import * as fs from 'fs' import * as path from 'path' import { getBaseRouterRoute } from '../helpers' import { ProsodyFilePaths } from './config/paths' import { ConfigLogExpiration, ProsodyConfigContent } from './config/content' import { getProsodyDomain } from './config/domain' import { getAPIKey, getExternalComponentKey } from '../apikey' import type { ProsodyLogLevel } from './config/content' import { parseConfigDemoBotUUIDs } from './config/bots' async function getWorkingDir (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const peertubeHelpers = options.peertubeHelpers const logger = peertubeHelpers.logger logger.debug('Calling getWorkingDir') if (!peertubeHelpers.plugin) { throw new Error('Missing peertubeHelpers.plugin, have you the correct Peertube version?') } const dir = path.resolve(peertubeHelpers.plugin.getDataDirectoryPath(), 'prosody') logger.debug('getWorkingDir will return the dir ' + dir) return dir } /** * Creates the working dir if needed, and returns it. */ async function ensureWorkingDirs (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger logger.debug('Calling ensureworkingDirs') const paths = await getProsodyFilePaths(options) const dir = paths.dir if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {`The working dir ${dir} does not exists, trying to create it`) await fs.promises.mkdir(dir) logger.debug(`Working dir ${dir} was created`) } logger.debug(`Testing write access on ${dir}`) await fs.promises.access(dir, fs.constants.W_OK) // will throw an error if no access logger.debug(`Write access ok on ${dir}`) for (const path of [, paths.bots.dir]) { if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {`The data dir ${path} does not exists, trying to create it`) await fs.promises.mkdir(path) logger.debug(`Working dir ${path} was created`) } } return dir } async function getProsodyFilePaths (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger logger.debug('Calling getProsodyFilePaths') const dir = await getWorkingDir(options) return { dir: dir, pid: path.resolve(dir, ''), error: path.resolve(dir, 'prosody.err'), log: path.resolve(dir, 'prosody.log'), config: path.resolve(dir, 'prosody.cfg.lua'), data: path.resolve(dir, 'data'), bots: { dir: path.resolve(dir, 'bots'), demobot: path.resolve(dir, 'bots', 'demobot.js') }, modules: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../prosody-modules') } } interface ProsodyConfigBots { demobot?: string[] // if the demo bot is activated, here are the video UUIDS where it will be. } type ProsodyConfigFilesKey = 'prosody' | 'demobot' type ProsodyConfigFiles = Array<{ key: ProsodyConfigFilesKey path: string content: string }> class ProsodyConfig { constructor ( private readonly configFiles: ProsodyConfigFiles, public paths: ProsodyFilePaths, public host: string, public port: string, public baseApiUrl: string, public roomType: 'video' | 'channel', public logByDefault: boolean, public logExpiration: ConfigLogExpiration, public bots: ProsodyConfigBots, public valuesToHideInDiagnostic: {[key: string]: string} ) {} public getConfigFiles (): ProsodyConfigFiles { return this.configFiles } public contentForDiagnostic (content: string): string { let r: string = content for (const key in this.valuesToHideInDiagnostic) { // replaceAll not available, using trick: r = r.split(this.valuesToHideInDiagnostic[key]).join(`***${key}***`) } return r } } async function getProsodyConfig (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger logger.debug('Calling getProsodyConfig') let useExternalComponents = false const bots: ProsodyConfigBots = {} const valuesToHideInDiagnostic: {[key: string]: string} = {} const settings = await options.settingsManager.getSettings([ 'prosody-port', 'prosody-muc-log-by-default', 'prosody-muc-expiration', 'prosody-c2s', 'prosody-room-type', 'prosody-peertube-uri', 'prosody-c2s-port', 'prosody-component-port', 'chat-videos-list' ]) const port = (settings['prosody-port'] as string) || '52800' if (!/^\d+$/.test(port)) { throw new Error('Invalid port') } const externalComponentsPort = (settings['prosody-component-port'] as string) || '53470' if (!/^\d+$/.test(externalComponentsPort)) { throw new Error('Invalid external components port') } const logByDefault = (settings['prosody-muc-log-by-default'] as boolean) ?? true const logExpirationSetting = (settings['prosody-muc-expiration'] as string) ?? DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATION const enableC2s = (settings['prosody-c2s'] as boolean) || false const prosodyDomain = await getProsodyDomain(options) const paths = await getProsodyFilePaths(options) const roomType = (settings['prosody-room-type']) === 'channel' ? 'channel' : 'video' const apikey = await getAPIKey(options) valuesToHideInDiagnostic.APIKey = apikey let baseApiUrl = settings['prosody-peertube-uri'] as string if (baseApiUrl && !/^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9.-_]+(?::\d+)?