import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import type { Request, Response, CookieOptions } from 'express' import type { ExternalAccountInfos } from './types' import { ExternalAuthenticationError } from './error' import { getBaseRouterRoute } from '../helpers' import { canonicalizePluginUri } from '../uri/canonicalize' import { getProsodyDomain } from '../prosody/config/domain' import { createCipheriv, createDecipheriv, randomBytes, Encoding } from 'node:crypto' import { Issuer, BaseClient, generators, UnknownObject } from 'openid-client' import { JID } from '@xmpp/jid' import { URL } from 'url' type UserInfoField = 'username' | 'last_name' | 'first_name' | 'nickname' let singleton: ExternalAuthOIDC | undefined async function getRandomBytes (size: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { randomBytes(size, (err, buf) => { if (err) return reject(err) return resolve(buf) }) }) } /** * This class handles the external OpenId Connect provider, if defined. */ class ExternalAuthOIDC { private readonly enabled: boolean private readonly buttonLabel: string | undefined private readonly discoveryUrl: string | undefined private readonly clientId: string | undefined private readonly clientSecret: string | undefined private readonly secretKey: string private readonly redirectUrl: string private readonly connectUrl: string private readonly externalVirtualhost: string private readonly encryptionOptions = { algorithm: 'aes256' as string, inputEncoding: 'utf8' as Encoding, outputEncoding: 'hex' as Encoding } private readonly cookieNamePrefix: string = 'peertube-plugin-livechat-oidc-' private readonly cookieOptions: CookieOptions = { secure: true, httpOnly: true, sameSite: 'none', maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 10 // 10 minutes } private ok: boolean | undefined private issuer: Issuer | undefined | null private client: BaseClient | undefined | null private providerHostName?: string protected readonly logger: { debug: (s: string) => void info: (s: string) => void warn: (s: string) => void error: (s: string) => void } constructor (params: { logger: RegisterServerOptions['peertubeHelpers']['logger'] enabled: boolean buttonLabel: string | undefined discoveryUrl: string | undefined clientId: string | undefined clientSecret: string | undefined secretKey: string connectUrl: string redirectUrl: string externalVirtualhost: string }) { this.logger = { debug: (s) => params.logger.debug('[ExternalAuthOIDC] ' + s), info: (s) =>'[ExternalAuthOIDC] ' + s), warn: (s) => params.logger.warn('[ExternalAuthOIDC] ' + s), error: (s) => params.logger.error('[ExternalAuthOIDC] ' + s) } this.enabled = !!params.enabled this.secretKey = params.secretKey this.redirectUrl = params.redirectUrl this.connectUrl = params.connectUrl this.externalVirtualhost = params.externalVirtualhost if (this.enabled) { this.buttonLabel = params.buttonLabel this.discoveryUrl = params.discoveryUrl this.clientId = params.clientId this.clientSecret = params.clientSecret } } /** * Indicates that the OIDC is disabled. * Caution: this does not indicate if it is enabled, but poorly configured. * This method should only be used in the diagnostic tool. */ isDisabledBySettings (): boolean { return !this.enabled } /** * Get the url to open for external authentication. * Note: If the singleton is not loaded yet, returns null. * This means that the feature will only be available when the load as complete. * @returns the url to open */ getConnectUrl (): string | null { if (!this.client) { // Not loaded yet return null } return this.connectUrl } /** * Get the button * @returns Button label */ getButtonLabel (): string | undefined { return this.buttonLabel } /** * Get the discovery URL * @returns discoveryURL */ getDiscoveryUrl (): string | undefined { return this.discoveryUrl } /** * Indicates if the OIDC provider is correctly configured. * @param force If true, all checks will be forced again. */ async isOk (force?: boolean): Promise { // If we already checked it, just return the previous value. if (!force && this.ok !== undefined) { return this.ok } this.ok = (await this.check()).length === 0 return this.ok } /** * Check the configuration. * Returns an error list. * If error list is empty, consider the OIDC is correctly configured. * Note: this function also fills this.providerHostName (as it also parse the discoveryUrl). */ async check (): Promise { if (!this.enabled) { this.logger.debug('OIDC is disabled') return ['OIDC disabled'] } const errors: string[] = [] if ((this.buttonLabel ?? '') === '') { errors.push('Missing button label') } if ((this.discoveryUrl ?? '') === '') { errors.push('Missing discovery url') } else { try { const uri = new URL(this.discoveryUrl ?? 