# peertube-plugin-livechat

This Peertube plugin is published under the «GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3» license.
Please see [the LICENSE file](LICENSE).

Copyright holders:

* John Livingston (https://www.john-livingston.fr/)
* Code Lutin SASPO (https://www.codelutin.com/)

## 3rd party

3rd party dependencies comes with their respective licenses.

Thanks to David Revoy for his work on Peertube's mascot, [Sepia](https://www.davidrevoy.com/index.php?tag/peertube).
The character design is under CC-By licence, and the SVG files used to create some logo and avatars in this plugin are GPLv3.0.

Some material icons downloaded from this website where used for icons: [Material.io](https://material.io/resources/icons).

Some Prosody Modules in the `prosody-modules` folder are under MIT license. Please refer to README files in each subfolder, and to the [COPYING](./prosody-modules/COPYING) file. For more informations, here is [the official Prosody Modules website](https://modules.prosody.im).

NPM modules dependencies have their license files in their repective `node_modules` directory.