import { logger } from './logger' import { getIframeUri, UriOptions } from './uri' import { isAutoColorsAvailable } from 'shared/lib/autocolors' interface ShareForm { readonly: HTMLInputElement url: HTMLInputElement autoColors?: HTMLInputElement } async function shareChatUrl (registerOptions: RegisterOptions, settings: any, video: Video): Promise { const peertubeHelpers = registerOptions.peertubeHelpers const [ labelShare, labelReadonly, tipsOBS, labelCopy, labelCopied, labelError, labelOpen, labelAutocolors ] = await Promise.all([ peertubeHelpers.translate('Share chat link'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Read-only'), // eslint-disable-next-line max-len peertubeHelpers.translate('Tips for streamers: To add the chat to your OBS, generate a read-only link and use it as a browser source.'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Copy'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Link copied'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Error'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Open'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Use current theme colors') ]) const defaultUri = getIframeUri(registerOptions, settings, video) if (!defaultUri) { return } let form: ShareForm | undefined function renderContent (container: HTMLElement): void { if (!form) { container.childNodes.forEach(child => container.removeChild(child)) container.classList.add('peertube-plugin-livechat-shareurl-modal') const divUrl = document.createElement('div') divUrl.classList.add('livechat-shareurl-copy') const url = document.createElement('input') url.setAttribute('type', 'text') url.setAttribute('readonly', '') url.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off') url.setAttribute('placeholder', '') url.classList.add('form-control', 'readonly') divUrl.append(url) const copy = document.createElement('button') copy.classList.add('btn', 'btn-outline-secondary', 'text-uppercase') copy.textContent = labelCopy divUrl.append(copy) const open = document.createElement('button') open.classList.add('btn', 'btn-outline-secondary', 'text-uppercase') open.textContent = labelOpen divUrl.append(open) container.append(divUrl) const divTips = document.createElement('div') divTips.textContent = tipsOBS container.append(divTips) const divCustom = document.createElement('div') divCustom.classList.add('livechat-shareurl-custom') container.append(divCustom) const divReadonly = document.createElement('div') divCustom.append(divReadonly) const readonly = document.createElement('input') readonly.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox') const readonlyLabelEl = document.createElement('label') readonlyLabelEl.textContent = labelReadonly readonlyLabelEl.prepend(readonly) divReadonly.append(readonlyLabelEl) let autoColors if (isAutoColorsAvailable(settings['chat-type'], settings['converse-theme'])) { const label = document.createElement('label') label.innerText = labelAutocolors autoColors = document.createElement('input') autoColors.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox') label.prepend(autoColors) divCustom.append(label) } readonly.onclick = () => { renderContent(container) } if (autoColors) { autoColors.onclick = () => { renderContent(container) } } url.onclick = () => { url.setSelectionRange(0, 99999) /* For mobile devices */ } copy.onclick = () => { url.setSelectionRange(0, 99999) /* For mobile devices */ navigator.clipboard.writeText(url.value).then(() => { peertubeHelpers.notifier.success(labelCopied) }, () => { peertubeHelpers.notifier.error(labelError) }) } open.onclick = () => { } form = { readonly, url, autoColors } restore(form) } // Saving the form state, to restore each time the modal is opened. save(form) const uriOptions: UriOptions = { ignoreAutoColors: form.autoColors ? !form.autoColors.checked : true, permanent: true } if (form.readonly.checked) { uriOptions.readonly = true } const iframeUri = getIframeUri(registerOptions, settings, video, uriOptions) form.url.setAttribute('value', iframeUri ?? '') } function save (form: ShareForm): void { if (!window.localStorage) { return } const v = { version: 1, // in case we add incompatible values in a near feature readonly: !!form.readonly.checked, autocolors: !!form.autoColors?.checked } window.localStorage.setItem('peertube-plugin-livechat-shareurl', JSON.stringify(v)) } function restore (form: ShareForm): void { if (!window.localStorage) { return } const s = window.localStorage.getItem('peertube-plugin-livechat-shareurl') if (!s) { return } let v: any try { v = JSON.parse(s) if (!v || (typeof v !== 'object') || v.version !== 1) { return } form.readonly.checked = !!v.readonly if (form.autoColors) { form.autoColors.checked = !!v.autocolors } } catch (err) { logger.error(err as string) } }'Opening the share modal...') const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) { addedNodes.forEach(node => { if ((node as HTMLElement).localName === 'ngb-modal-window') {'Detecting a new modal, checking if this is the good one...') if (!(node as HTMLElement).querySelector) { return } const title = (node as HTMLElement).querySelector('.modal-title') if (!(title?.textContent === labelShare)) { return }'Yes, it is the good modal!') observer.disconnect() const modalBodyElem: HTMLElement | null = (node as HTMLElement).querySelector('.modal-body') if (!modalBodyElem) { logger.error('Modal has no body... Dont know how to fill it.') return } renderContent(modalBodyElem) } }) } }) observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true }) peertubeHelpers.showModal({ title: labelShare, content: `

${defaultUri ?? ''}

`, // incase the observer is broken... close: true }) // just in case, remove the observer after a timeout, if not already done... setTimeout(() => { observer.disconnect() }, 1000) } export { shareChatUrl }