import { videoHasWebchat } from 'shared/lib/video' import type { ChatType } from 'shared/lib/types' interface VideoWatchLoadedHookOptions { videojs: any video: Video playlist?: any } function register ({ registerHook, peertubeHelpers }: RegisterOptions): void { const logger = { log: (s: string) => console.log('[peertube-plugin-livechat] ' + s), info: (s: string) =>'[peertube-plugin-livechat] ' + s), error: (s: string) => console.error('[peertube-plugin-livechat] ' + s), warn: (s: string) => console.warn('[peertube-plugin-livechat] ' + s) } let settings: any = {} function getBaseRoute (): string { // NB: this will come with Peertube > 3.2.1 (3.3.0?) if (peertubeHelpers.getBaseRouterRoute) { return peertubeHelpers.getBaseRouterRoute() } // We are guessing the route with the correct plugin version with this trick: const staticBase = peertubeHelpers.getBaseStaticRoute() // we can't use '/plugins/livechat/router', because the loaded html page needs correct relative paths. return staticBase.replace(/\/static.*$/, '/router') } function getIframeUri (video: Video): string | null { if (!settings) { logger.error('Settings are not initialized, too soon to compute the iframeUri') return null } let iframeUri = '' const chatType: ChatType = (settings['chat-type'] ?? 'disabled') as ChatType if (chatType === 'builtin-prosody' || chatType === 'builtin-converse') { // Using the builtin converseJS iframeUri = getBaseRoute() + '/webchat/room/' + encodeURIComponent(video.uuid) } else if (chatType === 'external-uri') { iframeUri = settings['chat-uri'] || '' iframeUri = iframeUri.replace(/{{VIDEO_UUID}}/g, encodeURIComponent(video.uuid)) if (iframeUri.includes('{{CHANNEL_ID}}')) { if (! || ! { logger.error('Missing channel info in video object.') return null } iframeUri = iframeUri.replace(/{{CHANNEL_ID}}/g, encodeURIComponent( } if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(iframeUri)) { logger.error('The webchaturi must begin with https://') return null } } else { logger.error('Chat disabled.') return null } if (iframeUri === '') { logger.error('No iframe uri') return null } return iframeUri } function displayButton ( buttonContainer: HTMLElement, name: string, label: string, callback: () => void | boolean, icon: string | null ): void { const button = document.createElement('button') button.classList.add( 'peertube-plugin-livechat-button', 'peertube-plugin-livechat-button-' + name ) button.onclick = callback if (icon) { // FIXME: remove «as string» when peertube types will be available const iconUrl = peertubeHelpers.getBaseStaticRoute() + '/images/' + icon const iconEl = document.createElement('span') iconEl.classList.add('peertube-plugin-livechat-button-icon') iconEl.setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(\'' + iconUrl + '\');' ) button.prepend(iconEl) button.setAttribute('title', label) } else { button.textContent = label } buttonContainer.append(button) } async function insertChatDom (container: HTMLElement, video: Video, showOpenBlank: boolean): Promise { logger.log('Adding livechat in the DOM...') const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises Promise.all([ peertubeHelpers.translate('Open chat'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Open chat in a new window'), peertubeHelpers.translate('Close chat') ]).then(labels => { const labelOpen = labels[0] const labelOpenBlank = labels[1] const labelClose = labels[2] const iframeUri = getIframeUri(video) if (!iframeUri) { return reject(new Error('No uri, cant display the buttons.')) } const buttonContainer = document.createElement('div') buttonContainer.classList.add('peertube-plugin-livechat-buttons') container.append(buttonContainer) displayButton(buttonContainer, 'open', labelOpen, () => openChat(video), 'talking.svg') if (showOpenBlank) { displayButton(buttonContainer, 'openblank', labelOpenBlank, () => { closeChat() }, 'talking-new-window.svg') } displayButton(buttonContainer, 'close', labelClose, () => closeChat(), 'bye.svg') resolve() }) }) return p } function openChat (video: Video): void | boolean { if (!video) { logger.log('No video.') return false }'Trying to load the chat for video ' + video.uuid + '.') const iframeUri = getIframeUri(video) if (!iframeUri) { logger.error('Incorrect iframe uri') return false } const additionalStyles = settings['chat-style'] || '''Opening the chat...') const container = document.getElementById('peertube-plugin-livechat-container') if (!container) { logger.error('Cant found the livechat container.') return false } if (container.querySelector('iframe')) { logger.error('Seems that there is already an iframe in the container.') return false } // Creating the iframe... const iframe = document.createElement('iframe') iframe.setAttribute('src', iframeUri) iframe.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms') iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0') if (additionalStyles) { iframe.setAttribute('style', additionalStyles) } container.append(iframe) container.setAttribute('peertube-plugin-livechat-state', 'open') } function closeChat (): void { const container = document.getElementById('peertube-plugin-livechat-container') if (!container) { logger.error('Cant close livechat, container not found.') return } container.querySelectorAll('iframe') .forEach(dom => dom.remove()) container.setAttribute('peertube-plugin-livechat-state', 'closed') } function initChat (video: Video): void { if (!video) { logger.error('No video provided') return } const placeholder = document.getElementById('plugin-placeholder-player-next') if (!placeholder) { logger.error('The required placeholder div is not present in the DOM.') return } let container = placeholder.querySelector('#peertube-plugin-livechat-container') if (container) { logger.log('The chat seems already initialized...') return } container = document.createElement('div') container.setAttribute('id', 'peertube-plugin-livechat-container') container.setAttribute('peertube-plugin-livechat-state', 'initializing') placeholder.append(container) peertubeHelpers.getSettings().then((s: any) => { settings = s logger.log('Checking if this video should have a chat...') if (!videoHasWebchat(s, video)) { logger.log('This video has no webchat') return } insertChatDom(container as HTMLElement, video, !!settings['chat-open-blank']).then(() => { if (settings['chat-auto-display']) { openChat(video) } else if (container) { container.setAttribute('peertube-plugin-livechat-state', 'closed') } }, () => { logger.error('insertChatDom has failed') }) }, () => { logger.error('Cant get settings') }) } registerHook({ target: '', handler: ({ video, playlist }: VideoWatchLoadedHookOptions) => { if (!video) { logger.error('No video argument in hook') return } if (playlist) {'We are in a playlist, we will not use the webchat') return } initChat(video) } }) } export { register }