// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ChannelEmojis, CustomEmojiDefinition } from '../../../shared/lib/types' import { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import { getBaseRouterRoute } from '../helpers' import { canonicalizePluginUri } from '../uri/canonicalize' import { allowedMimeTypes, allowedExtensions, maxEmojisPerChannel, maxSize } from '../../../shared/lib/emojis' import * as path from 'node:path' import * as fs from 'node:fs' let singleton: Emojis | undefined interface BufferInfos { url: string buf: Buffer filename: string } export class Emojis { protected options: RegisterServerOptions protected channelBasePath: string protected channelBaseUri: string protected readonly channelCache = new Map<number, boolean>() protected readonly logger: { debug: (s: string) => void info: (s: string) => void warn: (s: string) => void error: (s: string) => void } constructor (options: RegisterServerOptions) { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger this.options = options this.channelBasePath = path.join( options.peertubeHelpers.plugin.getDataDirectoryPath(), 'emojis', 'channel' ) const baseRouterRoute = getBaseRouterRoute(options) this.channelBaseUri = canonicalizePluginUri( options, baseRouterRoute + 'emojis/channel/', { removePluginVersion: true } ) this.logger = { debug: (s) => logger.debug('[Emojis] ' + s), info: (s) => logger.info('[Emojis] ' + s), warn: (s) => logger.warn('[Emojis] ' + s), error: (s) => logger.error('[Emojis] ' + s) } } /** * Test if channel has custom emojis. * @param channelId channel Id */ public async channelHasCustomEmojis (channelId: number): Promise<boolean> { if (this.channelCache.has(channelId)) { return this.channelCache.get(channelId) as boolean } const filepath = this.channelCustomEmojisDefinitionPath(channelId) const v = await fs.promises.access(filepath, fs.constants.F_OK).then(() => true, () => false) this.channelCache.set(channelId, v) return v } /** * Gets the public url for the channel emojis definition, if there are custom emojis. * @param channelId channel Id */ public async channelCustomEmojisUrl (channelId: number): Promise<string | undefined> { if (!await this.channelHasCustomEmojis(channelId)) { return undefined } return canonicalizePluginUri( this.options, getBaseRouterRoute(this.options) + 'emojis/channel/' + encodeURIComponent(channelId) + '/definition', { removePluginVersion: true } ) } /** * Get the file path for the channel definition JSON file (does not test if the file exists). * @param channelId channel Id */ public channelCustomEmojisDefinitionPath (channelId: number): string { if (typeof channelId !== 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid channelId') } return path.join(this.channelBasePath, channelId.toString(), 'definition.json') } /** * Get the current definition for the channel emojis. * @param channelId the channel id * @returns the custom emojis definition */ public async channelCustomEmojisDefinition (channelId: number): Promise<ChannelEmojis | undefined> { const filepath = this.channelCustomEmojisDefinitionPath(channelId) let content try { content = await fs.promises.readFile(filepath) } catch (err: any) { if (('code' in err) && err.code === 'ENOENT') { // File does not exist, this is normal. return undefined } throw err } return JSON.parse(content.toString()) } /** * Test that the filename is a valid image filename. * Valid file name are as `42.png`: an integer, with a valid image extension. * @param fileName the filename to test */ public validImageFileName (fileName: string): boolean { const m = fileName.match(/^(?:\d+)\.([a-z]+)$/) if (!m) { this.logger.debug('Filename invalid: ' + fileName) return false } const ext = m[1] if (!allowedExtensions.includes(ext)) { this.logger.debug('File extension non allowed: ' + ext) return false } return true } /** * Test if short name is valid. * @param sn short name */ public validShortName (sn: any): boolean { if ((typeof sn !== 'string') || !/^:?[\w-]+:?$/.test(sn)) { this.logger.debug('Short name invalid: ' + (typeof sn === 'string' ? sn : '???')) return false } return true } /** * Test that the url is a valid file url for the given channel. * @param channelId channel id * @param url the url to test * @returns true if ok */ public async validFileUrl (channelId: number, url: any): Promise<boolean> { if (typeof url !== 'string') { this.logger.debug('File url is not a string') return false } if (!url.startsWith('https://') && !url.startsWith('http://')) { this.logger.debug('Url does not start by http scheme') return false } const fileName = url.split('/').pop() ?? '' if (!this.validImageFileName(fileName)) { return false } const correctUrl = this.channelBaseUri + channelId.toString() + '/files/' + encodeURIComponent(fileName) if (url !== correctUrl) { this.logger.debug('Url is not the expected url: ' + url + ' vs ' + correctUrl) return false } // TODO: test if file exists? (if so, only if we dont have any buffer to write) return true } public async validBufferInfos (channelId: number, toBufInfos: BufferInfos): Promise<boolean> { if (toBufInfos.buf.length > maxSize) { this.logger.debug('File is too big') return false } return true } public async fileDataURLToBufferInfos ( channelId: number, url: unknown, cnt: number ): Promise<BufferInfos | undefined> { if ((typeof url !