import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import type { Config as XMPPChatBotConfig } from 'xmppjs-chat-bot' import { BotConfiguration } from '../configuration/bot' import * as child_process from 'child_process' let singleton: BotsCtl | undefined /** * This class is to control the plugin bots. * For now there is only one, the Moderation bot. * But all public methods are made as if there was several bots, so it will be easier to add bots. */ class BotsCtl { protected readonly options: RegisterServerOptions protected readonly moderationGlobalConf: XMPPChatBotConfig protected readonly logger: { debug: (s: string) => void info: (s: string) => void warn: (s: string) => void error: (s: string) => void } protected moderationBotProcess: ReturnType | undefined constructor (params: { options: RegisterServerOptions moderationGlobalConf: XMPPChatBotConfig }) { this.options = params.options this.moderationGlobalConf = params.moderationGlobalConf const logger = params.options.peertubeHelpers.logger this.logger = { debug: (s) => logger.debug('[Bots] ' + s), info: (s) =>'[Bots] ' + s), warn: (s) => logger.warn('[Bots] ' + s), error: (s) => logger.error('[Bots] ' + s) } } /** * Starts all the required bots. * If bots are already running, does nothing. */ public async start (): Promise { if (await this.options.settingsManager.getSetting('disable-channel-configuration')) {'Advanced channel configuration is disabled, no bot to start') return }'Starting moderation bot...') if (this.moderationBotProcess?.exitCode === null) {'Moderation bot still running, nothing to do') return } const paths = BotConfiguration.singleton().configurationPaths() // We will run: npm exec -- xmppjs-chat-bot [...] const execArgs = [ 'exec', '--', 'xmppjs-chat-bot', 'run', '-f', paths.moderation.globalFile, '--room-conf-dir', paths.moderation.roomConfDir ] const moderationBotProcess = child_process.spawn('npm', execArgs, { cwd: __dirname, // must be in the livechat plugin tree, so that npm can found the package. env: { ...process.env // will include NODE_ENV and co } }) moderationBotProcess.stdout?.on('data', (data) => { this.logger.debug(`ModerationBot stdout: ${data as string}`) }) moderationBotProcess.stderr?.on('data', (data) => { this.logger.error(`ModerationBot stderr: ${data as string}`) }) moderationBotProcess.on('error', (error) => { this.logger.error(`ModerationBot exec error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`) }) moderationBotProcess.on('exit', (code) => {`ModerationBot process exited with code ${code ?? 'null'}`) }) moderationBotProcess.on('close', (code) => {`ModerationBot process closed all stdio with code ${code ?? 'null'}`) }) this.moderationBotProcess = moderationBotProcess } /** * Stops all the bots */ public async stop (): Promise {'Stopping bots...') if (!this.moderationBotProcess) {'moderationBot was never running, everything is fine.') return } if (this.moderationBotProcess.exitCode !== null) {'The moderation bot has an exitCode, already stopped.') return } const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { if (!this.moderationBotProcess) { resolve() } const moderationBotProcess: ReturnType = this.moderationBotProcess as ReturnType let resolved = false // Trying to kill, and force kill if it takes more than 2 seconds const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.logger.error('Moderation bot was not killed within 2 seconds, force killing') moderationBotProcess.kill('SIGKILL') resolved = true resolve() }, 2000) moderationBotProcess.on('exit', () => { if (resolved) { return } resolved = true if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout) } resolve() }) moderationBotProcess.on('close', () => { if (resolved) { return } resolved = true if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout) } resolve() }) moderationBotProcess.kill() } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err as string) reject(err) } }) return p } /** * Instanciate a new singleton * @param options server options */ public static async initSingleton (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { // forceRefresh the bot global configuration file: const moderationGlobalConf = await BotConfiguration.singleton().getModerationBotGlobalConf(true) singleton = new BotsCtl({ options, moderationGlobalConf }) return singleton } /** * Returns the singleton, of thrown an exception if it is not initialized yet. * @returns the singleton */ public static singleton (): BotsCtl { if (!singleton) { throw new Error('Bots singleton not initialized yet') } return singleton } public static async destroySingleton (): Promise { if (!singleton) { return } await singleton.stop() singleton = undefined } } export { BotsCtl }