// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import type { ChannelConfigurationOptions } from '../../../../shared/lib/types' import { channelTermsMaxLength } from '../../../../shared/lib/constants' /** * Sanitize data so that they can safely be used/stored for channel configuration configuration. * Throw an error if the format is obviously wrong. * Cleans data (removing empty values, ...) * @param options Peertube server options * @param _channelInfos Channel infos * @param data Input data */ async function sanitizeChannelConfigurationOptions ( _options: RegisterServerOptions, _channelId: number | string, data: any ): Promise<ChannelConfigurationOptions> { if (typeof data !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid data type') } const botData = data.bot if (typeof botData !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid data.bot data type') } // slowMode not present in livechat <= 8.2.0: const slowModeData = data.slowMode ?? {} slowModeData.duration ??= slowModeData.defaultDuration ?? 0 // v8.3.0 to 8.3.2: was in defaultDuration if (typeof slowModeData !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid data.slowMode data type') } const moderationData = data.moderation ?? {} // comes with livechat 10.3.0 moderationData.delay ??= 0 // mute not present in livechat <= 10.2.0 const mute = data.mute ?? {} mute.anonymous ??= false if (typeof mute !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid data.mute data type') } // terms not present in livechat <= 10.2.0 let terms = data.terms if (terms !== undefined && (typeof terms !== 'string')) { throw new Error('Invalid data.terms data type') } if (terms && terms.length > channelTermsMaxLength) { throw new Error('data.terms value too long') } if (terms === '') { terms = undefined } const result: ChannelConfigurationOptions = { bot: { enabled: _readBoolean(botData, 'enabled'), nickname: _readSimpleInput(botData, 'nickname', true), forbiddenWords: await _readForbiddenWords(botData), quotes: _readQuotes(botData), commands: _readCommands(botData) // TODO: bannedJIDs }, slowMode: { duration: _readInteger(slowModeData, 'duration', 0, 1000) }, mute: { anonymous: _readBoolean(mute, 'anonymous') }, moderation: { delay: _readInteger(moderationData, 'delay', 0, 60) } } if (terms !== undefined) { result.terms = terms } return result } function _readBoolean (data: any, f: string): boolean { if (!(f in data)) { return false } if (typeof data[f] !== 'boolean') { throw new Error('Invalid data type for field ' + f) } return data[f] } function _readInteger (data: any, f: string, min: number, max: number): number { if (!(f in data)) { throw new Error('Missing integer value for field ' + f) } const v = parseInt(data[f]) if (isNaN(v)) { throw new Error('Invalid value type for field ' + f) } if (v < min) { throw new Error('Invalid value type (<min) for field ' + f) } if (v > max) { throw new Error('Invalid value type (>max) for field ' + f) } return v } function _readSimpleInput (data: any, f: string, strict?: boolean, noSpace?: boolean): string { if (!(f in data)) { return '' } if (typeof data[f] !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid data type for field ' + f) } // Removing control characters. // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex let s = (data[f] as string).replace(/[\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F]/g, '') if (strict) { // Replacing all invalid characters, no need to throw an error.. s = s.replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N}\p{Z}_-]$/gu, '') } if (noSpace) { s = s.replace(/\s+/g, '') } return s } function _readStringArray (data: any, f: string): string[] { if (!(f in data)) { return [] } if (!Array.isArray(data[f])) { throw new Error('Invalid data type for field ' + f) } const result: string[] = [] for (const v of data[f]) { if (typeof v !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid data type in a value of field ' + f) } if (v === '' || /^\s+$/.test(v)) { // ignore empty values continue } result.push(v) } return result } function _readMultiLineString (data: any, f: string): string { if (!(f in data)) { return '' } if (typeof data[f] !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid data type for field ' + f) } // Removing control characters (must authorize \u001A: line feed) // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex const s = (data[f] as string).replace(/[\u0000-\u0009\u001B-\u001F\u007F-\u009F]/g, '') return s } async function _readRegExpArray (data: any, f: string): Promise<string[]> { // Note: this function can instanciate a lot of RegExp. // To avoid freezing the server, we make it async, and will validate each regexp in a separate tick. if (!(f in data)) { return [] } if (!Array.isArray(data[f])) { throw new Error('Invalid data type for field ' + f) } const result: string[] = [] for (const v of data[f]) { if (typeof v !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid data type in a value of field ' + f) } if (v === '' || /^\s+$/.test(v)) { // ignore empty values continue } // value must be a valid regexp try { async function _validate (): Promise<void> { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new RegExp(v) } await _validate() } catch (_err) { throw new Error('Invalid value in field ' + f) } result.push(v) } return result } async function _readForbiddenWords (botData: any): Promise<ChannelConfigurationOptions['bot']['forbiddenWords']> { if (!Array.isArray(botData.forbiddenWords)) { throw new Error('Invalid forbiddenWords data') } const result: ChannelConfigurationOptions['bot']['forbiddenWords'] = [] for (const fw of botData.forbiddenWords) { const regexp = !!fw.regexp let entries if (regexp) { entries = await _readRegExpArray(fw, 'entries') } else { entries = _readStringArray(fw, 'entries') } const applyToModerators = _readBoolean(fw, 'applyToModerators') const label = fw.label ? _readSimpleInput(fw, 'label') : undefined const reason = fw.reason ? _readSimpleInput(fw, 'reason') : undefined const comments = fw.comments ? _readMultiLineString(fw, 'comments') : undefined result.push({ regexp, entries, applyToModerators, label, reason, comments }) } return result } function _readQuotes (botData: any): ChannelConfigurationOptions['bot']['quotes'] { if (!Array.isArray(botData.quotes)) { throw new Error('Invalid quotes data') } const result: ChannelConfigurationOptions['bot']['quotes'] = [] for (const qs of botData.quotes) { const messages = _readStringArray(qs, 'messages') const delay = _readInteger(qs, 'delay', 1, 6000) result.push({ messages, delay }) } return result } function _readCommands (botData: any): ChannelConfigurationOptions['bot']['commands'] { if (!Array.isArray(botData.commands)) { throw new Error('Invalid commands data') } const result: ChannelConfigurationOptions['bot']['commands'] = [] for (const cs of botData.commands) { const message = _readSimpleInput(cs, 'message') const command = _readSimpleInput(cs, 'command', false, true) result.push({ message, command }) } return result } export { sanitizeChannelConfigurationOptions }