#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only NO_CONVERSEJS_LOC="" if [ "$1" = "no-loc" ]; then echo "We won't generate ConverseJS localization files!" NO_CONVERSEJS_LOC="1" fi set -euo pipefail set -x # Set CONVERSE_VERSION and CONVERSE_REPO to select which repo and tag/commit/branch use. # Defaults values: CONVERSE_VERSION="v10.1.6" CONVERSE_REPO="https://github.com/conversejs/converse.js.git" # You can eventually set CONVERSE_COMMIT to a specific commit ID, if you want to apply some patches. CONVERSE_COMMIT="" # 2014-01-16: we are using a custom version, to wait for some PR to be apply upstream. # This version includes following changes: # - #converse.js/3300: Adding the maxWait option for `debouncedPruneHistory` # - #converse.js/3302: debounce MUC sidebar rendering # - Fix: refresh the MUC sidebar when participants collection is sorted # - Fix: MUC occupant list does not sort itself on nicknames or roles changes # - Fix inconsistency between browsers on textarea outlines # - Fix: room information not correctly refreshed when modifications are made by other users # This version already includes following changes that will not be merged in ConverseJS upstream: # - Don't load vCards for all room occupants when the right menu is closed # - Changing the default avatar, for something very light (to mitigate blinking effect when vCards are loaded) # - Custom settings livechat_load_all_vcards for the readonly mode # - Adding "users" icon in the menu toggle button # - Removing unecessary plugins: headless/pubsub, minimize, notifications, profile, omemo, push, roomlist, dragresize. # - Destroy room: remove the challenge, and the new JID # - New config option [colorize_username](https://conversejs.org/docs/html/configuration.html#colorize_username) CONVERSE_VERSION="livechat-10.0.0" # CONVERSE_COMMIT="821b41e189b25316b9a044cb41ecc9b3f1910172" CONVERSE_REPO="https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/converse.js" rootdir="$(pwd)" src_dir="$rootdir/conversejs" converse_src_dir="$rootdir/vendor/conversejs-$CONVERSE_VERSION" if [ -n "$CONVERSE_COMMIT" ]; then converse_src_dir="$converse_src_dir-$CONVERSE_COMMIT" fi converse_build_dir="$rootdir/build/conversejs" converse_destination_dir="$rootdir/dist/client/conversejs" if [[ ! -d $src_dir ]]; then echo "$0 must be called from the plugin livechat root dir." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d "$converse_src_dir" ]]; then if [ -n "$CONVERSE_COMMIT" ]; then echo "Fetching ConverseJS commit $CONVERSE_COMMIT." mkdir -p $converse_src_dir cd $converse_src_dir git init git remote add origin $CONVERSE_REPO git fetch --depth 1 origin $CONVERSE_COMMIT git checkout $CONVERSE_COMMIT # In order to be able to test if $converse_build_dir is up to date, we add the commit id in a file: cd - echo "$CONVERSE_COMMIT" > "$converse_src_dir/current" else echo "Shallow cloning ConverseJS." git clone --depth=1 --branch $CONVERSE_VERSION $CONVERSE_REPO $converse_src_dir echo "$CONVERSE_VERSION" > "$converse_src_dir/current" fi rm -rf "$converse_build_dir" fi if cmp -s "$converse_src_dir/package.json" "$converse_build_dir/package.json" && cmp -s "$converse_src_dir/current" "$converse_build_dir/current"; then echo "ConverseJS files are already up to date in the build directory." else echo "ConverseJS files are not up to date in the build directory, copying them..." rm -rf "$converse_build_dir" mkdir -p "$converse_build_dir" cp -R $converse_src_dir/* "$converse_build_dir" fi echo "Removing existing custom files..." rm -rf "$converse_build_dir/custom/" echo "Adding the custom files..." cp -r "$src_dir/custom/" "$converse_build_dir/custom/" mv "$converse_build_dir/custom/webpack.livechat.js" "$converse_build_dir/" # overriding original index.js file: mv "$converse_build_dir/custom/index.js" "$converse_build_dir/src/" cp "$src_dir/loc.keys.js" "$converse_build_dir/" echo "Patching i18n files to add custom labels..." /bin/env node conversejs/build-conversejs-patch-i18n.js if [[ ! -d "$converse_build_dir/node_modules" ]]; then echo "Missing node_modules directory, seems we have to call the makefile..." cd "$converse_build_dir" make node_modules src/* cd $rootdir fi echo "Building ConverseJS..." cd "$converse_build_dir" if [ "$NO_CONVERSEJS_LOC" = "1" ]; then echo "Building without ConverseJS localization files!" # shortcut to build more quickly for dev purpose (see npm run build:converjs-no-loc) npx webpack --config webpack.livechat.js else # Note: following lines are from the ConverseJS Makefile (see "make dist" code), where we just replace the "npm run build" with our webpack.livechat.js. # Ideally this should just be `npm run build`. # The additional steps are necessary to properly generate JSON chunk files # from the .po files. The nodeps config uses preset-env with IE11. # Somehow this is necessary. npm run nodeps TMPD=$(mktemp -d) mv dist/locales $TMPD && npx webpack --config webpack.livechat.js && mv $TMPD/locales/*-po.js dist/locales/ && rm -rf $TMPD rm dist/converse-no-dependencies.js dist/converse-no-dependencies.js.map fi cd $rootdir echo "Copying ConverseJS dist files..." mkdir -p "$converse_destination_dir" && cp -r $converse_build_dir/dist/* "$converse_destination_dir/" echo "ConverseJS OK." exit 0