# Connect to an existing XMPP server with ConverseJS If you have an XMPP server, and don't want to provide a web chat application by yourself, you can use the builtin ConverseJS implementation. ConverseJS is an Free and Open Source Javascript library to connect to Jabber/XMPP servers. **Important Note**: If you don't have a running XMPP server, here is a **[tutorial to install Prosody XMPP Server](./tutorials/prosody.md) on your Peertube instance**. ## Plugin Settings ### Chat mode Just select «Connect to an existing XMPP server with ConverseJS» as chat mode. #### XMPP service server (mandatory) The XMPP server. For example: ```peertube.im.your_domain```. NB: If you have an existing Prosody server, you can use its address if it has anonymous authentication on. Otherwise, you can create a subdomain (see [the example file](documentation/examples/prosody/virtualhost.cfg.lua)). The ```peertube.im``` is part of the example, you have to replace the entire value. #### XMPP room template (mandatory) The room to join on your XMPP server. You can have a single room for all webchats, or you can use any of there placeholders: - ```{{VIDEO_UUID}}``` to insert the video UUID and have a custom room for each video. - ```{{CHANNEL_ID}}``` to insert the channel numerical ID and have a custom room for each channel. - ```{{CHANNEL_NAME}}``` to insert the channel name (see the Peertube's documentation for possible characters) and have a custom room for each channel. You can mix several placeholders. Example: ```room_{{VIDEO_UUID}}@room.peertube.im.your_domain``` NB: when using CHANNEL_ID or CHANNEL_NAME with remote videos, you can have unexpected results. You should consider disabling webchat for remote videos. #### BOSH uri OR Websocket uri You have to provide at least one of these two settings. Example for BOSH: ```https://peertube.im.yiny.org/http-bind``` Example for Websocket: ```wss://peertube.im.yiny.org/xmpp-websocket``` NB: ConverseJS can also use the ```/.well-known/host-meta``` file to discover services. See ConverseJS [documentation](https://conversejs.org/docs/html/configuration.html#discover-connection-methods) and XMPP [documentation](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0156.html#httpexamples). ### Chat behaviour These settings are common with other chat modes. Here is the documentation: [common settings](./common.md).