@import "./variables"; @import "shared/styles/index"; @import "./peertubetheme"; body.livechat-iframe #conversejs .chat-head { // Hidding the chat-head when the plugin is displayed in an iframe. display: none; } #conversejs-bg { // We are using a custom template that differs from the original, this is required. .converse-brand__heading { img { margin-top: 0.3em; } } } // Readonly mode body.livechat-readonly #conversejs { .chat-head, .bottom-panel, converse-message-actions, converse-muc-sidebar { display: none !important; } } body.livechat-readonly.livechat-noscroll { converse-chat-content { overflow-y: hidden !important; } .message.separator, .message.date-separator { // also hide separators (new day, new message) display: none; } } // Viewer mode .livechat-viewer-mode-nick { display: none; } body[livechat-viewer-mode="on"] { .livechat-viewer-mode-nick { display: initial; form { display: flex !important; flex-flow: row wrap !important; padding-top: 0.5em !important; padding-bottom: 0.5em !important; border-top: var(--chatroom-separator-border-bottom) !important; } } converse-muc-bottom-panel { >:not(.livechat-viewer-mode-nick) { display: none; } } } // Transparent mode body.livechat-transparent { // --peertube-main-background: var(--livechat-transparent) !important; // --peertube-menu-background: var(--livechat-transparent) !important; &.converse-fullscreen { background-color: var(--livechat-transparent) !important; } .chat-body, .conversejs .chatroom .box-flyout, .conversejs .chatbox .chat-content, .conversejs .chatbox .chat-content .chat-content__notifications { background-color: var(--livechat-transparent) !important; } // Hide the background_logo #conversejs-bg { display: none !important; } }