// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars interface Window { converse: { initialize: (args: any) => void plugins: { add: (name: string, plugin: any) => void } } initConverse: (args: any) => void } function inIframe (): boolean { try { return window.self !== window.top } catch (e) { return true } } interface AuthentInfos { jid: string password: string nickname?: string } async function authenticatedMode (authenticationUrl: string): Promise { try { if (!window.fetch) { console.error('Your browser has not the fetch api, we cant log you in') return false } if (!window.localStorage) { // FIXME: is the Peertube token always in localStorage? console.error('Your browser has no localStorage, we cant log you in') return false } const tokenType = window.localStorage.getItem('token_type') ?? '' const accessToken = window.localStorage.getItem('access_token') ?? '' const refreshToken = window.localStorage.getItem('refresh_token') ?? '' if (tokenType === '' && accessToken === '' && refreshToken === '') { console.info('User seems not to be logged in.') return false } const response = await window.fetch(authenticationUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: new Headers({ Authorization: tokenType + ' ' + accessToken, 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' }) }) if (!response.ok) { console.error('Failed fetching user informations') return false } const data = await response.json() if ((typeof data) !== 'object') { console.error('Failed reading user informations') return false } if (!data.jid || !data.password) { console.error('User informations does not contain required fields') return false } return { jid: data.jid, password: data.password, nickname: data.nickname } } catch (error) { console.error(error) return false } } function randomNick (base: string): string { // using a 6 digit random number to generate a nickname with low colision risk const n = 100000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 900000) return base + ' ' + n.toString() } interface InitConverseParams { jid: string assetsPath: string room: string boshServiceUrl: string websocketServiceUrl: string authenticationUrl: string advancedControls: boolean autoViewerMode: boolean forceReadonly: boolean | 'noscroll' noScroll: boolean theme: string } window.initConverse = async function initConverse ({ jid, assetsPath, room, boshServiceUrl, websocketServiceUrl, authenticationUrl, advancedControls, autoViewerMode, forceReadonly, theme }: InitConverseParams) { const isInIframe = inIframe() const body = document.querySelector('body') if (isInIframe) { if (body) { body.classList.add('livechat-iframe') // prevent horizontal scrollbar when in iframe. (don't know why, but does not work if done by CSS) body.style.overflowX = 'hidden' } } if (forceReadonly) { body?.classList.add('livechat-readonly') if (forceReadonly === 'noscroll') { body?.classList.add('livechat-noscroll') } } const params: any = { assets_path: assetsPath, authentication: 'anonymous', auto_login: true, auto_join_rooms: [ room ], keepalive: true, discover_connection_methods: false, // this parameter seems buggy with converseJS 7.0.4 bosh_service_url: boshServiceUrl === '' ? undefined : boshServiceUrl, websocket_url: websocketServiceUrl === '' ? undefined : websocketServiceUrl, jid: jid, notify_all_room_messages: [ room ], singleton: true, auto_focus: !isInIframe, hide_muc_participants: isInIframe, play_sounds: false, muc_mention_autocomplete_min_chars: 2, muc_mention_autocomplete_filter: 'contains', muc_instant_rooms: true, show_client_info: false, allow_adhoc_commands: false, allow_contact_requests: false, allow_logout: false, show_controlbox_by_default: false, view_mode: 'fullscreen', allow_message_corrections: 'all', allow_message_retraction: 'all', visible_toolbar_buttons: { call: false, spoiler: false, emoji: true, toggle_occupants: true }, theme: theme || 'peertube', persistent_store: 'sessionStorage', show_images_inline: false, // for security reason, and to avoid bugs when image is larger that iframe render_media: false, // for security reason, and to avoid bugs when image is larger that iframe whitelisted_plugins: ['livechatWindowTitlePlugin', 'livechatViewerModePlugin'] } // TODO: params.clear_messages_on_reconnection = true when muc_mam will be available. let isAuthenticated: boolean = false if (authenticationUrl !== '') { const auth = await authenticatedMode(authenticationUrl) if (auth) { params.authentication = 'login' params.auto_login = true params.jid = auth.jid params.password = auth.password if (auth.nickname) { params.nickname = auth.nickname } else { params.muc_nickname_from_jid = true } // We dont need the keepalive. And I suppose it is related to some bugs when opening a previous chat window. params.keepalive = false isAuthenticated = true // FIXME: use params.oauth_providers? } } if (!isAuthenticated) { console.log('User is not authenticated.') if (forceReadonly) { params.nickname = randomNick('Viewer') } // TODO: try to make these params work // params.muc_nickname_from_jid = true => compute the muc nickname from the jid (will be random here) // params.auto_register_muc_nickname = true => maybe not relevant here (dont do what i thought) // params.muc_show_logs_before_join = true => displays muc history on top of nickname form. But it's not updated. } if (advancedControls) { // with the builtin prosody, no need to use this warning (except if we open to external clients?) params.show_retraction_warning = false } else { // These params are for externals XMPP servers. // NB: because we dont know if external servers have authentication mecanism, // we disable all moderation functionnality. // This is also done for backward compatibility with older installations. params.muc_disable_slash_commands = [ 'admin', 'ban', 'clear', 'deop', 'destroy', 'kick', 'member', 'modtools', 'mute', 'op', 'owner', 'register', 'revoke', 'subject', 'topic', 'voice' ] params.modtools_disable_assign = true } try { window.converse.plugins.add('livechatWindowTitlePlugin', { dependencies: ['converse-muc-views'], overrides: { ChatRoomView: { requestUpdate: function (this: any): any { console.log('[livechatWindowTitlePlugin] updating the document title.') try { if (this.model?.getDisplayName) { const title = this.model.getDisplayName() if (document.title !== title) { document.title = title } } } catch (err) { console.error('[livechatWindowTitlePlugin] Failed updating the window title', err) } return this.__super__.requestUpdate.apply(this) } } } }) if (autoViewerMode && !isAuthenticated) { window.converse.plugins.add('livechatViewerModePlugin', { dependencies: ['converse-muc', 'converse-muc-views'], initialize: function () { const _converse = this._converse const getDefaultMUCNickname = _converse.getDefaultMUCNickname if (!getDefaultMUCNickname) { console.error('[livechatViewerModePlugin] getDefaultMUCNickname is not initialized.') } else { Object.assign(_converse, { getDefaultMUCNickname: function (this: any): any { return getDefaultMUCNickname.apply(this, arguments) ?? randomNick('Anonymous') } }) } _converse.api.settings.update({ livechat_viewer_mode: true }) function refreshViewerMode (canChat: boolean): void { console.log('[livechatViewerModePlugin] refreshViewerMode: ' + (canChat ? 'off' : 'on')) if (canChat) { body?.setAttribute('livechat-viewer-mode', 'off') } else { body?.setAttribute('livechat-viewer-mode', 'on') } } _converse.api.listen.on('livechatViewerModeSetNickname', () => refreshViewerMode(true)) _converse.api.listen.on('chatRoomInitialized', function (this: any, model: any): void { const nick = model?.get ? model.get('nick') : '' refreshViewerMode(nick && !/^Anonymous /.test(nick)) }) } }) } window.converse.initialize(params) } catch (error) { console.error('Failed initializing converseJS', error) } }