and compare it to the previous call.
const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger
if (!renew) { return }
let mtimeMs: number | undefined
const dir = config.paths.certs
if (!dir) { return }
const files = fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true })
files.forEach(file => {
if (!file.isFile()) { return }
const stat = fs.statSync(path.resolve(dir,
if (stat.mtimeMs > (mtimeMs ?? 0)) {
mtimeMs = stat.mtimeMs
logger.debug('renewCheckFromDir: the most recent file in the certs dir has mtimeMs=' + (mtimeMs ?? '').toString())
if (!mtimeMs) {
if (!renew.lastFromDirMtime) {
renew.lastFromDirMtime = mtimeMs
if (renew.lastFromDirMtime === mtimeMs) {
logger.debug('No change in certs modification dates.')
}'There is a file that was modified in the certs dir, reloading prosody...')
await reloadProsody(options)
function _filePathToTest (options: RegisterServerOptions, config: ProsodyConfig): string | null {
if (!config.paths.certs) { return null }
return path.resolve(config.paths.certs, + '.crt')
async function _generateSelfSignedUsingOpenSSL (
options: RegisterServerOptions,
dir: string,
prosodyDomain: string
): Promise<void> {
const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger'Calling openssl to generate a self-signed certificate.')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Here we want to launch something like:
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
// openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout prosodyDomain.key -days 365 -sha256 -out prosodyDomain.crt -utf8 -subj /CN=prosodyDomain
const cmdArgs = [
path.resolve(dir, `${prosodyDomain}.key`),
path.resolve(dir, `${prosodyDomain}.crt`),
const spawned = child_process.spawn('openssl', cmdArgs, {
cwd: dir,
env: {
// spawned.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
// logger.debug(`OpenSSL output: ${data as string}`)
// })
// spawned.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
// // Note: openssl writes on stderr... not loging anything.
// // logger.error(`Spawned openssl command has errors: ${data as string}`)
// })
spawned.on('error', (err) => {
logger.error(`Spawned openssl command failed: ${err as unknown as string}`)
// on 'close' and not 'exit', to be sure everything is done
// (else it can cause trouble by cleaning AppImage extract too soon)
spawned.on('close', () => {
export {