import { html } from 'lit' import { api } from '@converse/headless/core' import { until } from 'lit/directives/until.js' import { repeat } from 'lit/directives/repeat.js' import { unsafeHTML } from 'lit/directives/unsafe-html.js' import { getStandaloneButtons, getDropdownButtons } from 'shared/chat/utils.js' import tplMucHead from '../../src/plugins/muc-views/templates/muc-head.js' /** * Clones the Peertube buttons, and add them in the template. */ function getPeertubeButtons () { // searching original buttons in the DOM, and if found: // - clone a button in ConverseJS, that triggers the original button click event. // Note: original buttons will be hidden behind ConverseJS, so no need to hide them. const buttonsContainer = document.querySelector( '.peertube-plugin-livechat-buttons.peertube-plugin-livechat-buttons-open' ) if (!buttonsContainer) { return html`` } const buttons = [] buttonsContainer.childNodes.forEach(button => { try { if (button.offsetParent === null) { // Trick to detect if element is hidden // (see return } buttons.push(button) } catch (err) { console.error(err) } }) if (!buttons.length) { return html`` } return html` ${repeat(buttons, (node) => html` { // triggering the original button click }} > ${unsafeHTML(node.innerHTML)} `)} ` } export default (el) => { if (!api.settings.get('livechat_mini_muc_head')) { // original Template (this settings comes with livechatMiniMucHeadPlugin) return html`${tplMucHead(el)}` } // Custom template, with only the buttons. const subjectHidden = true const headingButtonsPromise = el.getHeadingButtons(subjectHidden) return html`
` }