/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ livechat-share-chat { display: block; & > * { margin-top: 10px; } .sub-menu-entry { cursor: pointer; } .livechat-shareurl-copy { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; button { white-space: nowrap; } input { flex-grow: 2; width: auto !important; // must cancel the width: 100% of form-control } } .livechat-shareurl-block { // To avoid the height to change when switching tabs, we set a height and overflow. height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll; } .livechat-shareurl-options { input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] { margin-right: 20px; } label { display: block; } .livechat-shareurl-suboptions { margin-left: 40px; & > * { display: block; } &.livechat-shareurl-suboptions-disabled { label { /* stylelint-disable-next-line custom-property-pattern */ color: var(--greyForegroundColor); } } } } .livechat-shareurl-protocol { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; column-gap: 30px; input[type="radio"] { margin-right: 10px; } } .livechat-shareurl-tips { min-height: 60px; } }