# Plugin peertube-plugin-livechat installation guide 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 English version / version anglaise [here](./installation.md). 🇫🇷 French version / Version française [ici](./installation.fr.md). 🇩🇪 German version / deutsche Version [hier](./installation.de.md). 🇯🇵 Japanese version / 日本語バージョン [こちら](./installation.ja.md). **メジャーリリースのアップデート実施前に、リリースノートをお読み頂き、変更をご確認ください : [変更履歴](../CHANGELOG.md)**. 本プラグインをインストールまたはアップデートは、PeerTubeの管理画面から実施できます。 ## 重要事項 v6.0.0から、このプラグインはProsodyのインストールが不要になりました。 このバージョンより前の環境で本プラグインを既にご使用中で、手動でProsodyをインストールした場合は、Prosodyのアンインストールが可能です。 Prosodyが内蔵されたカスタムDockerイメージをご利用の場合は、公式のPeerTube Dockerイメージに切り替えることができるようになりました。 ## Known issues: CPU compatibility The Prosody AppImage included in the plugin will only work on x86_64 CPU. It is not compatible with arm64 and other CPU architectures. For now, I did not manage to make it work for other CPU architectures. If you want te be notified when it will be possible, you can subscribe and comment this [issue](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/issues/124). To use the plugin, you will have to manually install Prosody on your server (see below). Once it is done, you have to check `Use system Prosody` in the plugin settings. ### On non-docker Peertube installation For standard installation, you just have to install the official `prosody` package for your linux distribution. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu: ```bash sudo apt install prosody ``` You can then disable the service that starts automatically when you install Prosody (the plugin will launch a Prosody process, there is no need for the service to run). For example, on Debian/Ubuntu (and other Systemd based linux distributions): ```bash sudo systemctl disable prosody && sudo systemctl stop prosody ``` Warning: do not disable Prosody if it is used for another service on your server, like for example Jitsi. ### Docker You will have to generate a Peertube image that includes Prosody in the same container that Peertube. I know this is not the standard way to do this with Docker, but keep in mind it is a temporary workaround. To generate and use such an image, please refer to the Docker documentation. The Docker file to generate the image should be: ```Docker FROM chocobozzz/peertube:production-bullseye RUN apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean ``` ### Yunohost You have to disable `metronome` (the XMPP server provided by Yunohost), and install `prosody`. This is already done by the Yunohost Peertube application, as it was required for the plugin before the v6.0.0. But it may be removed in a near feature (to avoid drawbacks of this method). I have to discuss with Yunohost team, to decide how we can do to minimize drawbacks, and maximize compatibility.