-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> -- SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only local id = require "util.id"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local timer = require "util.timer"; local xmlns_occupant_id = "urn:xmpp:occupant-id:0"; local xmlns_replace = "urn:xmpp:message-correct:0"; local xmlns_poll_message = module:require("constants").xmlns_poll_message; local poll_message_tag = module:require("constants").poll_message_tag; local poll_question_tag = module:require("constants").poll_question_tag; local poll_choice_tag = module:require("constants").poll_choice_tag; local mod_muc = module:depends"muc"; local get_room_from_jid = mod_muc.get_room_from_jid; local debounce_delay = 5; -- number of seconds during which we must group votes to avoid flood. local scheduled_updates = {}; local string_poll_over = module:get_option_string("poll_string_over") or "This poll is now over."; local string_poll_vote_instructions = module:get_option_string("poll_string_vote_instructions") or "Send a message with an exclamation mark followed by your choice number to vote. Example: !1"; -- Build the content for poll start and end messages (that will go to the message <body>) local function build_poll_message_content(room, is_end_message) local current_poll = room._data.current_poll; if not current_poll then return nil; end local content = current_poll["muc#roompoll_question"] .. "\n"; if is_end_message then content = content .. string_poll_over .. "\n"; end local total = 0; for choice, nb in pairs(current_poll.votes_by_choices) do total = total + nb; end for _, choice_desc in ipairs(current_poll.choices_ordered) do local choice, label = choice_desc.number, choice_desc.label; content = content .. choice .. ': ' .. label; -- if vote over, and at least 1 vote, we add the results. if is_end_message and total > 0 then local nb = current_poll.votes_by_choices[choice] or 0; local percent = string.format("%.2f", nb * 100 / total); content = content .. " (" .. nb .. "/" .. total .. " = " .. percent .. "%)"; end content = content .. "\n"; end if not is_end_message then content = content .. string_poll_vote_instructions .. "\n"; end return content; end -- construct the poll message stanza. -- Note: content can be nil, for updates messages. local function build_poll_message(room, content) local current_poll = room._data.current_poll; if not current_poll then return nil; end local from = current_poll.occupant_nick; -- this is in fact room.jid/nickname local msg = st.message({ type = "groupchat", from = from, id = id.long() }, content); msg:tag("occupant-id", { xmlns = xmlns_occupant_id, id = current_poll.occupant_id }):up(); if content == nil then -- No content, this is an update message. -- Adding some hints (XEP-0334): msg:tag("no-copy", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:hints" }):up(); msg:tag("no-store", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:hints" }):up(); msg:tag("no-permanent-store", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:hints" }):up(); end -- now we must add some custom XML data, so that compatible clients can display the poll as they want: -- <x-poll xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#x-poll-message" id="I9UWyoxsz4BN" votes="1" end="1719842224" over=""> -- <x-poll-question>Poll question</x-poll-question> -- <x-poll-choice choice="1" votes="0">Choice 1 label</x-poll-choice> -- <x-poll-choice choice="2" votes="1">Choice 2 label</x-poll-choice> -- <x-poll-choice choice="3" votes="0">Choice 3 label</x-poll-choice> -- <x-poll-choice choice="4" votes="0">Choice 4 label</x-poll-choice> -- </x-poll> local total = 0; for choice, nb in pairs(current_poll.votes_by_choices) do total = total + nb; end local message_attrs = { xmlns = xmlns_poll_message, id = current_poll.poll_id, votes = "" .. total }; message_attrs["end"] = string.format("%i", current_poll.end_timestamp); if current_poll.already_ended then message_attrs["over"] = ""; end msg:tag(poll_message_tag, message_attrs):text_tag(poll_question_tag, current_poll["muc#roompoll_question"], {}); for _, choice_desc in ipairs(current_poll.choices_ordered) do local choice, label = choice_desc.number, choice_desc.label; local nb = current_poll.votes_by_choices[choice] or 0; total = total + nb; msg:text_tag(poll_choice_tag, label, { votes = "" .. nb, choice = choice }); end msg:up(); return msg; end -- sends a message when the poll starts. local function poll_start_message(room) if not room._data.current_poll then return nil; end module:log("debug", "Sending the start message for room %s poll", room.jid); local content = build_poll_message_content(room, false); local msg = build_poll_message(room, content); room:broadcast_message(msg); end -- Send the poll update message local function send_poll_update_message(room) if not room._data.current_poll then return nil; end if room._data.current_poll.already_ended then module:log("debug", "Cancelling the update message for room %s poll, because already_ended==true.", room.jid); return nil; end module:log("debug", "Sending an update message for room %s poll", room.jid); local msg = build_poll_message(room, nil); room:broadcast_message(msg); end -- Schedule an update of the start message. -- We do not send this update each time someone vote, -- to avoid flooding. local function schedule_poll_update_message(room_jid) if scheduled_updates[room_jid] then -- already a running timer, we can ignore to debounce. return; end scheduled_updates[room_jid] = timer.add_task(debounce_delay, function() scheduled_updates[room_jid] = nil; -- We dont pass room, because here it could have been removed from memory. -- So we must relad the room from the JID in any case. local room = get_room_from_jid(room_jid); if not room then return; end send_poll_update_message(room); end); end -- Send a new message when the poll is over, with the result. local function poll_end_message(room) if not room._data.current_poll then return nil; end module:log("debug", "Sending the end message for room %s poll", room.jid); if scheduled_updates[room.jid] then module:log("debug", "Cancelling an update message for the poll %s", room.jid); timer.stop(scheduled_updates[room.jid]); scheduled_updates[room.jid] = nil; end local content = build_poll_message_content(room, true); local msg = build_poll_message(room, content); room:broadcast_message(msg); end -- security check: we must remove all specific tags, to be sure nobody tries to spoof polls! local function remove_specific_tags_from_groupchat(event) event.stanza:maptags(function (child) if child.name == poll_message_tag then return nil; end if child.name == poll_question_tag then return nil; end if child.name == poll_choice_tag then return nil; end return child; end); end -- when a new session is opened, we must send the current poll to the client local function handle_new_occupant_session(event) local room = event.room; local occupant = event.occupant; local origin = event.origin; if not occupant then return; end if not room._data.current_poll then return; end if room._data.current_poll.already_ended then return; end -- Sending an update message to the new occupant. module:log("debug", "Sending a poll update message to new occupant %s", occupant.jid); local msg = build_poll_message(room, nil); msg.attr.to = occupant.jid; origin.send(msg); end return { poll_start_message = poll_start_message; poll_end_message = poll_end_message; schedule_poll_update_message = schedule_poll_update_message; remove_specific_tags_from_groupchat = remove_specific_tags_from_groupchat; handle_new_occupant_session = handle_new_occupant_session; };