$/.test(baseApiUrl)) { throw new Error('Invalid prosody-peertube-uri') } if (!baseApiUrl) { baseApiUrl = options.peertubeHelpers.config.getWebserverUrl() } baseApiUrl += getBaseRouterRoute(options) + 'api/' const authApiUrl = baseApiUrl + 'user' // FIXME: should be protected by apikey, but mod_auth_http cant handle params const roomApiUrl = baseApiUrl + 'room?apikey=' + apikey + '&jid={room.jid|jid_node}' const testApiUrl = baseApiUrl + 'test?apikey=' + apikey const config = new ProsodyConfigContent(paths, prosodyDomain) config.useHttpAuthentication(authApiUrl) config.usePeertubeBosh(prosodyDomain, port) config.useMucHttpDefault(roomApiUrl) if (enableC2s) { const c2sPort = (settings['prosody-c2s-port'] as string) || '52822' if (!/^\d+$/.test(c2sPort)) { throw new Error('Invalid c2s port') } config.useC2S(c2sPort) } const logExpiration = readLogExpiration(options, logExpirationSetting) config.useMam(logByDefault, logExpiration) // TODO: add a settings to choose? config.useDefaultPersistent() config.useListRoomsApi(apikey) config.useTestModule(apikey, testApiUrl) let logLevel: ProsodyLogLevel | undefined if (logger.level && (typeof logger.level === 'string')) { if (logger.level === 'error' || logger.level === 'info' || logger.level === 'debug') { logLevel = logger.level } else if (logger.level === 'warn' || logger.level === 'warning') { // Should be 'warn', but just in case... (this value was buggy with peertube <= 3.2.0-rc1) logLevel = 'warn' } } if (logLevel === undefined) {'No log level found in Peertube, will use default "info" for Prosody') logLevel = 'info' } config.setLog(logLevel) const demoBotUUIDs = parseConfigDemoBotUUIDs((settings['chat-videos-list'] as string) || '') let demoBotContentObj: string = 'null' if (demoBotUUIDs?.length > 0) { useExternalComponents = true const componentSecret = await getExternalComponentKey(options, 'DEMOBOT') valuesToHideInDiagnostic.ComponentSecret = componentSecret config.useDemoBot(componentSecret) bots.demobot = demoBotUUIDs demoBotContentObj = JSON.stringify({ rooms: demoBotUUIDs, service: 'xmpp://' + externalComponentsPort, domain: 'demobot.' + prosodyDomain, mucDomain: 'room.' + prosodyDomain, password: componentSecret }) } let demoBotContent = '"use strict";\n' demoBotContent += 'Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });\n' demoBotContent += `function getConf () { return ${demoBotContentObj}; }` + '\n' demoBotContent += 'exports.getConf = getConf;\n' if (useExternalComponents) { config.useExternalComponents(externalComponentsPort) } const content = config.write() return new ProsodyConfig( [ { key: 'prosody', path: paths.config, content: content }, { key: 'demobot', path: paths.bots.demobot, content: demoBotContent } ], paths, prosodyDomain, port, baseApiUrl, roomType, logByDefault, logExpiration, bots, valuesToHideInDiagnostic ) } async function writeProsodyConfig (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger logger.debug('Calling writeProsodyConfig') logger.debug('Ensuring that the working dir exists') await ensureWorkingDirs(options) logger.debug('Computing the Prosody config content') const config = await getProsodyConfig(options) const configFiles = config.getConfigFiles() for (const configFile of configFiles) { const content = configFile.content const fileName = configFile.path`Writing prosody configuration file '${configFile.key}' to ${fileName}.`) await fs.promises.writeFile(fileName, content) logger.debug(`Prosody configuration file '${configFile.key}' writen.`) } return config } const DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATION = '1w' const DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATIONTYPE = 'period' function readLogExpiration (options: RegisterServerOptions, logExpiration: string): ConfigLogExpiration { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger logExpiration = logExpiration?.trim() if (logExpiration === 'never') { return { value: 'never', type: 'never' } } if (/^\d+$/.test(logExpiration)) { if (logExpiration === '0') { logger.error('Invalid prosody-muc-expiration value, cannot be 0.') return { value: DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATION, type: DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATIONTYPE, error: '0 is not an acceptable value.' } } return { value: logExpiration, type: 'seconds', seconds: parseInt(logExpiration) } } const matches = logExpiration.match(/^(\d+)([d|w|m|y])$/) if (matches) { const d = matches[1] if (d === '0') { logger.error(`Invalid prosody-muc-expiration value, cannot be ${logExpiration}.`) return { value: DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATION, type: DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATIONTYPE, error: '0 is not an acceptable value.' } } return { value: logExpiration, type: 'period' } } logger.error(`Invalid prosody-muc-expiration value '${logExpiration}'.`) return { value: DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATION, type: DEFAULTLOGEXPIRATIONTYPE, error: `Invalid value '${logExpiration}'.` } } export { getProsodyConfig, getWorkingDir, ensureWorkingDirs, getProsodyFilePaths, writeProsodyConfig }