// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { api } from '@converse/headless' import tplMucTaskLists from '../templates/muc-task-lists' import { __ } from 'i18n' import { DraggablesCustomElement } from '../../../shared/components/draggables/index.js' import '../styles/muc-task-lists.scss' export default class MUCTaskListsView extends DraggablesCustomElement { static get properties () { return { model: { type: Object, attribute: true }, create_tasklist_error_message: { type: String, attribute: false } } } async initialize () { this.create_tasklist_error_message = '' if (!this.model) { return } this.draggableTagName = 'livechat-converse-muc-task' this.droppableTagNames = ['livechat-converse-muc-task', 'livechat-converse-muc-task-list'] this.droppableAlwaysBottomTagNames = ['livechat-converse-muc-task-list'] // Adding or removing a new task list: we must update. this.listenTo(this.model, 'add', () => this.requestUpdate()) this.listenTo(this.model, 'remove', () => this.requestUpdate()) this.listenTo(this.model, 'sort', () => this.requestUpdate()) return super.initialize() } render () { return tplMucTaskLists(this, this.model) } async submitCreateTaskList (ev) { ev.preventDefault() const name = ev.target.name.value.trim() if (this.create_tasklist_error_message) { this.create_tasklist_error_message = '' } if ((name ?? '') === '') { return } try { this.querySelectorAll('input[type=submit]').forEach(el => { el.setAttribute('disabled', true) el.classList.add('disabled') }) await this.model.createTaskList({ name }) this.querySelector('input[name=name]').value = '' } catch (err) { console.error(err) // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this.create_tasklist_error_message = __(LOC_task_list_create_error) } finally { this.querySelectorAll('input[type=submit]').forEach(el => { el.removeAttribute('disabled') el.classList.remove('disabled') }) } } isATaskEl (target) { return target.nodeName?.toLowerCase() === 'livechat-converse-muc-task' } isATaskListEl (target) { return target.nodeName?.toLowerCase() === 'livechat-converse-muc-task-list' } _dropDone (draggedEl, droppedOnEl, onTopHalf) { super._dropDone(...arguments) console.log('[livechat task drag&drop] Task dropped...') const task = draggedEl.model let newOrder, targetTasklist if (this.isATaskListEl(droppedOnEl)) { // We dropped on a task list, we must add as first entry. newOrder = 0 targetTasklist = droppedOnEl.model if (task.get('list') !== targetTasklist.get('id')) { console.log('[livechat task drag&drop] Changing task list...') task.set('list', targetTasklist.get('id')) } else if (task.get('order') === newOrder) { // Just to avoid doing some modifications for nothing... console.log('[livechat task drag&drop] Task dropped on tasklist, but already first item, nothing to do') return } } else if (this.isATaskEl(droppedOnEl)) { // We dropped on a task, we must get its order (+1 if !onTopHalf) const droppedOnTask = droppedOnEl.model if (task === droppedOnTask) { // But of course, if dropped on itself there is nothing to do. console.log('[livechat task drag&drop] Task dropped on itself, nothing to do') return } if (task.get('list') !== droppedOnTask.get('list')) { console.log('[livechat task drag&drop] Changing task list...') task.set('list', droppedOnTask.get('list')) } newOrder = droppedOnTask.get('order') ?? 0 if (!onTopHalf) { newOrder = Math.max(0, newOrder + 1) } if (typeof newOrder !== 'number' || isNaN(newOrder)) { console.error( 'Dropped on a task that has not valid order. ' + 'Setting order to 0, that will refresh all tasks order, but the user will not have the expected result.' ) newOrder = 0 } targetTasklist = this.model.get(droppedOnTask.get('list')) } else { console.error('[livechat task drag&drop] Dropped on something that is not valid, aborting') return } this._saveOrders(targetTasklist.getTasks(), task, newOrder) } } api.elements.define('livechat-converse-muc-task-lists', MUCTaskListsView)