import * as path from 'path' let demoBotConfigFile = process.argv[2] if (!demoBotConfigFile) { throw new Error('Missing parameter: the demobot configuration file path') } demoBotConfigFile = path.resolve(demoBotConfigFile) // Not necessary, but just in case: perform some path checking... function checkBotConfigFilePath (configPath: string): void { const parts = configPath.split(path.sep) if (!parts.includes('peertube-plugin-livechat')) { // Indeed, the path should contain the plugin name // (/var/www/peertube/storage/plugins/data/peertube-plugin-livechat/...) throw new Error('demobot configuration file path seems invalid (not in peertube-plugin-livechat folder).') } if (parts[parts.length - 1] !== 'demobot.js') { throw new Error('demobot configuration file path seems invalid (filename is not demobot.js).') } } checkBotConfigFilePath(demoBotConfigFile) const demoBotConf = require(demoBotConfigFile).getConf() if (!demoBotConf || !demoBotConf.UUIDs || !demoBotConf.UUIDs.length) { process.exit(0) } const { component, xml } = require('@xmpp/component') const xmpp = component({ service: demoBotConf.service, domain: demoBotConf.domain, password: demoBotConf.password }) const roomId = `${demoBotConf.UUIDs[0] as string}@${demoBotConf.mucDomain as string}` xmpp.on('error', (err: any) => { console.error(err) }) xmpp.on('offline', () => { console.log('offline') }) xmpp.on('stanza', async (stanza: any) => { console.log('stanza received' + (stanza?.toString ? ': ' + (stanza.toString() as string) : '')) // if ('message')) { // console.log('stanza was a message: ' + (stanza.toString() as string)) // } }) xmpp.on('online', async (address: any) => { console.log('Online with address: ' + JSON.stringify(address)) const presence = xml( 'presence', { from: address.toString(), to: roomId + '/DemoBot' }, xml('x', { xmlns: '' }) ) console.log('Sending presence...: ' + (presence.toString() as string)) await xmpp.send(presence) setTimeout(() => { const message = xml( 'message', { type: 'groupchat', to: roomId, from: address.toString() }, xml('body', {}, 'Hello world') ) console.log('Sending message...: ' + (message.toString() as string)) xmpp.send(message) }, 1000) }) xmpp.start().catch(console.error)