John Livingston 5c9733147b
Task lists WIP:
* responsive for the task app
2024-05-13 10:53:42 +02:00

36 lines
1.1 KiB

import { html } from 'lit'
import { __ } from 'i18n'
export function tplMUCTaskApp (el, mucModel) {
if (!mucModel) {
// should not happen
el.classList.add('hidden') // we must do this, otherwise will have CSS side effects
return html``
if (!mucModel.tasklists) {
// too soon, not initialized yet (this will happen)
el.classList.add('hidden') // we must do this, otherwise will have CSS side effects
return html``
if (! {
return html``
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const i18nTasks = __(LOC_tasks)
return html`
<div class="livechat-converse-muc-app-header">
<button class="livechat-converse-muc-app-close" @click=${el.toggleApp} title="${__('Close')}">
<converse-icon class="fa fa-times" size="1em"></converse-icon>
<div class="livechat-converse-muc-app-body">
<livechat-converse-muc-task-lists .model=${mucModel.tasklists}></livechat-converse-muc-task-lists>