'wrong url') this.logger.debug('OIDC Discovery url is valid: ' + uri.toString()) this.providerHostName = uri.hostname } catch (err) { errors.push('Invalid discovery url') } } if ((this.clientId ?? '') === '') { errors.push('Missing client id') } if ((this.clientSecret ?? '') === '') { errors.push('Missing client secret') } if (errors.length) { this.logger.error('OIDC is not ok: ' + JSON.stringify(errors)) } return errors } /** * Ensure the issuer is loaded, and the client instanciated. * @returns the issuer if enabled */ async load (): Promise { // this.client === null means we already tried, but it failed. if (this.client !== undefined) { return this.client } if (!await this.isOk()) { this.issuer = null this.client = null return null } try { this.issuer = await as string) this.logger.debug(`Discovered issuer, metadata are: ${JSON.stringify(this.issuer.metadata)}`) } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err as string) this.issuer = null this.client = null } if (!this.issuer) { this.client = null return null } try { this.client = new this.issuer.Client({ client_id: this.clientId as string, client_secret: this.clientSecret as string, redirect_uris: [this.redirectUrl], response_types: ['code'] }) } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err as string) this.client = null } if (!this.client) { return null } return this.client } /** * Returns everything that is needed to instanciate an OIDC authentication. * @param req express request * @param res express response. Will add some cookies. * @return the url to which redirect */ async initAuthenticationProcess (req: Request, res: Response): Promise { if (!this.client) { throw new Error('External Auth OIDC not loaded yet, too soon to call oidc.initAuthentication') } const codeVerifier = generators.codeVerifier() const codeChallenge = generators.codeChallenge(codeVerifier) const state = generators.state() const encryptedCodeVerifier = await this.encrypt(codeVerifier) const encryptedState = await this.encrypt(state) const redirectUrl = this.client.authorizationUrl({ scope: 'openid profile', response_mode: 'form_post', code_challenge: codeChallenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', state }) res.cookie(this.cookieNamePrefix + 'code-verifier', encryptedCodeVerifier, this.cookieOptions) res.cookie(this.cookieNamePrefix + 'state', encryptedState, this.cookieOptions) return redirectUrl } /** * Authentication process callback. * @param req The ExpressJS request object. Will read cookies. * @throws ExternalAuthenticationError when a specific message must be displayed to enduser. * @throws Error in other cases. * @return user info */ async validateAuthenticationProcess (req: Request): Promise { if (!this.client) { throw new Error('External Auth OIDC not loaded yet, too soon to call oidc.validateAuthenticationProcess') } const encryptedCodeVerifier = req.cookies[this.cookieNamePrefix + 'code-verifier'] if (!encryptedCodeVerifier) { throw new Error('Received callback but code verifier not found in request cookies.') } const encryptedState = req.cookies[this.cookieNamePrefix + 'state'] if (!encryptedState) { throw new Error('Received callback but state not found in request cookies.') } const codeVerifier = await this.decrypt(encryptedCodeVerifier) const state = await this.decrypt(encryptedState) const params = this.client.callbackParams(req) const tokenSet = await this.client.callback(this.redirectUrl, params, { code_verifier: codeVerifier, state }) const accessToken = tokenSet.access_token if (!accessToken) { throw new Error('Missing access_token') } const userInfo = await this.client.userinfo(accessToken) if (!userInfo) { throw new ExternalAuthenticationError('Can\'t retrieve userInfos') } const username = this.readUserInfoField(userInfo, 'username') if (username === undefined) { throw new ExternalAuthenticationError('Missing username in userInfos') } let nickname: string | undefined = this.readUserInfoField(userInfo, 'nickname') if (nickname === undefined) { const lastname = this.readUserInfoField(userInfo, 'last_name') const firstname = this.readUserInfoField(userInfo, 'first_name') if (lastname !== undefined && firstname !== undefined) { nickname = firstname + ' ' + lastname } else if (firstname !== undefined) { nickname = firstname } else if (lastname !== undefined) { nickname = lastname } } nickname ??