import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import { ensureProsodyRunning } from './prosody/ctl' import type { ConverseJSTheme } from '../../shared/lib/types' function initSettings (options: RegisterServerOptions): void { const { peertubeHelpers, registerSetting, settingsManager } = options // ********** IMPORTANT NOTES registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

Important notes

' }) registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: `Please read the documentation first.` }) registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: `Before asking for help, please use the diagnostic tool: Launch diagnostic (if this button is not opening a new window, please try to refresh the page).` }) // ********** Chat Mode registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

Chat mode

' }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-help-builtin-prosody', type: 'html', label: 'Prosody server', descriptionHTML: `This plugin uses the Prosody XMPP server to handle chat rooms.
The Peertube server will control this Prosody server.
Important Note: you have to install Prosody on your server. Please read the documentation.`, private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-list-rooms', label: 'List existing rooms', type: 'html', descriptionHTML: 'List rooms', private: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-room-type', label: 'Room type', type: 'select', descriptionHTML: 'You can choose here to have separate rooms for each video, or to group them by channel.', private: false, default: 'video', options: [ { value: 'video', label: 'Each video has its own webchat room' }, { value: 'channel', label: 'Webchat rooms are grouped by channel' } ] }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-port', label: 'Prosody port', type: 'input', default: '52800', private: true, descriptionHTML: `The port that will be used by the builtin Prosody server.
Change it if this port is already in use on your server.
You can close this port on your firewall, it will not be accessed from the outer world.` }) // ********** Chat behaviour registerSetting({ type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

Chat behaviour

' }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-auto-display', label: 'Automatically open the chat', descriptionHTML: 'When watching a video, the chatbox will automatically open', type: 'input-checkbox', default: true, private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-open-blank', label: 'Show the «open in new window» button', descriptionHTML: 'There will be a button for opening the web chat in a new window.', private: false, type: 'input-checkbox', default: true }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-per-live-video', label: 'Users can activate the chat for their lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: true, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, all live videos will have a checkbox in their properties for enabling the web chat.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-per-live-video-warning', type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: ` You have enabled the setting «Users can activate the chat for their lives». It is redundant with the «Activate chat for all lives» setting. ` }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-all-lives', label: 'Activate chat for all lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, the chat will be enabled for all lives.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-all-non-lives', label: 'Activate chat for all non-lives', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, the chat will be enable for all video that are not lives.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-videos-list', label: 'Activate chat for these videos', type: 'input-textarea', default: '', descriptionHTML: `Videos UUIDs for which we want a web chat. Can be non-live videos. One per line.
You can add comments: everything after the # character will be stripped off, and empty lines ignored.
Don't add private videos, the UUIDs will be send to frontend.`, private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-no-anonymous', label: 'Hide the chat for anonymous users', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, descriptionHTML: 'If checked, anonymous Peertube users won\'t see the chat.', private: false }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-style', label: 'Webchat iframe style attribute', type: 'input-textarea', default: '', descriptionHTML: `Additional styles to be added on the iframe style attribute.
Example: height:400px;`, private: false }) // ********** ConverseJS advanced settings registerSetting({ name: 'converse-advanced', type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

ConverseJS advanced settings

' }) registerSetting({ name: 'converse-theme', label: 'ConverseJS theme', type: 'select', default: 'peertube' as ConverseJSTheme, private: false, options: [ { value: 'peertube', label: 'Peertube theme' }, { value: 'default', label: 'Default ConverseJS theme' }, { value: 'concord', label: 'ConverseJS concord theme' } ] as Array<{value: ConverseJSTheme, label: string}>, descriptionHTML: 'Please choose the converseJS theme you want to use.' }) registerSetting({ name: 'converse-autocolors', label: 'Automatic color detection', type: 'input-checkbox', default: true, private: false, descriptionHTML: `Try to auto detect colors from user's current theme.
When this settings is enabled, the plugin tries to auto-detect colors to apply to the chat theme.
If this is not correctly working for some of your Peertube theme, you can disable this option. You can report the bug on the official issue tracker . Don't forget to specify which theme is not working.` }) // ********** Built-in Prosody advanced settings registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-advanced', type: 'html', private: true, descriptionHTML: '

Prosody advanced settings

' }) registerSetting({ name: 'chat-share-url', label: 'Show the «share chat link» button', descriptionHTML: 'There will be a button for sharing a chat url (could be used to intregrated in OBS for example).', private: false, type: 'select', default: 'owner', options: [ { label: 'Show for nobody', value: 'nobody' }, { label: 'Show for everyone', value: 'everyone' }, { label: 'Show for the video owner', value: 'owner' }, { label: 'Show for the video owner and instance\'s moderators', value: 'owner+moderators' } ] }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-peertube-uri', label: 'Peertube url for API calls', type: 'input', default: '', private: true, descriptionHTML: `Please let this settings empty if you don't know what you are doing.
In some rare case, Prosody can't call Peertube's API from its public URI. You can use this field to customise Peertube's URI for Prosody modules (for example with «http://localhost:9000»).` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-muc-log-by-default', label: 'Log rooms content by default', type: 'input-checkbox', default: true, private: true, descriptionHTML: `If checked, room contents will be saved by default. Any user that join a room will we what was written before he joins.
Please note that it is always possible to enable/disable the content archiving for a specific room, by editing its properties. ` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-muc-expiration', label: 'Room logs expiration', type: 'input', default: '1w', private: true, descriptionHTML: `You can choose here how long the chatting room's content is kept by the server. The value can be: ` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-c2s', label: 'Enable client to server connections', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, private: true, descriptionHTML: `Enable XMPP clients to connect to the builtin Prosody server.
This option alone only allows connections from localhost clients.` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-c2s-port', label: 'Prosody client to server port', type: 'input', default: '52822', private: true, descriptionHTML: `The port that will be used by the c2s module of the builtin Prosody server.
XMPP clients shall use this port to connect.
Change it if this port is already in use on your server.
You can keep this port closed on your firewall for now, it will not be accessed from the outer world.` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-components', label: 'Enable custom Prosody external components', type: 'input-checkbox', default: false, private: true, descriptionHTML: `Enable the use of external XMPP components.
This option alone only allows connections from localhost.
This feature can for example be used to connect some bots to the chatting rooms.` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-components-port', label: 'Prosody external components port', type: 'input', default: '53470', private: true, descriptionHTML: `The port that will be used by XMPP components to connect to the Prosody server.
Change it if this port is already in use on your server.
You can keep this port closed on your firewall for now, it will not be accessed from the outer world.` }) registerSetting({ name: 'prosody-components-list', label: 'External components', type: 'input-textarea', default: '', private: true, descriptionHTML: `The external components to create: ` }) // ********** settings changes management settingsManager.onSettingsChange(async (_settings: any) => {'Saving settings, ensuring prosody is running') await ensureProsodyRunning(options) }) } export { initSettings }