# This file is meant to be used with appimage-builder: https://appimage-builder.readthedocs.io # See it is use in the build-prosody.sh script. version: 1 script: # Remove any previous build - rm -rf AppDir | true # Make usr dirs - mkdir -p AppDir/usr/bin # Copy the launcher code into the AppDir - cp ./launcher.lua AppDir/usr/bin/ # Creating the /etc/prosody/certs folder to avoid unecessary errors - mkdir -p AppDir/etc/prosody/certs AppDir: path: ./AppDir app_info: id: org.peertube-plugin-livechat.prosody name: prosody icon: utilities-terminal version: 1.0.0 exec: usr/bin/lua5.2 exec_args: "$APPDIR/usr/bin/launcher.lua $@" apt: arch: arm64 sources: # Note: for an unknown reason, building from debian packages produce invalid AppFiles. # See: https://github.com/AppImageCrafters/appimage-builder/issues/278 # So we are using ubuntu repository. - sourceline: 'deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic main restricted universe multiverse' key_url: 'http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3b4fe6acc0b21f32' include: - lua5.2 # For an unknown reason, lua-unbound is not found in these repository. # - lua-unbound # lua-readline and lua-event are recommanded dependencies # For an unknown reason, lua-readline is not found in these repository. # - lua-readline - lua-event # lua-zlib is suggested. Not sure it is used, by make sense to add. - lua-zlib - prosody files: exclude: - usr/share/man - usr/share/doc/*/README.* - usr/share/doc/*/changelog.* - usr/share/doc/*/NEWS.* - usr/share/doc/*/TODO.* - etc/init.d/* - etc/logrotate.d/* runtime: # Here we use the path_mappings to rewrite, on runtime, all paths. # Note: this assume that peertube-plugin-livechat is not in a subdir of one of following mappings. # This seems a reasonable assumption. path_mappings: - /etc/:$APPDIR/etc/ - /lib/:$APPDIR/lib/ - /lib64/:$APPDIR/lib64/ - /runtime/:$APPDIR/runtime/ - /usr/:$APPDIR/usr/ AppImage: arch: aarch64 file_name: 'livechat-prosody-aarch64.AppImage'