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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
interface Current {
announcementType: string | undefined
* livechat announcements ConverseJS plugin:
* with this plugin, moderators can send highlighted/announcements messages.
* Moderators will have a special select field in the chat toolbar, so that they can choose a messaging style.
* These special messages will have a first line with a generated title (for XMPP compatibility).
* They will also have a special attribute on the body tag.
* This attribute will be used to apply some CSS with this plugin.
export const livechatAnnouncementsPlugin = {
dependencies: ['converse-muc', 'converse-muc-views'],
initialize: function (this: any) {
const _converse = this._converse
// This is a closure variable, to get the current form status when sending a message.
const current: Current = {
announcementType: undefined
overrideMUCMessageForm(_converse, current)
_converse.api.listen.on('getToolbarButtons', getToolbarButtons.bind(this))
_converse.api.listen.on('chatRoomInitialized', (muc: any) => onAffiliationChange(_converse, muc))
_converse.api.listen.on('getOutgoingMessageAttributes', (chatbox: any, attrs: any) => {
return onGetOutgoingMessageAttributes(current, _converse, chatbox, attrs)
_converse.api.listen.on('createMessageStanza', createMessageStanza)
_converse.api.listen.on('parseMUCMessage', parseMUCMessage)
* Overloads the MUCMessageForm to handle the announcement type field (if present) when sending a message.
* Also hides the announcement type field if we are correcting a previous message.
function overrideMUCMessageForm (_converse: any, current: Current): void {
const MUCMessageForm = _converse.api.elements.registry['converse-muc-message-form']
if (MUCMessageForm) {
class MUCMessageFormloaded extends MUCMessageForm {
async onFormSubmitted (ev?: Event): Promise<void> {
const announcementSelect = this.querySelector('[name=livechat-announcements]')
current.announcementType = announcementSelect?.selectedOptions?.[0]?.value || undefined
try {
await super.onFormSubmitted(ev)
if (announcementSelect) { announcementSelect.selectedIndex = 0 } // set back to default
} catch (err) {
current.announcementType = undefined
insertIntoTextArea (...args: any[]): void {
try {
// FIXME: doing this here is not very clean.
// But that's how ConverseJS adds or removes the 'correction' class to the textarea.
const textarea = this.querySelector('.chat-textarea')
if (!textarea) { return }
const correcting = window.converse.env.u.hasClass('correcting', textarea)
const announcementForm = this.querySelector('.livechat-announcements-form')
const announcementSelect = this.querySelector('[name=livechat-announcements]')
if (correcting) {
if (announcementSelect) { announcementSelect.selectedIndex = 0 }
if (announcementForm) { announcementForm.style.display = 'none' }
} else {
if (announcementForm) { announcementForm.style.display = 'block' }
} catch (err) {
_converse.api.elements.define('converse-muc-message-form', MUCMessageFormloaded)
* Adds the announcement selector in the toolbar for owner/admin.
* @param this the plugin
* @param toolbarEl the toolbar element
* @param buttons the button list
* @returns the updated "button" list
function getToolbarButtons (this: any, toolbarEl: any, buttons: any[]): Parameters<typeof getToolbarButtons>[1] {
const _converse = this._converse
const mucModel = toolbarEl.model
if (!toolbarEl.is_groupchat) {
return buttons
const myself = mucModel.getOwnOccupant()
if (!myself || !['admin', 'owner'].includes(myself.get('affiliation') as string)) {
return buttons
const { __ } = _converse
const { html } = window.converse.env
const select = html`<span class="livechat-announcements-form form-inline">
<label for="livechat-announcements-select">${i18n}</label>
class="form-control form-control-sm"
<option value="">${i18nStandard}</option>
<option value="highlight">${i18nHighlight}</option>
<option value="announcement">${i18nAnnouncement}</option>
<option value="warning">${i18nWarning}</option>
if (_converse.api.settings.get('visible_toolbar_buttons').emoji) {
// Emojis should be the first entry, so adding select in second place.
buttons = [
} else {
// Adding the select in first place.
return buttons
* Refreshed the toolbar when current user affiliation changes.
* @param _converse _converse object
* @param muc the current muc
function onAffiliationChange (_converse: any, muc: any): void {
muc.occupants.on('change:affiliation', (occupant: any) => {
if (occupant.get('jid') !== _converse.bare_jid) { // only for myself
document.querySelectorAll('converse-chat-toolbar').forEach(e => (e as any).requestUpdate?.())
* For outgoing message, adding the announcement type if there is a current one.
* @param current current object
* @param _converse _converse object
* @param chatbox the chatbox
* @param attrs message attributes
* @returns
function onGetOutgoingMessageAttributes (
current: Current,
_converse: any,
chatbox: any,
attrs: any
): Parameters<typeof onGetOutgoingMessageAttributes>[3] {
if (!current.announcementType) { return attrs }
const { __ } = _converse
attrs.livechat_announcement_type = current.announcementType
if (current.announcementType === 'announcement') {
attrs.body = '* ' + __(LOC_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT) + ' * \n' + attrs.body
} else if (current.announcementType === 'warning') {
attrs.body = '* ' + __(LOC_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING) + ' *\n' + attrs.body
return attrs
* Outgoing messages: adding an attribute on body for announcements.
* @param chat
* @param data
async function createMessageStanza (
chat: any,
data: any
): Promise<Parameters<typeof createMessageStanza>[1]> {
const { message, stanza } = data
const announcementType = message.get('livechat_announcement_type')
if (!announcementType) {
return data
stanza.tree().querySelector('message body')?.setAttribute('x-livechat-announcement-type', announcementType)
return data
* Incoming messages: checking if there is an announcement attribute, and adding it in computed attributes.
* @param stanza
* @param attrs
function parseMUCMessage (stanza: any, attrs: any): Parameters<typeof parseMUCMessage>[1] {
const { sizzle } = window.converse.env
const body = sizzle('message body', stanza)?.[0]
if (!body) { return attrs }
const announcementType = body.getAttribute('x-livechat-announcement-type')
if (!announcementType) { return attrs }
// Note: we don't check the value here. Will be done in getExtraMessageClasses.
// Moreover, the backend server will ensure that only admins/owners can send this attribute.
attrs.livechat_announcement_type = announcementType
return attrs
* Overloading the Message class to add CSS for announcements.
* @param _converse
function overrideMessage (_converse: any): void {
const Message = _converse.api.elements.registry['converse-chat-message']
if (Message) {
class MessageOverloaded extends Message {
getExtraMessageClasses (this: any): string {
// Adding CSS class if the message is an announcement.
let extraClasses = super.getExtraMessageClasses() ?? ''
const announcementType: string | undefined = this.model.get('livechat_announcement_type')
if (!announcementType) {
return extraClasses
if (['announcement', 'highlight', 'warning'].includes(announcementType)) {
extraClasses += ' livechat-' + announcementType
return extraClasses
_converse.api.elements.define('converse-chat-message', MessageOverloaded)