import { getProsodyFilePaths, writeProsodyConfig } from './config' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as util from 'util' const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec) interface ProsodyRunning { ok: boolean messages: string[] } async function testProsodyRunning (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const { peertubeHelpers } = options'Checking if Prosody is running') const result: ProsodyRunning = { ok: false, messages: [] } const filePaths = await getProsodyFilePaths(options) try { await fs.promises.access(, fs.constants.R_OK) } catch (error) { result.messages.push(`Pid file ${} not found`) return result } result.ok = true return result } async function testProsodyCorrectlyRunning (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const { peertubeHelpers } = options'Checking if Prosody is correctly running') const result = await testProsodyRunning(options) if (!result.ok) { return result } result.ok = false // more tests to come // TODO peertubeHelpers.logger.error('testProsodyCorrectlyRunning not implemented yet.') return result } async function ensureProsodyRunning (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const { peertubeHelpers, settingsManager } = options const logger = peertubeHelpers.logger const setting = await settingsManager.getSetting('chat-use-prosody') if (!setting) {'Prosody is not activated, we wont launch it') return } const r = await testProsodyCorrectlyRunning(options) if (r.ok) { r.messages.forEach(m => logger.debug(m))'Prosody is already running correctly') return }'Prosody is not running correctly: ') r.messages.forEach(m => // Shutting down... await ensureProsodyNotRunning(options) // writing the configuration file await writeProsodyConfig(options) const filePaths = await getProsodyFilePaths(options) // launch prosody'Going to launch prosody...') await exec('prosody', { cwd: filePaths.dir, env: { ...process.env, PROSODY_CONFIG: filePaths.config } }) // TODO: listen for kill signal and kill prosody? } async function ensureProsodyNotRunning (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const { peertubeHelpers } = options'Checking if Prosody is running, and shutting it down if so') // TODO: implement this. peertubeHelpers.logger.error('ensureProsodyNotRunning not implemented yet.') } export { testProsodyRunning, testProsodyCorrectlyRunning, ensureProsodyRunning, ensureProsodyNotRunning }