import { ensureProsodyRunning, ensureProsodyNotRunning } from './prosody/ctl' import type { ChatType } from '../../shared/lib/types' function initSettings (options: RegisterServerOptions): void { const { peertubeHelpers, registerSetting, settingsManager } = options // ********** IMPORTANT NOTES registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

Important notes

' }) registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: `Please read the documentation first.` }) registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: `Before asking for help, please use the diagnostic tool: Launch diagnostic` }) // ********** Chat Mode registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

Chat mode

' }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-type', label: 'Chat mode', type: 'select', default: 'disabled' as ChatType, private: false, options: [ { value: 'disabled', label: 'Disabled' }, { value: 'builtin-prosody', label: 'Prosody server controlled by Peertube (recommended)' }, { value: 'builtin-converse', label: 'Connect to an existing XMPP server with ConverseJS' }, { value: 'external-uri', label: 'Use an external web chat tool' } ] as Array<{value: ChatType, label: string}>, descriptionHTML: 'Please choose the webchat mode you want to use.' }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-type-help-disabled', type: 'html', descriptionHTML: 'The chat is disabled.', private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-type-help-builtin-prosody', type: 'html', label: 'Prosody server controlled by Peertube (recommended)', descriptionHTML: `With this mode, the Peertube server will control a local Prosody XMPP server.
Note: you have to install the Prosody XMPP server. Please read the documentation.`, private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-type-help-builtin-converse', type: 'html', label: 'Connect to an existing XMPP server with ConverseJS', descriptionHTML: `With this mode, you can connect to an existing XMPP server, that allow anonymous authentication and room creation. Please read the documentation.`, private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-type-help-external-uri', type: 'html', label: 'Use an external webchat', descriptionHTML: `With this mode, you can use any external web chat that can be included in an iframe. Please read the documentation.`, private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-port', label: 'Prosody port', type: 'input', default: '52800', private: true, descriptionHTML: `The port that will be used by the builtin Prosody server.
Change it if this port is already in use on your server.
You can close this port on your firewall, it will not be accessed from the outer world.` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-peertube-uri', label: 'Peertube url for API calls', type: 'input', default: '', private: true, descriptionHTML: `Please let this settings empty if you don't know what you are doing.
In some rare case, Prosody can't call Peertube's API from its public URI. You can use this field to customise Peertube's URI for Prosody modules (for example with «http://localhost:9000»).` }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-server', label: 'XMPP service server', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: 'Your XMPP server. Without any scheme. Example :', private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-room', label: 'XMPP room template', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: `Your XMPP room. You can use the placeholder {{VIDEO_UUID}} to add the video UUID. Without this placeholder, all videos will point to the same chat room.
Example: public_{{VIDEO_UUID}}`, private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-bosh-uri', label: 'BOSH uri', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: `URI of the external BOSH server. Please make sure it accept cross origin request from your domain.
You must at least have a BOSH or a Websocket uri.`, private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-ws-uri', label: 'Websocket uri', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: ` URI of the external WS server. Please make sure it accept cross origin request from your domain.
You must at least have a BOSH or a Websocket uri.`, private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-uri', label: 'Webchat url', type: 'input', default: '', descriptionHTML: `Put here your webchat url. An iframe will be created pointing to this url. The placeholder {{VIDEO_UUID}} will be replace by the video UUID if present. Example : https://my_domain/conversejs.html?room=video_{{VIDEO_UUID}}.
If this field is empty, it will use the builtin ConverseJS webchat.`, private: false }) // ********** Chat behaviour registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

Chat behaviour

' }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-auto-display', label: 'Automatically open the chat', descriptionHTML: 'When watching a video, the chatbox will automatically open', type: 'input-checkbox', default: true, private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-open-blank', label: 'Show the «open in new window» button', descriptionHTML: 'There will be a button for opening the web chat in a new window.', private: false, type: 'input-checkbox', default: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-only-locals', label: 'Chats are only available for local videos.', descriptionHTML: 'If you uncheck this settings, the chat will also be enabled on remote videos.', type: 'input-checkbox', default: true, private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-only-locals-warning', type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: ` The plugin is not compatible with video federation yet. The webchat will only be accessible for people watching videos on your server. ` }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-per-live-video', label: 'Users can activate the chat for their lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: true, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, all live videos will have a checkbox in their properties for enabling the web chat.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-per-live-video-warning', type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: ` You have enabled the setting «Users can activate the chat for their lives». It is redundant with the «Activate chat for all lives» setting. ` }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-all-lives', label: 'Activate chat for all lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, the chat will be enabled for all lives.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-all-non-lives', label: 'Activate chat for all non-lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, the chat will be enable for all video that are not lives.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-videos-list', label: 'Activate chat for these videos', type: 'input-textarea', default: '', descriptionHTML: `Videos UUIDs for which we want a web chat. Can be non-live videos. One per line.
You can add comments: everything after the # character will be stripped off, and empty lines ignored.
Don't add private videos, the UUIDs will be send to frontend.`, private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-style', label: 'Webchat iframe style attribute', type: 'input-textarea', default: '', descriptionHTML: `Additional styles to be added on the iframe style attribute.
Example: height:400px;`, private: false }) // ********** settings changes management settingsManager.onSettingsChange(async (settings: any) => { if ('chat-type' in settings) { const chatType: ChatType = settings['chat-type'] ?? 'disabled' if (chatType === 'builtin-prosody') {'Saving settings, ensuring prosody is running') await ensureProsodyRunning(options) } else {'Saving settings, ensuring prosody is not running') await ensureProsodyNotRunning(options) } } }) } export { initSettings }