John Livingston 8fc8e3032b
Log in with external Peertube account ():
* For anonymous users: new "log in using an external account" dialog, with the "remote Peertube account" options
* ConverseJS: using global vars for custom localized string (injected
  using Webpack)
2024-04-09 16:46:55 +02:00

118 lines
2.6 KiB

type ConverseJSTheme = 'peertube' | 'default' | 'concord'
interface InitConverseJSParams {
peertubeVideoOriginalUrl?: string
peertubeVideoUUID?: string
isRemoteChat: boolean
localAnonymousJID: string | null
remoteAnonymousJID: string | null
remoteAnonymousXMPPServer: boolean
remoteAuthenticatedXMPPServer: boolean
staticBaseUrl: string
assetsPath: string
room: string
localBoshServiceUrl: string | null
localWebsocketServiceUrl: string | null
remoteBoshServiceUrl: string | null
remoteWebsocketServiceUrl: string | null
authenticationUrl: string
autoViewerMode: boolean
forceReadonly: boolean | 'noscroll'
theme: ConverseJSTheme
transparent: boolean
forceDefaultHideMucParticipants?: boolean
autofocus?: boolean
interface InitConverseJSParamsError {
isError: true
code: 404 | 403 | 500
message: string
interface ProsodyListRoomsResultError {
ok: false
error: string
interface ProsodyListRoomsResultRoom {
jid: string
localpart: string
name: string
lang: string
description: string
lasttimestamp?: number
channel?: {
id: number
name: string
displayName: string
interface ProsodyListRoomsResultSuccess {
ok: true
rooms: ProsodyListRoomsResultRoom[]
type ProsodyListRoomsResult = ProsodyListRoomsResultError | ProsodyListRoomsResultSuccess
interface ChannelInfos {
id: number
name: string
displayName: string
interface ChannelConfigurationOptions {
bot: {
enabled: boolean
nickname?: string
forbiddenWords: Array<{
entries: string[]
regexp?: boolean
applyToModerators?: boolean
reason?: string
comments?: string
quotes: Array<{
messages: string[]
delay: number
commands: Array<{
command: string
message: string
// TODO: bannedJIDs: string[]
slowMode: {
duration: number
interface ChannelConfiguration {
channel: ChannelInfos
configuration: ChannelConfigurationOptions
type ChatPeertubeIncludeMode = 'peertube-fullpage' | 'peertube-video'
* ChatIncludeMode:
* - chat-only: the chat is on a full page, without Peertube
* - peertube-fullpage: the chat is embedded in Peertube, in a full custom page
* - peertube-video: the chat is embedded in Peertube, beside a video
type ChatIncludeMode = 'chat-only' | ChatPeertubeIncludeMode
export type {