-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Florian Zeitz -- Copyright (C) 2023 John Livingston -- Copied from original Prosody mod_websocket module (MIT/X11 licensed). Provided with Peertube Livechat plugin (AGPL-v3). module:set_global(); local timer = require "util.timer"; local add_task = timer.add_task; local add_filter = require "util.filters".add_filter; local sha1 = require "util.hashes".sha1; local base64_encode = require "util.encodings".base64.encode; local random_bytes = require "util.random".bytes; local st = require "util.stanza"; local parse_xml = require "util.xml".parse; local contains_token = require "util.http".contains_token; local portmanager = require "core.portmanager"; local s2s_new_outgoing = require "core.s2smanager".new_outgoing; local s2s_destroy_session = require "core.s2smanager".destroy_session; local log = module._log; local dbuffer = require "util.dbuffer"; local http = require "net.http"; local async = require "util.async"; local websocket_frames = require"net.websocket.frames"; local parse_frame = websocket_frames.parse; local build_frame = websocket_frames.build; local build_close = websocket_frames.build_close; local parse_close = websocket_frames.parse_close; local t_concat = table.concat; local stanza_size_limit = module:get_option_number("s2s_stanza_size_limit", 1024 * 512); local frame_buffer_limit = module:get_option_number("websocket_frame_buffer_limit", 2 * stanza_size_limit); local frame_fragment_limit = module:get_option_number("websocket_frame_fragment_limit", 8); local stream_close_timeout = module:get_option_number("s2s_close_timeout", 5); local consider_websocket_secure = module:get_option_boolean("consider_websocket_secure"); local websocket_s2s_ping_interval = module:get_option_number("websocket_s2s_ping_interval", 55); local xmlns_framing = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing-server"; local xmlns_streams = "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"; local xmlns_dialback = "jabber:server:dialback"; local xmlns_server = "jabber:server"; local stream_xmlns_attr = {xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'}; module:depends("s2s") local bounce_sendq = module:depends "s2s".route_to_new_session.bounce_sendq; local sessions = module:shared("s2s/sessions"); local s2s_listener = portmanager.get_service("s2s").listener; --- Session methods local function session_open_stream(session, from, to) local log = session.log or log; log("debug", "Opening stream from %s to %to.", from, to); local attr = { xmlns = xmlns_framing, ["xml:lang"] = "en", version = "1.0", id = session.streamid or "", from = from or session.host, to = to, }; if session.stream_attrs then session:stream_attrs(from, to, attr) end session.sends2s(st.stanza("open", attr)); end local function session_close(session, reason) local log = session.log or log; log("debug", "Closing session..."); local close_event_payload = { session = session, reason = reason }; module:context(session.host):fire_event("pre-session-close", close_event_payload); reason = close_event_payload.reason; if session.conn then if session.notopen then session:open_stream(); end if reason then -- nil == no err, initiated by us, false == initiated by client local stream_error = st.stanza("stream:error"); if type(reason) == "string" then -- assume stream error stream_error:tag(reason, {xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' }); elseif st.is_stanza(reason) then stream_error = reason; elseif type(reason) == "table" then if reason.condition then stream_error:tag(reason.condition, stream_xmlns_attr):up(); if reason.text then stream_error:tag("text", stream_xmlns_attr):text(reason.text):up(); end if reason.extra then stream_error:add_child(reason.extra); end end end log("debug", "Disconnecting s2s websocket server, is: %s", stream_error); session.sends2s(stream_error); end session.sends2s(st.stanza("close", { xmlns = xmlns_framing })); function session.sends2s() return false; end -- luacheck: ignore 422/reason -- FIXME reason should be handled in common place local reason = (reason and (reason.name or reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason; session.log("debug", "s2s stream for %s closed: %s", session.full_jid or ("<"..session.ip..">"), reason or "session closed"); -- Authenticated incoming stream may still be sending us stanzas, so wait for from remote local conn = session.conn; if reason == nil and not session.notopen and