John Livingston 14e0576329
Poll WIP (#231):
* backend form declaration
* frontend form dialog
2024-07-05 11:23:26 +02:00

41 lines
1.1 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { XMLNS_POLL } from './constants.js'
import { _converse, api } from '../../../src/headless/core.js'
import { __ } from 'i18n'
export function getHeadingButtons (view, buttons) {
const muc = view.model
if (muc.get('type') !== _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) {
// only on MUC.
return buttons
if (!muc.features?.get?.(XMLNS_POLL)) {
// Poll feature not available (can happen if the chat is remote, and the plugin not up to date)
return buttons
const myself = muc.getOwnOccupant()
if (!myself || !['admin', 'owner'].includes(myself.get('affiliation'))) {
return buttons
// Adding a "New poll" button.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
i18n_text: __(LOC_new_poll),
handler: async (ev) => {
ev.preventDefault()'livechat-converse-poll-form-modal', { model: muc })
a_class: '',
icon_class: 'fa-list-check', // FIXME
name: 'muc-create-poll'
return buttons