// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Mehdi Benadel <https://mehdibenadel.com> // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ChannelConfiguration } from 'shared/lib/types' import { ChannelDetailsService } from '../services/channel-details' import { channelConfigurationContext, channelDetailsServiceContext } from '../contexts/channel' import { LivechatElement } from '../../lib/elements/livechat' import { ValidationError, ValidationErrorType } from '../../lib/models/validation' import { tplChannelConfiguration } from './templates/channel-configuration' import { TemplateResult, html, nothing } from 'lit' import { customElement, property, state } from 'lit/decorators.js' import { ptTr } from '../../lib/directives/translation' import { Task } from '@lit/task' import { provide } from '@lit/context' import { channelTermsMaxLength } from 'shared/lib/constants' @customElement('livechat-channel-configuration') export class ChannelConfigurationElement extends LivechatElement { @property({ attribute: false }) public channelId?: number @provide({ context: channelConfigurationContext }) @state() public channelConfiguration?: ChannelConfiguration @provide({ context: channelDetailsServiceContext }) private _channelDetailsService?: ChannelDetailsService @state() public validationError?: ValidationError @state() public actionDisabled: boolean = false private _asyncTaskRender: Task constructor () { super() this._asyncTaskRender = this._initTask() } protected _initTask (): Task { return new Task(this, { task: async () => { this._channelDetailsService = new ChannelDetailsService(this.ptOptions) this.channelConfiguration = await this._channelDetailsService.fetchConfiguration(this.channelId ?? 0) this.actionDisabled = false // in case of reset }, args: () => [] }) } public termsMaxLength (): number { return channelTermsMaxLength } /** * Resets the form by reloading data from backend. */ public async reset (event?: Event): Promise<void> { event?.preventDefault() this.actionDisabled = true this._asyncTaskRender = this._initTask() this.requestUpdate() } /** * Resets the validation errors. * @param ev the vent */ public resetValidation (_ev?: Event): void { if (this.validationError) { this.validationError = undefined this.requestUpdate('_validationError') } } /** * Saves the channel configuration. * @param event event */ public readonly saveConfig = async (event?: Event): Promise<void> => { event?.preventDefault() if (this._channelDetailsService && this.channelConfiguration) { this.actionDisabled = true this._channelDetailsService.saveOptions(this.channelConfiguration.channel.id, this.channelConfiguration.configuration) .then(() => { this.validationError = undefined this.ptTranslate(LOC_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED).then((msg) => { this.ptNotifier.info(msg) }, () => {}) this.requestUpdate('_validationError') }) .catch(async (error: Error) => { this.validationError = undefined if (error instanceof ValidationError) { this.validationError = error } this.logger.warn(`A validation error occurred in saving configuration. ${error.name}: ${error.message}`) this.ptNotifier.error( error.message ? error.message : await this.ptTranslate(LOC_ERROR) ) this.requestUpdate('_validationError') }) .finally(() => { this.actionDisabled = false }) } } public readonly getInputValidationClass = (propertyName: string): { [key: string]: boolean } => { const validationErrorTypes: ValidationErrorType[] | undefined = this.validationError?.properties[`${propertyName}`] return validationErrorTypes ? (validationErrorTypes.length ? { 'is-invalid': true } : { 'is-valid': true }) : {} } public readonly renderFeedback = (feedbackId: string, propertyName: string): TemplateResult | typeof nothing => { const errorMessages: TemplateResult[] = [] const validationErrorTypes: ValidationErrorType[] | undefined = this.validationError?.properties[`${propertyName}`] ?? undefined // FIXME: this code is duplicated in dymamic table form if (validationErrorTypes && validationErrorTypes.length !== 0) { if (validationErrorTypes.includes(ValidationErrorType.Missing)) { errorMessages.push(html`${ptTr(LOC_INVALID_VALUE_MISSING)}`) } if (validationErrorTypes.includes(ValidationErrorType.WrongType)) { errorMessages.push(html`${ptTr(LOC_INVALID_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE)}`) } if (validationErrorTypes.includes(ValidationErrorType.WrongFormat)) { errorMessages.push(html`${ptTr(LOC_INVALID_VALUE_WRONG_FORMAT)}`) } if (validationErrorTypes.includes(ValidationErrorType.NotInRange)) { errorMessages.push(html`${ptTr(LOC_INVALID_VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE)}`) } if (validationErrorTypes.includes(ValidationErrorType.TooLong)) { errorMessages.push(html`${ptTr(LOC_INVALID_VALUE_TOO_LONG)}`) } return html`<div id=${feedbackId} class="invalid-feedback">${errorMessages}</div>` } else { return nothing } } protected override render = (): unknown => { return this._asyncTaskRender.render({ pending: () => html`<livechat-spinner></livechat-spinner>`, error: () => html`<livechat-error></livechat-error>`, complete: () => tplChannelConfiguration(this) }) } }