// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { __ } from 'i18n' import { _converse, api } from '@converse/headless' import { html } from 'lit' import tplMucBottomPanel from '../../src/plugins/muc-views/templates/muc-bottom-panel.js' import { CustomElement } from 'shared/components/element.js' import 'shared/modals/livechat-external-login.js' async function setNickname (ev, model) { ev.preventDefault() const nick = ev.target.nick.value.trim() if (!nick) { return } await model.setNickname(nick) _converse.api.trigger('livechatViewerModeSetNickname', model, nick, { synchronous: true }) } class SlowMode extends CustomElement { static get properties () { return { jid: { type: String } } } hideInfoBox = false async connectedCallback () { super.connectedCallback() this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(this.jid) await this.model.initialized let previousDuration = this.model.config.get('slow_mode_duration') this.listenTo(this.model.config, 'change:slow_mode_duration', () => { if (this.hideInfoBox) { const duration = this.model.config.get('slow_mode_duration') if (duration !== previousDuration) { previousDuration = duration // Duration changed, opening the infobox again. this.hideInfoBox = false } } this.requestUpdate() }) } render () { if (!(parseInt(this.model.config.get('slow_mode_duration')) > 0)) { // This includes NaN, for which ">0"===false return html`` } if (this.hideInfoBox) { return html`` } return html`<div class="livechat-slow-mode-info-box"> <converse-icon class="fa fa-info-circle" size="1.2em"></converse-icon> ${__( // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef LOC_slow_mode_info, this.model.config.get('slow_mode_duration') )} <i class="livechat-hide-slow-mode-info-box" @click=${this.closeSlowModeInfoBox} title=${__('Close')}> <converse-icon class="fa fa-times" size="1em"></converse-icon> </i> </div>` } closeSlowModeInfoBox (ev) { ev?.preventDefault?.() ev?.stopPropagation?.() this.hideInfoBox = true this.requestUpdate() } } api.elements.define('livechat-slow-mode', SlowMode) const tplSlowMode = (o) => { if (!o.can_post) { return html`` } return html`<livechat-slow-mode jid=${o.model.get('jid')}>` } const tplViewerMode = (o) => { if (!api.settings.get('livechat_enable_viewer_mode')) { return html`` } const model = o.model const i18nNickname = __('Nickname') const i18nJoin = __('Enter groupchat') const i18nHeading = __('Choose a nickname to enter') // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const i18nExternalLogin = __(LOC_login_using_external_account) return html` <div class="livechat-viewer-mode-content chatroom-form-container"> <form class="converse-form chatroom-form" @submit=${ev => setNickname(ev, model)}> <label>${i18nHeading}</label> <fieldset class="form-group"> <input type="text" required name="nick" value="" class="form-control" placeholder="${i18nNickname}"/> </fieldset> <fieldset class="form-group"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="join" value="${i18nJoin}"/> </fieldset> </form> ${ // If we open a room with forcetype, there is no current video... So just disabling external login // (in such case, we should be logged in as admin/moderator...) !api.settings.get('livechat_peertube_video_original_url') ? '' : html` <hr> <div class="livechat-viewer-mode-external-login"> <button class="btn btn-primary" @click=${ev => { ev.preventDefault() api.modal.show('converse-livechat-external-login') }}>${i18nExternalLogin}</button> </div> ` } </div>` } export default (o) => { let mutedAnonymousMessage if ( !o.can_post && o.model.features?.get?.('x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous') && _converse.api.settings.get('livechat_specific_is_anonymous') === true ) { // If we are moderated because we are anonymous, we want to display a custom message. // FIXME: if x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous changes, user are first muted/voiced, and then only the // status 104 is sent. But we don't listen to 'change:x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous'. // So the custom message won't be correct. But this is not a big issue. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef mutedAnonymousMessage = __(LOC_muted_anonymous_message) } return html` ${tplViewerMode(o)} ${tplSlowMode(o)} ${ mutedAnonymousMessage ? html`<span class="muc-bottom-panel muc-bottom-panel--muted">${mutedAnonymousMessage}</span>` : tplMucBottomPanel(o) }` }