-- mod_muc_peertubelivechat_roles -- -- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> -- SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only -- -- This file is AGPL-v3 licensed. -- Please see the Peertube livechat plugin copyright information. -- https://livingston.frama.io/peertube-plugin-livechat/credits/ -- -- To compute the anonymous host, we will simply replace "room." by "anon." in the current module host. -- This part is very peertube-plugin-livechat specific, but that's okay :) local anonymous_host = "@anon." .. module.host:sub(#"^room."); local function get_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous(room) return room._data.x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous; end local function set_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous(room, mute_anonymous) mute_anonymous = mute_anonymous and true or nil; if get_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous(room) == mute_anonymous then return false; end room._data.x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous = mute_anonymous; local role_to_test; local role_to_set; if (mute_anonymous) then -- mute all anonymous users (with "participant" role) role_to_test = "participant"; role_to_set = "visitor"; else -- voice all anonymous users (with "visitor" role). role_to_test = "visitor"; role_to_set = "participant"; end for occupant_jid, occupant in room:each_occupant() do if (occupant.bare_jid:sub(-#anonymous_host) == anonymous_host) and occupant.role == role_to_test then room:set_role(true, occupant_jid, role_to_set); end end return true; end module:hook("muc-disco#info", function(event) if get_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous(event.room) then event.reply:tag("feature", {var = "x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous"}):up(); end end); module:hook("muc-config-form", function(event) table.insert(event.form, { name = "muc#roomconfig_x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous"; type = "boolean"; label = "Mute anonymous users"; desc = "Anonymous users will be muted by default."; value = get_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous(event.room); }); end, 121); module:hook("muc-config-submitted/muc#roomconfig_x_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous", function(event) if set_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous(event.room, event.value) then event.status_codes["104"] = true; end end); -- Note: muc-get-default-role does not get any occupant info. -- So we want use this hook to set default roles. -- We will do something a little hacky...: change the role in a high priority muc-occupant-pre-join hook! module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-join", function(event) local occupant = event.occupant; if occupant.role == "participant" then if get_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous(event.room) and occupant.bare_jid ~= nil then if (occupant.bare_jid:sub(-#anonymous_host) == anonymous_host) then occupant.role = "visitor"; end end end end, 1000); return { get = get_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous; set = set_peertubelivechat_mute_anonymous; };