== 'string') || !url.startsWith('data:')) { return undefined } const regex = /^data:(\w+\/([a-z]+));base64,/ const m = url.match(regex) if (!m) { this.logger.debug('Invalid data url format.') return undefined } const mimetype = m[1] if (!allowedMimeTypes.includes(mimetype)) { this.logger.debug('Mime type not allowed: ' + mimetype) } const ext = m[2] if (!allowedExtensions.includes(ext)) { this.logger.debug('Extension not allowed: ' + ext) return undefined } const buf = Buffer.from(url.replace(regex, ''), 'base64') // For the filename, in order to get something unique, we will just use a timestamp + a counter. const filename = Date.now().toString() + cnt.toString() + '.' + ext const newUrl = this.channelBaseUri + channelId.toString() + '/files/' + encodeURIComponent(filename) return { buf, url: newUrl, filename } } /** * Returns the filepath for a given channel custom emojis * @param channelId channel Id * @param fileName the file name * @returns the file path */ public channelCustomEmojisFilePath (channelId: number, fileName: string): string { if (!this.validImageFileName(fileName)) { throw new Error('Invalid filename') } return path.join( this.channelCustomEmojisDirPath(channelId), fileName ) } /** * Returns the dir path where to store emojis files relative to a channel. * @param channelId channel Id * @returns the dir path */ public channelCustomEmojisDirPath (channelId: number): string { if (typeof channelId !== 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid channelId') } return path.join( this.channelBasePath, channelId.toString(), 'files' ) } public emptyChannelDefinition (): ChannelEmojis { return { customEmojis: [] } } /** * Sanitize the definition. * Throw an error if format is not valid. * @param channelId channel id * @param def the definition * @returns a proper ChannelEmojis, and some BufferInfos for missing files * @throws Error if format is not valid */ public async sanitizeChannelDefinition (channelId: number, def: any): Promise<[ChannelEmojis, BufferInfos[]]> { if (typeof def !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid definition, type must be object') } if (!('customEmojis' in def) || !Array.isArray(def.customEmojis)) { throw new Error('Invalid custom emojis entry in definition') } if (def.customEmojis.length > maxEmojisPerChannel) { // to avoid unlimited image storage throw new Error('Too many custom emojis') } const buffersInfos: BufferInfos[] = [] let cnt = 0 const customEmojis: CustomEmojiDefinition[] = [] let categoryEmojiFound = false for (const ce of def.customEmojis) { cnt++ if (typeof ce !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid custom emoji') } if (!this.validShortName(ce.sn)) { throw new Error('Invalid short name') } if ((typeof ce.url === 'string') && ce.url.startsWith('data:')) { const b = await this.fileDataURLToBufferInfos(channelId, ce.url, cnt) if (!b) { throw new Error('Invalid data URL') } if (!await this.validBufferInfos(channelId, b)) { throw new Error('Invalid file') } ce.url = b.url buffersInfos.push(b) } if (!await this.validFileUrl(channelId, ce.url)) { throw new Error('Invalid file url') } const sanitized: CustomEmojiDefinition = { sn: ce.sn, url: ce.url } if (ce.isCategoryEmoji === true && !categoryEmojiFound) { sanitized.isCategoryEmoji = true categoryEmojiFound = true } customEmojis.push(sanitized) } const result: ChannelEmojis = { customEmojis: customEmojis } return [result, buffersInfos] } /** * Saves the channel custom emojis definition file. * @param channelId the channel Id * @param def the custom emojis definition * @param bufferInfos buffers to write for missing files. */ public async saveChannelDefinition ( channelId: number, def: ChannelEmojis, bufferInfos: BufferInfos[] ): Promise<void> { const filepath = this.channelCustomEmojisDefinitionPath(channelId) await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(filepath), { recursive: true }) await fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, JSON.stringify(def)) this.channelCache.delete(channelId) const fileDirPath = this.channelCustomEmojisDirPath(channelId) await fs.promises.mkdir(fileDirPath, { recursive: true }) for (const b of bufferInfos) { const fp = path.join( fileDirPath, b.filename ) await fs.promises.writeFile(fp, b.buf) } // Finally, remove deprecated files const presentFiles = new Map<string, true>() for (const e of def.customEmojis) { const fn = e.url.split('/').pop() if (fn === undefined) { continue } presentFiles.set(fn, true) } const dirents = await fs.promises.readdir(fileDirPath, { withFileTypes: true }) for (const dirent of dirents) { if (!dirent.isFile()) { continue } if (presentFiles.has(dirent.name)) { continue } const fp = path.join(fileDirPath, dirent.name) this.logger.debug('Deleting obsolete emojis file: ' + fp) await fs.promises.unlink(fp) } } /** * Deletes channel custom emojis definitions and files. * @param channelId channel id */ public async deleteChannelDefinition (channelId: number): Promise<void> { const filepath = this.channelCustomEmojisDefinitionPath(channelId) const fileDirPath = this.channelCustomEmojisDirPath(channelId) this.logger.info('Deleting all channel ' + channelId.toString() + ' emojis...') try { await fs.promises.rm(fileDirPath, { force: true, recursive: true }) await fs.promises.rm(path.dirname(filepath), { force: true, recursive: true }) } catch (err: any) { if (!(('code' in err) && err.code === 'ENOENT')) { this.logger.error(err) } } finally { this.channelCache.delete(channelId) } } /** * Returns the singleton, of thrown an exception if it is not initialized yet. * Please note that this singleton won't exist if feature is disabled. * @returns the singleton */ public static singleton (): Emojis { if (!singleton) { throw new Error('Emojis singleton not initialized yet') } return singleton } /** * Returns the singleton, or undefined if not initiliazed yet. * Please note that this singleton won't exist if feature is disabled. */ public static singletonSafe (): Emojis | undefined { return singleton } /** * Creates the singleton, unless the feature is disabled. * @param options Peertube server options */ public static async initSingleton (options: RegisterServerOptions): Promise<void> { const disabled = await options.settingsManager.getSetting('disable-channel-configuration') if (disabled) { singleton = undefined } else { singleton = new Emojis(options) } } /** * frees the singleton */ public static async destroySingleton (): Promise<void> { if (!singleton) { return } singleton = undefined } }