// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { RegisterClientOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types/client' import type { ChannelEmojisConfiguration } from 'shared/lib/types' import type { DynamicFormHeader, DynamicFormSchema } from '../../lib/elements/dynamic-table-form' import { LivechatElement } from '../../lib/elements/livechat' import { registerClientOptionsContext } from '../../lib/contexts/peertube' import { ChannelDetailsService } from '../services/channel-details' import { channelDetailsServiceContext } from '../contexts/channel' import { maxEmojisPerChannel } from 'shared/lib/emojis' import { ptTr } from '../../lib/directives/translation' import { ValidationError } from '../../lib/models/validation' import { Task } from '@lit/task' import { customElement, property, state } from 'lit/decorators.js' import { provide } from '@lit/context' import { html } from 'lit' /** * Channel emojis configuration page. */ @customElement('livechat-channel-emojis') export class ChannelEmojisElement extends LivechatElement { @provide({ context: registerClientOptionsContext }) @property({ attribute: false }) public registerClientOptions?: RegisterClientOptions @property({ attribute: false }) public channelId?: number private _channelEmojisConfiguration?: ChannelEmojisConfiguration @provide({ context: channelDetailsServiceContext }) private _channelDetailsService?: ChannelDetailsService @state() private _validationError?: ValidationError @state() private _actionDisabled: boolean = false private _asyncTaskRender: Task constructor () { super() this._asyncTaskRender = this._initTask() } protected override render = (): unknown => { const tableHeaderList: DynamicFormHeader = { sn: { colName: ptTr(LOC_LIVECHAT_EMOJIS_SHORTNAME), description: ptTr(LOC_LIVECHAT_EMOJIS_SHORTNAME_DESC), headerClassList: ['peertube-livechat-emojis-col-sn'] }, url: { colName: ptTr(LOC_LIVECHAT_EMOJIS_FILE), description: ptTr(LOC_LIVECHAT_EMOJIS_FILE_DESC), headerClassList: ['peertube-livechat-emojis-col-file'] } } const tableSchema: DynamicFormSchema = { sn: { inputType: 'text', default: '' }, url: { inputType: 'image-file', default: '', colClassList: ['peertube-livechat-emojis-col-file'] } } return this._asyncTaskRender.render({ pending: () => html``, error: () => html``, complete: () => html`

${this._channelEmojisConfiguration?.channel.displayName} ${this._channelEmojisConfiguration?.channel.name}


${ this._channelEmojisConfiguration?.emojis?.customEmojis?.length ? html` ` : '' } ${ (this._channelEmojisConfiguration?.emojis?.customEmojis?.length ?? 0) < maxEmojisPerChannel ? html` ` : '' }
{ if (this._channelEmojisConfiguration) { this._channelEmojisConfiguration.emojis.customEmojis = e.detail // Fixing missing ':' for shortnames: for (const desc of this._channelEmojisConfiguration.emojis.customEmojis) { if (desc.sn === '') { continue } if (!desc.sn.startsWith(':')) { desc.sn = ':' + desc.sn } if (!desc.sn.endsWith(':')) { desc.sn += ':' } } this.requestUpdate('_channelEmojisConfiguration') } } } >
` }) } protected _initTask (): Task { return new Task(this, { task: async () => { if (!this.registerClientOptions) { throw new Error('Missing client options') } if (!this.channelId) { throw new Error('Missing channelId') } this._channelDetailsService = new ChannelDetailsService(this.registerClientOptions) this._channelEmojisConfiguration = await this._channelDetailsService.fetchEmojisConfiguration(this.channelId) this._actionDisabled = false // in case of reset }, args: () => [] }) } private async _reset (ev?: Event): Promise { ev?.preventDefault() this._actionDisabled = true this._asyncTaskRender = this._initTask() this.requestUpdate() } private async _saveEmojis (ev?: Event): Promise { ev?.preventDefault() const peertubeHelpers = this.registerClientOptions?.peertubeHelpers if (!peertubeHelpers) { return } // Should not happen if (!this._channelDetailsService || !this._channelEmojisConfiguration || !this.channelId) { peertubeHelpers.notifier.error(await peertubeHelpers.translate(LOC_ERROR)) return } try { this._actionDisabled = true await this._channelDetailsService.saveEmojisConfiguration(this.channelId, this._channelEmojisConfiguration.emojis) this._validationError = undefined peertubeHelpers.notifier.info(await peertubeHelpers.translate(LOC_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED)) this.requestUpdate('_validationError') } catch (error) { this._validationError = undefined let msg: string if ((error instanceof ValidationError)) { this._validationError = error if (error.message) { msg = error.message } } msg ??