// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // FIXME: @stylistic/indent is buggy with strings literrals. /* eslint-disable @stylistic/indent */ import { LivechatElement } from './livechat' import { html } from 'lit' import type { DirectiveResult } from 'lit/directive' import { customElement, property } from 'lit/decorators.js' import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js' /** * Special element to upload image files. * If no current value, displays an input type="file" field. * When there is already an image, it is displayed. * Clicking on the image triggers a new upload, that will replace the image. * * The value can be either: * * an url (when the image is already saved for example) * * a base64 representation (for image to upload for exemple) * * Doing so, we just have to set the img.src to the value to display the image. */ @customElement('livechat-image-file-input') export class ImageFileInputElement extends LivechatElement { @property({ attribute: false }) public name?: string @property({ reflect: true }) public value: string | undefined @property({ attribute: false }) public maxSize?: number @property({ attribute: false }) public inputTitle?: string | DirectiveResult @property({ attribute: false }) public accept: string[] = ['image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'] protected override render = (): unknown => { return html` ${this.value ? html`<img src=${this.value} alt=${ifDefined(this.inputTitle)} @click=${(ev: Event) => { ev.preventDefault() const upload: HTMLInputElement | null | undefined = this.parentElement?.querySelector('input[type="file"]') upload?.click() }} />` : '' } <input type="file" title=${ifDefined(this.inputTitle)} accept="${this.accept.join(',')}" class="form-control" style=${this.value ? 'display: none;' : ''} @change=${async (ev: Event) => this._upload(ev)} /> ` } private async _upload (ev: Event): Promise<void> { ev.preventDefault() ev.stopImmediatePropagation() // we dont want to propage the change from the input field, only from the hidden field const target = ev.target const file = (target as HTMLInputElement).files?.[0] if (!file) { return } if (this.maxSize && file.size > this.maxSize) { let msg = await this.ptTranslate(LOC_INVALID_VALUE_FILE_TOO_BIG) if (msg) { // FIXME: better unit handling (here we force kb) msg = msg.replace('%s', Math.round(this.maxSize / 1024).toString() + 'k') this.ptNotifier.error(msg) } return } try { const base64 = await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader() fileReader.onload = () => { if (fileReader.result === null) { reject(new Error('Empty result')) return } if (fileReader.result instanceof ArrayBuffer) { reject(new Error('Result is an ArrayBuffer, this was not intended')) } else { resolve(fileReader.result) } } fileReader.onerror = reject fileReader.readAsDataURL(file) }) this.value = base64 const event = new Event('change') this.dispatchEvent(event) } catch (err) { // FIXME: use peertube notifier? this.logger.error(err) } } }