module:set_global(); local path = require "util.paths"; local json = require "util.json"; local server_infos_dir = assert(module:get_option_string("peertubelivechat_server_infos_path", nil), "'peertubelivechat_server_infos_path' is a required option"); local current_instance_url = assert(module:get_option_string("peertubelivechat_instance_url", nil), "'peertubelivechat_instance_url' is a required option"); function discover_websocket_s2s(event) local to_host = event.to_host; module:log("debug", "Searching websocket s2s for remote host %s", to_host); -- FIXME: this was commented for the 6.4.0-alpha4, to test ws s2s. Revert before releasing. -- local f_s2s =, to_host, 's2s'), "r"); -- if f_s2s ~= nil then -- io.close(f_s2s); -- module:log("debug", "Remote host is a known Peertube %s that has s2s activated, we will let legacy s2s module handle the connection", to_host); -- return; -- end local f_ws_proxy =, to_host, 'ws-s2s'), "r"); if f_ws_proxy == nil then module:log("debug", "Remote host %s is not a known remote Peertube, we will let legacy s2s module handle the connection", to_host); return; end local content = f_ws_proxy:read("*all"); io.close(f_ws_proxy); local remote_ws_proxy_conf = json.decode(content); if (not remote_ws_proxy_conf) then module:log("error", "Remote host %s has empty ws-s2s configuration", to_host); return; end if (not remote_ws_proxy_conf['url']) then module:log("error", "Remote host %s has missing Websocket url in ws-s2s configuration", to_host); return; end module:log("debug", "Found a Websocket endpoint to proxify s2s communications to remote host %s", to_host); local properties = {}; properties["extra_headers"] = { ["peertube-livechat-ws-s2s-instance-url"] = current_instance_url; }; properties["url"] = remote_ws_proxy_conf["url"]; return properties; end function module.add_host(module) module:hook("discover-websocket-s2s", discover_websocket_s2s, -9); end if require"core.modulemanager".get_modules_for_host("*"):contains( then module:add_host(); end