= await peertubeHelpers.translate(LOC_ERROR) peertubeHelpers.notifier.error(msg) this.requestUpdate('_validationError') } finally { this._actionDisabled = false } } private async _importEmojis (ev: Event): Promise { ev.preventDefault() this._actionDisabled = true try { // download a json file: const file = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const input = document.createElement('input') input.setAttribute('type', 'file') input.setAttribute('accept', 'application/json') input.onchange = (e) => { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() const file = (e.target as HTMLInputElement).files?.[0] if (!file) { reject(new Error('Missing file')) return } resolve(file) } input.click() input.remove() }) const content = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader() fileReader.onerror = reject fileReader.onload = () => { if (fileReader.result === null) { reject(new Error('Empty result')) return } if (fileReader.result instanceof ArrayBuffer) { reject(new Error('Result is an ArrayBuffer, this was not intended')) } else { resolve(fileReader.result) } } fileReader.readAsText(file) }) const json = JSON.parse(content) if (!Array.isArray(json)) { throw new Error('Invalid data, an array was expected') } for (const entry of json) { if (typeof entry !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid data') } if (!entry.sn || !entry.url || (typeof entry.sn !== 'string') || (typeof entry.url !== 'string')) { throw new Error('Invalid data') } const url = await this._convertImageToDataUrl(entry.url) let sn = entry.sn as string if (!sn.startsWith(':')) { sn = ':' + sn } if (!sn.endsWith(':')) { sn += ':' } const item: ChannelEmojisConfiguration['emojis']['customEmojis'][0] = { sn, url } if (entry.isCategoryEmoji === true) { item.isCategoryEmoji = true } this._channelEmojisConfiguration?.emojis.customEmojis.push(item) } this.requestUpdate('_channelEmojisConfiguration') this.registerClientOptions?.peertubeHelpers.notifier.info( await this.registerClientOptions?.peertubeHelpers.translate(LOC_ACTION_IMPORT_EMOJIS_INFO) ) } catch (err: any) { this.registerClientOptions?.peertubeHelpers.notifier.error(err.toString()) } finally { this._actionDisabled = false } } private async _exportEmojis (ev: Event): Promise { ev.preventDefault() this._actionDisabled = true try { const result: ChannelEmojisConfiguration['emojis']['customEmojis'] = [] for (const ed of this._channelEmojisConfiguration?.emojis?.customEmojis ?? []) { if (!ed.sn || !ed.url) { continue } // Here url can be: // * the dataUrl representation of a newly uploaded file // * or the url of an already saved image file // In both cases, we want to export a dataUrl version. const url = await this._convertImageToDataUrl(ed.url) const item: typeof result[0] = { sn: ed.sn, url } if (ed.isCategoryEmoji === true) { item.isCategoryEmoji = ed.isCategoryEmoji } result.push(item) } // Make the browser download the JSON file: const dataUrl = 'data:application/json;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(result)) const a = document.createElement('a') a.setAttribute('href', dataUrl) a.setAttribute('download', 'emojis.json') a.click() a.remove() } catch (err: any) { console.error(err) this.registerClientOptions?.peertubeHelpers.notifier.error(err.toString()) } finally { this._actionDisabled = false } } private async _convertImageToDataUrl (url: string): Promise { if (url.startsWith('data:')) { return url } // There is a trick to convert img to dataUrl: using a canvas. // But we can't use it here... as it won't work with animated GIF. // So we just fetch each url, and do the work. const blob = await (await fetch(url)).blob() const base64 = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader() fileReader.onload = () => { if (fileReader.result === null) { reject(new Error('Empty result')) return } if (fileReader.result instanceof ArrayBuffer) { reject(new Error('Result is an ArrayBuffer, this was not intended')) } else { resolve(fileReader.result) } } fileReader.onerror = reject fileReader.readAsDataURL(blob) }) return base64 } }