interface Affiliations { [jid: string]: 'outcast' | 'none' | 'member' | 'admin' | 'owner' } async function getVideoAffiliations (options: RegisterServerOptions, video: MVideoThumbnail): Promise { const peertubeHelpers = options.peertubeHelpers // Get all admins and moderators const [results] = await peertubeHelpers.database.query( 'SELECT "username" FROM "user"' + ' WHERE "user"."role" IN (0, 1)' ) if (!Array.isArray(results)) { throw new Error('getVideoAffiliations: query result is not an array.') } const r: Affiliations = {} for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { const result = results[i] if (typeof result !== 'object') { throw new Error('getVideoAffiliations: query result is not an object') } if (!('username' in result)) { throw new Error('getVideoAffiliations: no username field in result') } const jid = (result.username as string) + '@localhost' r[jid] = 'owner' } // Adding an 'admin' affiliation for video owner // NB: if it fails, we want previous results to be returned... try { if (!video.remote) { // don't add the video owner if it is a remote video! const userName = await _getVideoOwnerUsername(options, video) const userJid = userName + '@localhost' r[userJid] = 'admin' } } catch (error) { peertubeHelpers.logger.error('Failed to get video owner informations:', error) } return r } async function _getVideoOwnerUsername (options: RegisterServerOptions, video: MVideoThumbnail): Promise { // checking type of video.channelId if (!video.channelId) { throw new Error('Missing channelId on video') } if (!Number.isInteger(video.channelId)) { throw new Error('Invalid channelId: not an integer') } const [results] = await options.peertubeHelpers.database.query( 'SELECT "user"."username"' + ' FROM "videoChannel"' + ' JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "videoChannel"."accountId"' + ' JOIN "user" ON "account"."userId" = "user"."id" ' + ' WHERE "videoChannel"."id" = ' + video.channelId.toString() ) if (!Array.isArray(results)) { throw new Error('_getVideoOwnerUsername: query result is not an array.') } if (!results[0]) { throw new Error('_getVideoOwnerUsername: no user found') } if (!results[0].username) { throw new Error('_getVideoOwnerUsername: no username in result') } return results[0].username as string } export { Affiliations, getVideoAffiliations }