// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // Here we are patching the vCard plugin, to add some specific optimizations. import { _converse, api } from '@converse/headless/index.js' import { onOccupantAvatarChanged, setVCardOnModel, setVCardOnOccupant } from '@converse/headless/plugins/vcard/utils.js' const pluginDefinition = _converse.pluggable.plugins['converse-vcard'] const originalInitialize = pluginDefinition.initialize pluginDefinition.initialize = function initialize () { const previousListeners = _converse._events.chatRoomInitialized ?? [] originalInitialize.apply(this) _converse.api.settings.extend({ livechat_load_all_vcards: false }) // Now we must detect the new chatRoomInitialized listener, and remove it: const listenersToRemove = [] for (const def of _converse._events.chatRoomInitialized ?? []) { if (def.callback && !previousListeners.includes(def.callback)) { listenersToRemove.push(def.callback) } } for (const callback of listenersToRemove) { console.debug('Livechat patching vcard: we must remove this listener', callback) api.listen.not('chatRoomInitialized', callback) } // Adding the new listener: api.listen.on('chatRoomInitialized', (m) => { console.debug('Patched version of the vcard chatRoomInitialized event.') setVCardOnModel(m) // loadAll: when in readonly mode (ie: OBS integration), always load all avatars. const loadAll = api.settings.get('livechat_load_all_vcards') === true let hiddenOccupants = m.get('hidden_occupants') if (hiddenOccupants !== true || loadAll) { m.occupants.forEach(setVCardOnOccupant) } m.listenTo(m.occupants, 'add', (occupant) => { if (hiddenOccupants !== true || loadAll) { setVCardOnOccupant(occupant) } }) m.on('change:hidden_occupants', () => { hiddenOccupants = m.get('hidden_occupants') if (hiddenOccupants !== true || loadAll) { m.occupants.forEach(setVCardOnOccupant) } }) m.listenTo(m.occupants, 'change:image_hash', o => onOccupantAvatarChanged(o)) }) }