import type { ChatType } from 'shared/lib/types' interface ActionPluginSettingsParams { npmName: string } function register ({ registerHook, registerSettingsScript, peertubeHelpers }: RegisterOptions): void { function getBaseRoute (): string { // NB: this will come with Peertube > 3.2.1 (3.3.0?) if (peertubeHelpers.getBaseRouterRoute) { return peertubeHelpers.getBaseRouterRoute() } // We are guessing the route with the correct plugin version with this trick: const staticBase = peertubeHelpers.getBaseStaticRoute() // we can't use '/plugins/livechat/router', because the loaded html page needs correct relative paths. return staticBase.replace(/\/static.*$/, '/router') } registerHook({ target: 'action:admin-plugin-settings.init', handler: ({ npmName }: ActionPluginSettingsParams) => { if (npmName !== PLUGIN_CHAT_PACKAGE_NAME) { console.log(`[peertube-plugin-livechat] Settings for ${npmName}, not ${PLUGIN_CHAT_PACKAGE_NAME}. Returning.`) return } console.log('[peertube-plugin-livechat] Initializing diagnostic button') const diagButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.peertube-plugin-livechat-launch-diagnostic') diagButtons.forEach(diagButton => { if (diagButton.hasAttribute('href')) { return } // TODO: use a modal instead of a target=_blank diagButton.setAttribute('href', getBaseRoute() + '/settings/diagnostic') diagButton.setAttribute('target', '_blank') }) } }) registerSettingsScript({ isSettingHidden: options => { const name = switch (name) { case 'chat-type-help-disabled': return options.formValues['chat-type'] !== ('disabled' as ChatType) case 'prosody-port': case 'prosody-peertube-uri': case 'chat-type-help-builtin-prosody': return options.formValues['chat-type'] !== ('builtin-prosody' as ChatType) case 'chat-server': case 'chat-room': case 'chat-bosh-uri': case 'chat-ws-uri': case 'chat-type-help-builtin-converse': return options.formValues['chat-type'] !== ('builtin-converse' as ChatType) case 'chat-uri': case 'chat-type-help-external-uri': return options.formValues['chat-type'] !== ('external-uri' as ChatType) case 'chat-style': return options.formValues['chat-type'] === 'disabled' case 'chat-only-locals-warning': return options.formValues['chat-only-locals'] === true case 'chat-per-live-video-warning': return !(options.formValues['chat-all-lives'] === true && options.formValues['chat-per-live-video'] === true) } return false } }) } export { register }