session.type == "s2s" then -- Grace time to process data from authenticated cleanly-closed stream add_task(stream_close_timeout, function () if not session.destroyed then session.log("warn", "Failed to receive a stream close response, closing connection anyway..."); s2s_destroy_session(session, reason); conn:write(build_close(1000, "Stream closed")); conn:close(); end end); else s2s_destroy_session(session, reason); conn:write(build_close(1000, "Stream closed")); conn:close(); end end end --- Filters local function filter_open_close(data) if not data:find(xmlns_framing, 1, true) then return data; end local oc = parse_xml(data); if not oc then return data; end if oc.attr.xmlns ~= xmlns_framing then return data; end if oc.name == "close" then return ""; end if oc.name == "open" then oc.name = "stream:stream"; oc.attr.xmlns = nil; oc.attr["xmlns:stream"] = xmlns_streams; oc.attr["xmlns:db"] = xmlns_dialback; return oc:top_tag(); end return data; end local default_get_response_text = "It works!" local websocket_get_response_text = module:get_option_string("websocket_get_response_text", default_get_response_text) local default_get_response_body = [[Websocket


]] local websocket_get_response_body = module:get_option_string("websocket_get_response_body", default_get_response_body) local function validate_frame(frame, max_length) local opcode, length = frame.opcode, frame.length; if max_length and length > max_length then return false, 1009, "Payload too large"; end -- Error cases if frame.RSV1 or frame.RSV2 or frame.RSV3 then -- Reserved bits non zero return false, 1002, "Reserved bits not zero"; end if opcode == 0x8 and frame.data then -- close frame if length == 1 then return false, 1002, "Close frame with payload, but too short for status code"; elseif length >= 2 then local status_code = parse_close(frame.data) if status_code < 1000 then return false, 1002, "Closed with invalid status code"; elseif ((status_code > 1003 and status_code < 1007) or status_code > 1011) and status_code < 3000 then return false, 1002, "Closed with reserved status code"; end end end if opcode >= 0x8 then if length > 125 then -- Control frame with too much payload return false, 1002, "Payload too large"; end if not frame.FIN then -- Fragmented control frame return false, 1002, "Fragmented control frame"; end end if (opcode > 0x2 and opcode < 0x8) or (opcode > 0xA) then return false, 1002, "Reserved opcode"; end -- Check opcode if opcode == 0x2 then -- Binary frame return false, 1003, "Only text frames are supported, RFC 7395 3.2"; elseif opcode == 0x8 then -- Close request return false, 1000, "Goodbye"; end -- Other (XMPP-specific) validity checks if not frame.FIN then return false, 1003, "Continuation frames are not supported, RFC 7395 3.3.3"; end if opcode == 0x01 and frame.data and frame.data:byte(1, 1) ~= 60 then return false, 1007, "Invalid payload start character, RFC 7395 3.3.3"; end return true; end local function wrap_websocket(session, conn) local log = session.log or log; -- log("Debug", "Calling wrap_websocket"); local function websocket_close(code, message) log("debug", "Websocket close, writing a build_close frame"); conn:write(build_close(code, message)); conn:close(); end local function websocket_handle_error(session, code, message) log("debug", "handling an error on a websocket s2s"); if code == 1009 then -- stanza size limit exceeded -- we close the session, rather than the connection, -- otherwise a resuming client will simply resend the -- offending stanza session:close({ condition = "policy-violation", text = "stanza too large" }); else websocket_close(code, message); end end local function handle_frame(frame) log("debug", "Websocket received frame: opcode=%0x, %i bytes", frame.opcode, #frame.data); -- Check frame makes sense local frame_ok, err_status, err_text = validate_frame(frame, stanza_size_limit); if not frame_ok then return frame_ok, err_status, err_text; end local opcode = frame.opcode; if opcode == 0x9 then -- Ping frame frame.opcode = 0xA; frame.MASK = false; -- Clients send masked frames, servers don't, see #1484 conn:write(build_frame(frame)); return ""; elseif opcode == 0xA then -- Pong frame, MAY be sent unsolicited, eg as keepalive return ""; elseif opcode ~= 0x1 then -- Not text frame (which is all we support) log("warn", "Received frame with unsupported opcode %i", opcode); return ""; end return frame.data; end local frameBuffer = dbuffer.new(frame_buffer_limit, frame_fragment_limit); add_filter(session, "bytes/in", function(data) -- log("debug", "Calling the bytes/in filter"); if not frameBuffer:write(data) then log("warn", "websocket frame buffer full - terminating session"); session:close({ condition = "resource-constraint", text = "frame buffer exceeded" }); return; end local cache = {}; local frame, length, partial = parse_frame(frameBuffer); while frame do frameBuffer:discard(length); local result, err_status, err_text = handle_frame(frame); if not result then websocket_handle_error(session, err_status, err_text); break; end cache[#cache+1] = filter_open_close(result); frame, length, partial = parse_frame(frameBuffer); end if partial then -- The header of the next frame is already in the buffer, run -- some early validation here local frame_ok, err_status, err_text = validate_frame(partial, stanza_size_limit); if not frame_ok then websocket_handle_error(session, err_status, err_text); end end return t_concat(cache, ""); end); add_filter(session, "stanzas/out", function(stanza) -- log("debug", "Calling the stanzas/out filter"); stanza = st.clone(stanza); local attr = stanza.attr; attr.xmlns = attr.xmlns or xmlns_server; if stanza.name:find("^stream:") then attr["xmlns:stream"] = attr["xmlns:stream"] or xmlns_streams; end return stanza; end, -1000); add_filter(session, "bytes/out", function(data) -- log("debug", "Calling the bytes/out filter"); return build_frame({ FIN = true, opcode = 0x01, data = tostring(data)}); end); end function handle_request(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local conn = response.conn; conn.starttls = false; -- Prevent mod_tls from believing starttls can be done if not request.headers.sec_websocket_key or request.method ~= "GET" then return module:fire_event("http-message", { response = event.response; --- title = "Prosody S2s WebSocket endpoint"; message = websocket_get_response_text; warning = not (consider_websocket_secure or request.secure) and "This endpoint is not considered secure!" or nil; }) or websocket_get_response_body; end local wants_xmpp = contains_token(request.headers.sec_websocket_protocol or "", "xmpp"); if not wants_xmpp then log("debug", "Client didn't want to talk XMPP, list of protocols was %s", request.headers.sec_websocket_protocol or "(empty)"); return 501; end conn:setlistener(s2s_listener); s2s_listener.onconnect(conn); local session = sessions[conn]; -- Use upstream IP if a HTTP proxy was used -- See mod_http and #540 session.ip = request.ip; session.secure = consider_websocket_secure or request.secure or session.secure; session.websocket_request = request; session.open_stream = session_open_stream; session.close = session_close; wrap_websocket(session, conn); response.status_code = 101; response.headers.upgrade = "websocket"; response.headers.connection = "Upgrade"; response.headers.sec_webSocket_accept = base64_encode(sha1(request.headers.sec_websocket_key .. "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")); response.headers.sec_webSocket_protocol = "xmpp"; module:fire_event("websocket-session", { session = session, request = request }); log("debug", "Sending S2S WebSocket handshake"); return ""; end local function keepalive(event) local session = event.session; if session.open_stream == session_open_stream then local log = session.log or log; log("debug", "Sending a keepalive on outgoing websocket s2s"); return session.conn:write(build_frame({ opcode = 0x9, FIN = true })); end end -- OUTGOING CONNECTIONS local pending_websocket_close_timeout = 3; -- Seconds to wait after sending close frame until closing connection. local pending_websockets = {}; local pending_websocket_listeners = {}; function pending_websocket_listeners.ondisconnect(conn, err) local s = pending_websockets[conn]; if not s then return; end pending_websockets[conn] = nil; if s.close_timer then timer.stop(s.close_timer); s.close_timer = nil; end s.readyState = 3; if s.close_code == nil and s.onerror then s:onerror(err); end if s.onclose then s:onclose(s.close_code, s.close_message or err); end end function pending_websocket_listeners.ondetach(conn) pending_websockets[conn] = nil; end local pending_websocket_methods = {}; local function close_timeout_cb(now, timerid, s) -- luacheck: ignore 212/now 212/timerid s.close_timer = nil; log("warn", "Close timeout waiting for server to close, closing manually."); s.conn:close(); end function pending_websocket_methods:close(code, reason) if self.readyState < 2 then code = code or 1000; log("debug", "closing WebSocket with code %i: %s" , code , reason); self.readyState = 2; local conn = self.conn; conn:write(websocket_frames.build_close(code, reason, true)); -- Do not close socket straight away, wait for acknowledgement from server. self.close_timer = add_task(pending_websocket_close_timeout, close_timeout_cb, self); elseif self.readyState == 2 then log("debug", "tried to close a closing WebSocket, closing the raw socket."); -- Stop timer if self.close_timer then timer.stop(self.close_timer); self.close_timer = nil; end local conn = self.conn; conn:close(); else log("debug", "tried to close a closed WebSocket, ignoring."); end end function pending_websocket_methods:send(data, opcode) if self.readyState < 1 then return nil, "WebSocket not open yet, unable to send data."; elseif self.readyState >= 2 then return nil, "WebSocket closed, unable to send data."; end if opcode == "text" or opcode == nil then opcode = 0x1; elseif opcode == "binary" then opcode = 0x2; end local frame = { FIN = true; MASK = true; -- RFC 6455 6.1.5: If the data is being sent by the client, the frame(s) MUST be masked opcode = opcode; data = tostring(data); }; log("debug", "Pending S2S WebSocket sending frame: opcode=%0x, %i bytes", frame.opcode, #frame.data); return self.conn:write(websocket_frames.build(frame)); end local pending_websocket_metatable = { __index = pending_websocket_methods; }; local function custom_connect(url, ex, listeners) ex = ex or {}; --[[RFC 6455 4.1.7: The request MUST include a header field with the name |Sec-WebSocket-Key|. The value of this header field MUST be a nonce consisting of a randomly selected 16-byte value that has been base64-encoded (see Section 4 of [RFC4648]). The nonce MUST be selected randomly for each connection. ]] local key = base64_encode(random_bytes(16)); -- Either a single protocol string or an array of protocol strings. local protocol = ex.protocol; if type(protocol) == "string" then protocol = { protocol, [protocol] = true }; elseif type(protocol) == "table" and protocol[1] then for _, v in ipairs(protocol) do protocol[v] = true; end else protocol = nil; end local headers = { ["Upgrade"] = "websocket"; ["Connection"] = "Upgrade"; ["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = key; ["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = protocol and t_concat(protocol, ", "); ["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13"; ["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = ex.extensions; } if ex.headers then for k,v in pairs(ex.headers) do headers[k] = v; end end local s = setmetatable({ readbuffer = ""; databuffer = nil; conn = nil; close_code = nil; close_message = nil; close_timer = nil; readyState = 0; protocol = nil; url = url; onopen = listeners.onopen; onclose = listeners.onclose; onmessage = listeners.onmessage; onerror = listeners.onerror; }, pending_websocket_metatable); local http_url = url:gsub("^(ws)", "http"); local http_req = http.request(http_url, { -- luacheck: ignore 211/http_req method = "GET"; headers = headers; sslctx = ex.sslctx; insecure = ex.insecure; }, function(b, c, r, http_req) if c ~= 101 or r.headers["connection"]:lower() ~= "upgrade" or r.headers["upgrade"] ~= "websocket" or r.headers["sec-websocket-accept"] ~= base64_encode(sha1(key .. "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")) or (protocol and not protocol[r.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"]]) then s.readyState = 3; log("warn", "WebSocket connection to %s failed: %s", url, b); if s.onerror then s:onerror("connecting-failed"); end return; end s.protocol = r.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"]; -- Take possession of socket from http local conn = http_req.conn; http_req.conn = nil; s.conn = conn; pending_websockets[conn] = s; conn:setlistener(pending_websocket_listeners); log("debug", "WebSocket connected successfully to %s", url); s.readyState = 1; if s.onopen then s:onopen(); end -- this will detach pending_websocket_listeners end); return s; end function route_to_new_session(event) local from_host, to_host, stanza = event.from_host, event.to_host, event.stanza; log("debug", "Trying to route to %s using Websocket S2S", to_host); local ws_properties = module:fire_event("discover-websocket-s2s", { to_host = to_host }); if not ws_properties then log("debug", "No websocket s2s capabilities from remote host %s", to_host); return; end local ws_url = ws_properties.url; if (not ws_url) then log("error", "Missing url in the discover-websocket-s2s result"); end log("debug", "Found a Websocket endpoint for s2s communications to remote host %s", to_host); local session = s2s_new_outgoing(from_host, to_host); session.version = 1; -- Store in buffer session.bounce_sendq = bounce_sendq; session.sendq = { {tostring(stanza), stanza.attr.type ~= "error" and stanza.attr.type ~= "result" and st.reply(stanza)} }; session.log("debug", "stanza [%s] queued until connection complete", tostring(stanza.name)); -- FIXME: this is needed for admin tools to count this connection. -- session.websocket_request = request; session.open_stream = session_open_stream; session.close = session_close; local ex = {}; ex["headers"] = ws_properties.extra_headers or {}; ex["protocol"] = "xmpp"; if ws_url:find('^wss:') ~= nil then log("debug", "Outgoing WS S2S Session is considered secure, we are using wss"); session.secure = true; else log("debug", "Outgoing WS S2S Session is considered insecure, because the endpoint is not using wss"); session.secure = false; end -- now we start using the session logger local log = session.log; log("debug", "Starting the s2s websocket connection process"); local function onopen(s) log("debug", "Outgoing Websocket S2S: Successfully connected"); local conn = s.conn; conn.starttls = false; -- Prevent mod_tls from believing starttls can be done. FIXME: is this really needed? session.conn = conn; wrap_websocket(session, conn); -- Switching to the s2s listener. conn:setlistener(s2s_listener); s2s_listener.register_outgoing(conn, session); s2s_listener.onconnect(conn); -- many websocket server or proxy have timeouts when the connection is not active. -- for example when nginx proxifies websocket, it has a default 60 seconds timeout. -- so we will send keepalives on outgoing connections (in addition to keepalives sent by mod_s2s). session.ws_s2s_keepalive_timer = module:add_timer(websocket_s2s_ping_interval, function () log("debug", "Timer triggered, sending a keepalive on outgoing websocket s2s"); session.conn:write(build_frame({ opcode = 0x9, FIN = true })); return websocket_s2s_ping_interval; end); end local function onclose(s, code, message) log("debug", "Pending WS Connection onclose event."); -- FIXME: is this ok? s2s_destroy_session(session, message or code or "unable to connect to websocket"); end -- Note: we should use net.websocket.connect to connect to the remote server. -- But at time i'm writing this comment (Prosody 0.12.3), this function calls -- `websocket_listeners.onincoming(conn, b);` just after the `onopen` function -- is called. But here, we switch the connection listener to use the -- s2s_listener as soon as the connection is open. So it can't work. -- That's why I use net.http, and handle the Websocket handshake by hand. local ws_connection = custom_connect(ws_url, ex, { onopen = onopen; onclose = onclose; }); return true; end module:hook("server-stopping", function(event) -- Stop opening new connections log("debug", "Unhooking route/remote to stop accepting new outgoing connections"); module:unhook("route/remote", route_to_new_session); log("debug", "Closing pending Websocket S2S connections"); local wait, done = async.waiter(1, true); -- Close pending websockets local reason = event.reason; for conn, pending_websocket in pairs(pending_websockets) do log("debug", "Found a pending connection, closing it."); pending_websocket.close(nil, reason); end -- Wait for them to close properly if they haven't already if next(pending_websockets) ~= nil then module:log("info", "Waiting for pending websocket sessions to close"); add_task(stream_close_timeout + 1, function () done() end); wait(); end end, -100); function module.add_host(module) module:hook("route/remote", route_to_new_session, -2); module:depends("http"); module:provides("http", { name = "websocket"; default_path = "xmpp-websocket-s2s"; cors = { enabled = true; }; route = { ["GET"] = handle_request; ["GET /"] = handle_request; }; }); module:hook("s2s-read-timeout", keepalive, -0.9); module:hook("s2s-destroyed", function (event) local session = event.session; if not session then return; end local log = session.log or log; if session.ws_s2s_keepalive_timer then log("debug", "Stopping keepalive timer"); session.ws_s2s_keepalive_timer:stop(); end end); end if require"core.modulemanager".get_modules_for_host("*"):contains(module.name) then module:add_host(); end