interface InitSettingsOptions { registerSetting: (options: RegisterServerSettingOptions) => void } export function initSettings ({ registerSetting }: InitSettingsOptions): void { registerSetting({ name: 'chat-auto-display', label: 'Automatically open the chat', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-open-blank', label: 'Show the «open in new window» button', private: false, type: 'input-checkbox', default: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-only-locals', label: 'Chats are only available for local videos.', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, // TODO: set to true when peertube has fixed private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-all-lives', label: 'Activate chat for all lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, a chat will be added to all lives.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-all-non-lives', label: 'Activate chat for all non-lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, a chat will be added to all video that are not lives.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-videos-list', label: 'Activate chat for specific videos', type: 'input-textarea', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'Videos UUIDs for which we want a chat. ' + 'Can be non-live videos. One per line.
' + 'You can add comments: everything after the # character will be stripped off, and empty lines ignored.
' + 'Don\'t add private videos, the UUIDs will be send to frontend.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-use-builtin', label: 'Use builtin ConverseJS', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, // TODO: set to true when peertube has fixed private: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, use a builtin ConverseJS iframe.
' + 'You still have to configure an external XMPP service. Please see the ' + 'documentation.
' + 'If you have no running webchat service, you can follow this ' + // eslint-disable-next-line max-len '
tutorial.' }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-server', label: 'Builtin webchat: XMPP service server', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'When using the built-in converseJS webchat:
' + 'Your XMPP server. Without any scheme. Example :', private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-room', label: 'Builtin webchat: XMPP room template', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'When using the built-in converseJS webchat:
' + 'Your XMPP room. You can use the placeholder {{VIDEO_UUID}} to add the video UUID.' + 'Without this placeholder, all videos will point to the same chat room.
' + 'Example:
' + 'Example: public_{{VIDEO_UUID}}', private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-bosh-uri', label: 'Builtin webchat: BOSH uri', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'When using the built-in converseJS webchat:
' + 'URI of the external BOSH server. Please make sure it accept cross origin request from your domain.
' + 'You must at least have a BOSH or a Websocket uri.', private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-ws-uri', label: 'Builtin webchat: WS uri', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'When using the built-in converseJS webchat:
' + 'URI of the external WS server. Please make sure it accept cross origin request from your domain.
' + 'You must at least have a BOSH or a Websocket uri.', private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-uri', label: 'Webchat url', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'If you dont want to use the builtin ConverseJS webchat:
' + 'Put here your webchat url. An iframe will be created pointing to this url. ' + 'The placeholder {{VIDEO_UUID}} will be replace by the video UUID if present. ' + 'Example : https://my_domain/conversejs.html?room=video_{{VIDEO_UUID}}.
' + 'If this field is empty, it will use the builtin ConverseJS webchat.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-style', label: 'Webchat iframe style attribute', type: 'input-textarea', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'Additional styles to be added on the iframe style attribute.
' + 'Example: height:400px;', private: false }) }