// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // Not working for some reason // import type { ActorImage } from '@peertube/peertube-types' interface ActorImage { width: number path: string url?: string createdAt: Date | string updatedAt: Date | string } type ConverseJSTheme = 'peertube' | 'default' | 'cyberpunk' interface InitConverseJSParams { peertubeVideoOriginalUrl?: string peertubeVideoUUID?: string isRemoteChat: boolean localAnonymousJID: string | null remoteAnonymousJID: string | null remoteAnonymousXMPPServer: boolean remoteAuthenticatedXMPPServer: boolean staticBaseUrl: string assetsPath: string room: string localBoshServiceUrl: string | null localWebsocketServiceUrl: string | null remoteBoshServiceUrl: string | null remoteWebsocketServiceUrl: string | null authenticationUrl: string autoViewerMode: boolean forceReadonly: boolean | 'noscroll' theme: ConverseJSTheme transparent: boolean forceDefaultHideMucParticipants?: boolean autofocus?: boolean externalAuthOIDC?: Array<{ type: ExternalAuthOIDCType buttonLabel: string url: string }> customEmojisUrl?: string | null } interface InitConverseJSParamsError { isError: true code: 404 | 403 | 500 message: string } interface ProsodyListRoomsResultError { ok: false error: string } interface ProsodyListRoomsResultRoom { jid: string localpart: string name: string lang: string description: string lasttimestamp?: number channel?: { id: number name: string displayName: string } } interface ProsodyListRoomsResultSuccess { ok: true rooms: ProsodyListRoomsResultRoom[] } type ProsodyListRoomsResult = ProsodyListRoomsResultError | ProsodyListRoomsResultSuccess interface ChannelInfos { id: number name: string displayName: string } interface ChannelLiveChatInfos extends ChannelInfos { avatar: ActorImage avatars: ActorImage[] livechatConfigurationUri: string } interface ChannelConfigurationOptions { bot: { enabled: boolean nickname?: string forbiddenWords: ChannelForbiddenWords[] quotes: ChannelQuotes[] commands: ChannelCommands[] forbidSpecialChars: ChannelForbidSpecialChars noDuplicate: ChannelNoDuplicate // TODO: bannedJIDs: string[] } slowMode: { duration: number } mute: { // comes with Livechat 10.2.0 anonymous: boolean // TODO: https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/issues/127 // nonFollowers: boolean (or a number of seconds?) } terms?: string // comes with Livechat 10.2.0 moderation: { // comes with Livechat 10.3.0 delay: number anonymize: boolean // comes with Livechat 11.0.0 } } interface ChannelForbiddenWords { entries: string[] regexp?: boolean applyToModerators?: boolean label?: string reason?: string comments?: string } interface ChannelQuotes { messages: string[] delay: number } interface ChannelCommands { command: string message: string } interface ChannelForbidSpecialChars { enabled: boolean tolerance: number reason: string applyToModerators: boolean } interface ChannelNoDuplicate { enabled: boolean reason: string delay: number applyToModerators: boolean } interface ChannelConfiguration { channel: ChannelInfos configuration: ChannelConfigurationOptions } type ChatPeertubeIncludeMode = 'peertube-fullpage' | 'peertube-video' /** * ChatIncludeMode: * - chat-only: the chat is on a full page, without Peertube * - peertube-fullpage: the chat is embedded in Peertube, in a full custom page * - peertube-video: the chat is embedded in Peertube, beside a video */ type ChatIncludeMode = 'chat-only' | ChatPeertubeIncludeMode interface ExternalAuthResultOk { ok: true token: string } interface ExternalAuthResultError { ok: false message?: string } type ExternalAuthResult = ExternalAuthResultError | ExternalAuthResultOk type ExternalAuthOIDCType = 'custom' | 'google' | 'facebook' interface CustomEmojiDefinition { sn: string url: string isCategoryEmoji?: boolean } interface ChannelEmojis { customEmojis: CustomEmojiDefinition[] } interface ChannelEmojisConfiguration { channel: ChannelInfos emojis: ChannelEmojis } interface ProsodyAuthentInfos { type: 'peertube' | 'oidc' | 'livechat-token' jid: string password: string nickname?: string } interface LivechatToken { id: number label: string jid: string password: string nickname?: string date: number } interface AdminFirewallConfigurationFile { name: string content: string enabled: boolean } interface AdminFirewallConfiguration { enabled: boolean files: AdminFirewallConfigurationFile[] } export type { ConverseJSTheme, InitConverseJSParams, InitConverseJSParamsError, ProsodyListRoomsResult, ProsodyListRoomsResultRoom, ChannelInfos, ChannelLiveChatInfos, ChannelConfigurationOptions, ChannelConfiguration, ChatIncludeMode, ChatPeertubeIncludeMode, ExternalAuthResultError, ExternalAuthResultOk, ExternalAuthResult, ExternalAuthOIDCType, CustomEmojiDefinition, ChannelEmojis, ChannelEmojisConfiguration, ProsodyAuthentInfos, LivechatToken, AdminFirewallConfiguration, AdminFirewallConfigurationFile }