
160 lines
5.1 KiB

const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs').promises
async function register ({
}) {
name: 'chat-auto-display',
label: 'Automatically open the chat',
type: 'input-checkbox',
default: false,
private: false
name: 'chat-all-lives',
label: 'Activate chat for all lives',
type: 'input-checkbox',
default: false,
descriptionHTML: 'If checked, a chat will be added to all lives.',
private: false
name: 'chat-all-non-lives',
label: 'Activate chat for all non-lives',
type: 'input-checkbox',
default: false,
descriptionHTML: 'If checked, a chat will be added to all video that are not lives.',
private: false
name: 'chat-videos-list',
label: 'Activate chat for specific videos',
type: 'input-textarea',
default: '',
descriptionHTML: 'Videos UUIDs for which we want a chat. ' +
'Can be non-live videos. One per line. <br />' +
'You can add comments: everything after the # character will be stripped off, and empty lines ignored.<br />' +
'Don\'t add private videos, the UUIDs will be send to frontend.',
private: false
name: 'chat-use-builtin',
label: 'Use builtin ConverseJS',
type: 'input-checkbox',
default: true,
private: false,
descriptionHTML: 'If checked, use a builtin ConverseJS iframe.<br>' +
'You still have to configure an external XMPP service. Please see the documentation.'
name: 'chat-room-server',
label: 'Builtin webchat: XMPP room service server',
type: 'input',
default: '',
descriptionHTML: 'When using the built-in converseJS webchat:<br>' +
'Your XMPP room server. Example :',
private: true
name: 'chat-bosh-uri',
label: 'Builtin webchat: BOSH uri',
type: 'input',
default: '',
descriptionHTML: 'When using the built-in converseJS webchat:<br>' +
'URI of the external BOSH server. Please make sure it accept cross origin request from your domain.',
private: true
name: 'chat-uri',
label: 'Webchat url',
type: 'input',
default: '',
descriptionHTML: '<b>If you dont want to use the builtin ConverseJS webchat:</b><br>' +
'Put here your webchat url. An iframe will be created pointing to this url. ' +
'The placeholder {{VIDEO_UUID}} will be replace by the video UUID if present. ' +
'Example : https://my_domain/conversejs.html?room=video_{{VIDEO_UUID}}.<br>' +
'If this field is empty, it will use the builtin ConverseJS webchat.',
private: false
name: 'chat-style',
label: 'Webchat iframe style attribute',
type: 'input-textarea',
default: '',
descriptionHTML: 'Additional styles to be added on the iframe style attribute. <br>' +
'Example: height:400px;',
private: false
const converseJSIndex = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './conversejs/index.html'))
const router = getRouter()
router.get('/ping', (req, res) => res.json({ message: 'pong' }))
router.get('/webchat', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const settings = await settingsManager.getSettings([
'chat-use-builtin', 'chat-room-server', 'chat-bosh-uri'
if (!settings['chat-use-builtin']) {
throw new Error('Builtin chat disabled.')
if (!settings['chat-room-server']) {
throw new Error('Missing chat-room-server settings.')
// FIXME: with Peertube 3.0.1 the following method is not available...
// When loadByIdOrUUID is available, change the entry point to
// be /webchat/:videoId
// const id = req.param('videoId')
// const video = await peertubeHelpers.videos.loadByIdOrUUID(id)
let url = req.query.url
if (!url) {
throw new Error('Missing url parameter)')
let video = await peertubeHelpers.videos.loadByUrl(url)
if (!video) {
// FIXME: remove this when loadByIdOrUUID will be available...
// This is a dirty Hack for dev environnements...
url = url.replace(/^https:/, 'http:')
video = await peertubeHelpers.videos.loadByUrl(url)
if (!video) {
throw new Error('Video not found')
let page = '' + converseJSIndex
// FIXME: Peertube should provide the static folder path. For now:
const staticRelative = '../static/conversejs'
page = page.replace(/{{BASE_STATIC_URL}}/g, staticRelative)
page = page.replace(/{{ROOM}}/g, 'public_' + video.uuid + '@' + settings['chat-room-server'])
page = page.replace(/{{BOSH_SERVICE_URL}}/g, settings['chat-bosh-uri'])
} catch (error) {
return next(error)
async function unregister () {
module.exports = {