import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import * as path from 'path' import * as fs from 'fs' /** * Check if debug mode is enabled * @param options server options * @returns true if debug mode enabled */ export function isDebugMode (options: RegisterServerOptions): boolean { const peertubeHelpers = options.peertubeHelpers const logger = peertubeHelpers.logger if (!peertubeHelpers.plugin) { return false } const filepath = path.resolve(peertubeHelpers.plugin.getDataDirectoryPath(), 'debug_mode') logger.debug('Testing debug mode by testing if file exists: ' + filepath) if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) {'Plugin livechat Debug mode is on.') return true } return false } interface ProsodyDebuggerOptions { mobdebugPath: string mobdebugHost: string mobdebugPort: string } /** * On dev environnement, it is possible to enable a Lua debugger. * @param options server options * @returns false if we dont use the Prosody debugger. Else the need information to launch the debugger. */ export function prosodyDebuggerOptions (options: RegisterServerOptions): false | ProsodyDebuggerOptions { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'dev') { return false } if (!isDebugMode(options)) { return false } const peertubeHelpers = options.peertubeHelpers const logger = peertubeHelpers.logger try { const filepath = path.resolve(peertubeHelpers.plugin.getDataDirectoryPath(), 'debug_mode') const content = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString() if (!content) { return false } const json = JSON.parse(content) if (!json) { return false } if (typeof json !== 'object') { return false } if (!json.debug_prosody) { return false } if (typeof json.debug_prosody !== 'object') { return false } if (!json.debug_prosody.debugger_path) { return false } if (typeof json.debug_prosody.debugger_path !== 'string') { return false } const mobdebugPath = json.debug_prosody.debugger_path if (!fs.statSync(mobdebugPath).isDirectory()) { logger.error('The should be a debugger, but cant find it. Path should be: ', mobdebugPath) return false } const mobdebugHost = || 'localhost' const mobdebugPort = json.debug_prosody.port?.toString() || '8172' return { mobdebugPath, mobdebugHost, mobdebugPort } } catch (err) { logger.error('Failed to read the debug_mode file content:', err) return false } } /** * In some dev environment, Prosody will fail DNS queries when using Lua-unbound. * I did not managed to properly configure lua-unbound. * So, here is a dirty hack to disable lua-unbound: just put a `no_lua_unbound` * file in the plugin data dir. This will delete the lua file from the AppImage extraction. * You must restart Peertube after adding or deleting this file. * @param options server options * @param squashfsPath the folder where the AppImage is extracted */ export function disableLuaUnboundIfNeeded (options: RegisterServerOptions, squashfsPath: string): void { const peertubeHelpers = options.peertubeHelpers const logger = peertubeHelpers.logger if (!peertubeHelpers.plugin) { return } const filepath = path.resolve(peertubeHelpers.plugin.getDataDirectoryPath(), 'no_lua_unbound') logger.debug('Testing if file exists: ' + filepath) if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) { return }'Must disable lua-unbound.') try { for (const luaVersion of ['5.1', '5.2', '5.3', '5.4']) { const fp = path.resolve(squashfsPath, 'squashfs-root/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/', luaVersion, '') if (fs.existsSync(fp)) { fs.rmSync(fp) } } } catch (err) { logger.error(err) } }