= username // Computing the JID (can throw Error/ExternalAuthenticationError). const jid = this.computeJID(username) // Computing a random Password // (16 bytes in hex => 32 chars (but only numbers and abdcef), 256^16 should be enougth). const password = (await getRandomBytes(16)).toString('hex') return { jid: jid.toString(false), nickname, password } } private async encrypt (data: string): Promise { const { algorithm, inputEncoding, outputEncoding } = this.encryptionOptions const iv = await getRandomBytes(16) const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, this.secretKey, iv) let encrypted = cipher.update(data, inputEncoding, outputEncoding) encrypted += return iv.toString(outputEncoding) + ':' + encrypted } private async decrypt (data: string): Promise { const { algorithm, inputEncoding, outputEncoding } = this.encryptionOptions const encryptedArray = data.split(':') const iv = Buffer.from(encryptedArray[0], outputEncoding) const encrypted = Buffer.from(encryptedArray[1], outputEncoding) const decipher = createDecipheriv(algorithm, this.secretKey, iv) // FIXME: dismiss the "as any" below (dont understand why Typescript is not happy without) return decipher.update(encrypted as any, outputEncoding, inputEncoding) + } /** * Get an attribute from the userInfos. * @param userInfos userInfos returned by the remote OIDC Provider * @param field the field to get * @returns the value if present */ private readUserInfoField (userInfos: UnknownObject, field: UserInfoField): string | undefined { // FIXME: do some attribute mapping? (add settings for that?) if (!(field in userInfos)) { return undefined } if (typeof userInfos[field] !== 'string') { return undefined } if (userInfos[field] === '') { return undefined } return userInfos[field] as string } /** * Compute the JID to use for this remote account. * Format will be: "username+remote.domain.tld@external.instance.tld" * @param username the remote username * @throws ExternalAuthenticationError if the computed JID is not valid. * @throws Error * @returns The JID. */ private computeJID (username: string): JID { if (!this.providerHostName) { this.logger.error('Missing providerHostName, callong computeJID before check()?') throw new Error('Can\'t compute JID') } try { const jid = new JID(username + '+' + this.providerHostName, this.externalVirtualhost) // Checking JID is not too long. // Following , there is no exact limit, // but we should definitively not accept anything. // Using 256 as suggested (for the escaped version) if (jid.toString(false).length > 256) { throw new ExternalAuthenticationError( 'Resulting identifier for your account is too long' ) } return jid } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err as string) throw new ExternalAuthenticationError( 'Resulting identifier for your account is invalid, please report this issue' ) } } /** * frees the singleton */ public static async destroySingleton (): Promise { if (!singleton) { return } singleton = undefined } /** * Instanciate the singleton. * Note: no need to destroy the singleton before creating a new one. */ public static async initSingleton (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise { const settings = await options.settingsManager.getSettings([ 'external-auth-custom-oidc', 'external-auth-custom-oidc-button-label', 'external-auth-custom-oidc-discovery-url', 'external-auth-custom-oidc-client-id', 'external-auth-custom-oidc-client-secret' ]) // Generating a secret key that will be used for the authenticatio process (can change on restart). const secretKey = (await getRandomBytes(16)).toString('hex') const prosodyDomain = await getProsodyDomain(options) singleton = new ExternalAuthOIDC({ logger: options.peertubeHelpers.logger, enabled: settings['external-auth-custom-oidc'] as boolean, buttonLabel: settings['external-auth-custom-oidc-button-label'] as string | undefined, discoveryUrl: settings['external-auth-custom-oidc-discovery-url'] as string | undefined, clientId: settings['external-auth-custom-oidc-client-id'] as string | undefined, clientSecret: settings['external-auth-custom-oidc-client-secret'] as string | undefined, secretKey, connectUrl: ExternalAuthOIDC.connectUrl(options), redirectUrl: ExternalAuthOIDC.redirectUrl(options), externalVirtualhost: 'external.' + prosodyDomain }) return singleton } /** * Gets the singleton, or raise an exception if it is too soon. * @returns the singleton */ public static singleton (): ExternalAuthOIDC { if (!singleton) { throw new Error('ExternalAuthOIDC singleton is not initialized yet') } return singleton } /** * Get the uri to start the authentication process. * @param options Peertube server options * @returns the uri */ public static connectUrl (options: RegisterServerOptions): string { const path = getBaseRouterRoute(options) + 'oidc/connect' return canonicalizePluginUri(options, path, { removePluginVersion: true }) } /** * Get the redirect uri to require from the remote OIDC Provider. * @param options Peertube server optiosn * @returns the uri */ public static redirectUrl (options: RegisterServerOptions): string { const path = getBaseRouterRoute(options) + 'oidc/cb' return canonicalizePluginUri(options, path, { removePluginVersion: true }) } } export { ExternalAuthOIDC }