// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import { listProsodyRooms, updateProsodyRoom } from '../api/manage-rooms' import { Affiliations, getVideoAffiliations, getChannelAffiliations } from '../config/affiliations' import { getProsodyDomain } from '../config/domain' import * as path from 'path' import * as fs from 'fs' /** * Livechat v10.0.0: we change the way MUC affiliations are handled. * So we must remove all affiliations to peertube admin/owner (unless there are video/channel owners). * For more info, see https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/issues/385 * * This script will only be launched one time. */ async function migrateMUCAffiliations (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise<void> { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger // First, detect if we already run this script. const doneFilePath = path.resolve(options.peertubeHelpers.plugin.getDataDirectoryPath(), 'fix-v10-affiliations') if (fs.existsSync(doneFilePath)) { logger.debug('[migratev10MUCAffiliations] MUC affiliations for v10 already migrated.') return } logger.info('[migratev10MUCAffiliations] Migrating MUC affiliations for livechat v10...') const prosodyDomain = await getProsodyDomain(options) const rooms = await listProsodyRooms(options) logger.debug('[migratev10MUCAffiliations] Found ' + rooms.length.toString() + ' rooms.') logger.debug('[migratev10MUCAffiliations] loading peertube admins and moderators...') const peertubeAff = await _getPeertubeAdminsAndModerators(options, prosodyDomain) for (const room of rooms) { try { let affiliations: Affiliations logger.info('[migratev10MUCAffiliations] Must migrate affiliations for room ' + room.localpart) const matches = room.localpart.match(/^channel\.(\d+)$/) if (matches?.[1]) { // room associated to a channel const channelId: number = parseInt(matches[1]) if (isNaN(channelId)) { throw new Error('Invalid channelId ' + room.localpart) } affiliations = await getChannelAffiliations(options, channelId) } else { // room associated to a video const video = await options.peertubeHelpers.videos.loadByIdOrUUID(room.localpart) if (!video || video.remote) { logger.info('[migratev10MUCAffiliations] Video ' + room.localpart + ' not found or remote, skipping') continue } affiliations = await getVideoAffiliations(options, video) } const affiliationsToRemove: string[] = [] for (const jid in peertubeAff) { if (jid in affiliations) { continue } affiliationsToRemove.push(jid) } logger.debug( '[migratev10MUCAffiliations] Room ' + room.localpart + ', affiliations to set: ' + JSON.stringify(affiliations) ) logger.debug( '[migratev10MUCAffiliations] Room ' + room.localpart + ', affilations to remove: ' + JSON.stringify(affiliationsToRemove) ) await updateProsodyRoom(options, room.jid, { addAffiliations: affiliations, removeAffiliationsFor: affiliationsToRemove }) } catch (err) { logger.error( '[migratev10MUCAffiliations] Failed to handle room ' + room.localpart + ', skipping. Error: ' + (err as string) ) continue } } await fs.promises.writeFile(doneFilePath, '') } async function _getPeertubeAdminsAndModerators ( options: RegisterServerOptions, prosodyDomain: string ): Promise<Affiliations> { // Get all admins and moderators const [results] = await options.peertubeHelpers.database.query( 'SELECT "username" FROM "user"' + ' WHERE "user"."role" IN (0, 1)' ) if (!Array.isArray(results)) { throw new Error('_getPeertubeAdminsAndModerators: query result is not an array.') } const r: Affiliations = {} for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { const result = results[i] if (typeof result !== 'object') { throw new Error('_getPeertubeAdminsAndModerators: query result is not an object') } if (!('username' in result)) { throw new Error('_getPeertubeAdminsAndModerators: no username field in result') } const jid = (result.username as string) + '@' + prosodyDomain r[jid] = 'member' // member, but in fact the migration will just remove the affilation. } return r } export { migrateMUCAffiliations }